20 Wedding Planning Tips

20 Wedding Planning Tips From Real Brides

We're less than a month away from the big day, and the anticipation is starting to get to us. In an effort to alleviate some of the pressure, we compiled some of our most beloved pieces of guidance from actual Vogue Wedding brides. Anything these newlyweds have to say is refreshingly sincere, and we agree with it all. Feel free to share your thoughts below if you're a genuine bride reading this page or if you're in the process of arranging your own wedding.


Putting in some "YOU" time is fine, but keep it simple; more is less. Remember the day's purpose at all times. Have fun and be thankful for each stage of the journey. – Jessica from Michigan

Get The Word Out

Making your own invitations, napkins, or sign is easy enough that the best piece of advise we can give is to just do it, and if you get stuck along the way, just ask for assistance. It's incredible how willing people are to pitch in and help. – Jessica from Washington

We Advise Not To Stress.

Never worry about trying to fix things that the cosmos is perfectly capable of fixing. Things will eventually be put in order. The rain on the wedding day caused the brides' hair to soon become unmanageable in the wind. Her hair, which was perfectly straight when she arrived, became incredibly frizzy as soon as she got out of the car. But she was not concerned. She was also unconcerned about the new location for reception. The outside cafe gardens were planned to host the reception. They were caught without a plan B, but luckily a tent had been set up for a different event, and they were able to sleep under it with a view of the ocean! Furthermore, they didn't fret over the sacrament itself. It had been pouring heavily, but as soon as the show began, the skies cleared, and the rest of the day was perfect. They would have damaged their own experience by feeling unhappy, angry, etc. When they think back on that special day, they are filled with joy since everything went so smoothly. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best wedding that could have happened. – Stella from Florida

Keep The Main Point In Mind.

This is hard. The bride and groom's love. Choose the few things you won't compromise on, like the wedding dress, then work through the rest. – Rachel from Australia

Planning – Community Support

We owe so much to the tremendous help we received from everyone. A friend had also suggested that we take a weekend away from the bustle of wedding planning to share in each other's company while we wrote our vows and talked about our hopes for the future of our marriage and our joy at finally being able to tie the knot. In short, you should not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. – Kristin from California

Don't Make A Big Deal Out Of Nothing

Though it's essential to pay close attention to detail, there's no need to worry unnecessarily over the smallest of issues. On the big day, you won't be worrying about whether or not the guest book is perfect or the cake has three or four layers. You'll be too busy saying "I do" to notice the details. – Megan from Canada

Our Family And Friends Had A Blast.

We prepared for this day for an entire year, so seeing it all come together was an unforgettable experience. – Rachel from New York

Don't Let Your Budget Determine Your Wedding Plan.

You should be as resourceful as possible within the constraints of the budget you've established for yourself. We went winemaking, cork-cutting, painting plywood, chalkboard, hand-painting burlap sacks for party favours, and silver platter-hunting at rummage sales. Though the time investment could be substantial, the financial reward is worth it. Things like those are what people remember most. Also, we were able to succeed thanks to the efforts of many others. We had very little to do in the days leading up to the wedding because of our meticulous preparation. It was wonderful to enter the wedding weekend without a lot of anxiety, knowing that we could simply take it easy and enjoy each other's company. – Jessica from Washington

Have Fun

Don't second-guess yourself; trust the experts handling your event. – Genya from Atlanta. There will be times of frustration and overwhelm, and you will become weary of having to make choices, but know that everything will eventually fall into place. You're about to marry your closest friend, so keep that in mind when the stress and anxiety begin to mount. Afterwards, you'll get to rejoice with the people who mean the most to you. The best thing ever! – Jessica from Texas

Don't Act Casual On Your Wedding Day.

It's the beginning of a brand-new era in your life. It's not a storybook ending or a picture-perfect day; it's an actual event. It's not what you look at that matters; rather, it's what you perceive, as Henry David Thoreau famously put it. This advice is just as relevant for the rest of your life as it is for your wedding day. A relative fainted at the altar during our wedding, but that didn't stop anybody from having a nice time, and the same could be said for those who spent the entire day nitpicking and complaining about how things weren't going their way. What happens on your wedding day is entirely up to you. Choose to have a fantastic day and see everything that occurs as a learning opportunity. We did that, and it was fantastic! – Erica from California

Always Be Yourself

If you are doing any kind of long-distance preparation for your wedding, we strongly advise you to hire a wedding planner. Spending on photography should not be slashed too deeply. As time has passed, we have come to appreciate that choice's significance even more. It's the one item you can keep forever and show to everyone you care about. In addition, We appreciate your hosting such a fantastic event and introducing me and my fellow West Virginians to your state's natural splendour.

Locate An Attractive Location (With Plenty Of Light) And Keep Things Basic.

Hire a professional photographer. – Chelsea from France

Make The Best Plans You Can, And Then Go With The Flow.

Your attitude towards whatever setbacks you encounter will determine whether or not your day ends up being a terrible or pleasant one. People don't want to be thirsty or hungry so having lots of food and alcohol was a huge win. If you don't have those fundamentals covered, the party is doomed to fail from the get-go. Ensure the DJ or band has a firm grasp on the feel you want to achieve for the evening if dancing is a priority. A great DJ and even better live music got the party began and kept the good times rolling! – Nora from D.C.

Keep Things Basic And Try To Take Pleasure In The Journey.

Camera For Wedding Photography

Wedding decor should reflect both of your personalities, so don't forget to include special touches for the groom and his guests. Put aside some time to observe the festivities together. Relax and take things easy. – Micki from Wisconsin

We Had A Longer Engagement, So We Could Reserve All The Vendors We Wanted.

The lightning speed with which venues and people are booked is astounding. We conclude that it was a smashing success. Having reliable service providers made for a stress-free wedding day and gave us the atmosphere we had envisioned. Aside from that, it helps to keep yourself really well-organised. When we got engaged, a Vogue Ballroom wedding organiser binder was one of the finest gifts we received. That binder served us well right up until the day we tied the knot. – Molly from Minnesota

If You're Planning A Wedding Far Away, You Can't Delegate To Relatives.

Don't put off "little things" until the day of the wedding, because you'll wind yourself doing most of it yourself. – Kim from Oregon

Try Not To Overdo Diy And Stick To A Few Projects.

We almost took care of the floral arrangements and desserts, but we're glad we didn't. If you insist on adding that handcrafted, special touch, it's best to be practical and seek the advice of trusted loved ones. Learn as much as you can about the companies you're considering doing business with. Don't be scared to try something new, whether it's the high street or buying online; the world is full of incredible talent. Remember that this is supposed to be the day of your dreams, so do what makes you happy as a couple and what reflects who you are as individuals. – Orlaith from Ireland

Celebrate Your Love On Your Wedding Day.

Indulge in one another's company, laugh it up, and keep in mind that it's fine if things don't go as planned. – Brittany from North Carolina. Remember why you're getting married, and try to take full advantage of your special day. That's a piece of cake, right? When preparing for something over a long period of time, we all tend to put an undue amount of pressure on ourselves. It's easy to lose sight of the original motivation behind your participation after all the mental construction you've put into it. You may have the wedding of your dreams if you just put in the necessary time and effort, adopt the proper mentality, and enlist the aid of others.


Our favourite pieces of advice from real Vogue Weddings brides are collected here. Don't procrastinate; just do it, and if you need help along the road, ask for it. Keep in mind why you're here today. Enjoy the process and be grateful for it as it unfolds. This is an incredible chance that you should not pass up.

There's no point in stressing out about nothing. Since your focus will be on saying "I do," you won't be able to pay attention to anything else. Don't let a lack of funds prevent you from having a memorable wedding. We cannot stress enough the importance of hiring a wedding planner if your wedding preparations need any sort of long-distance coordination. As Henry David Thoreau so eloquently phrased it, "perception is everything," not the objects of one's gaze.

It was a wonderful success to have so much food and drink available. The party started off with a fantastic DJ and even better live music. Having trustworthy vendors made for a worry-free wedding day. Keeping yourself extremely well-organized is essential if you're arranging a wedding from afar. Spend time together, have some fun, and remember that it's okay if things don't go exactly as planned. Whether you prefer shopping on the high street or online, don't be afraid to explore new options. Try to make the most of your wedding day by not forgetting the reason you're celebrating it in the first place.

Content Summary

  1. To help, we've gathered some of our favourite pieces of advice from real Vogue Wedding brides to share with you.
  2. We wholeheartedly endorse what these newlyweds have to say.
  3. If you are a real bride reading this or if you are planning your own wedding, please leave a comment below.
  4. Keep in mind why you're here today.
  5. The brides' hair became unruly in the wind due to the rain that fell on their wedding day.
  6. The affection between the newlyweds.
  7. Make a list of the absolute must-haves, such as the wedding dress, and work from there.
  8. One of our friends also suggested that we take a weekend away from the stress of wedding preparation to spend alone as a couple, writing our vows and talking about our aspirations and dreams for the future of our marriage and our happiness at being able to finally tie the knot.
  9. Avoid making a mountain out of a molehill.
  10. It's important to be thorough, but worrying needlessly over little flaws is counterproductive.
  11. No need to stress about minor details like if the guest book is perfect or if the cake has three or four layers on the big day.
  12. Since your focus will be on saying "I do," you won't be able to pay attention to anything else.
  13. Be as resourceful as you can within the limits of your budget.
  14. Because of our careful planning, we didn't have much to do in the days leading up to the wedding.
  15. It was great to go into the wedding weekend relaxed and ready to have fun with our friends and family.
  16. Don't second-guess yourself; the professionals planning your event know what they're doing.
  17. This is the start of a completely new chapter in your life.
  18. This guidance is appropriate for the wedding day and the rest of your life.
  19. On your wedding day, you get to do whatever you want.
  20. Instead of letting the day's events get you down, decide to use them as a learning experience.
  21. Never try to pass yourself off as someone else.
  22. We cannot stress enough the importance of hiring a wedding planner if your wedding preparations need any sort of long-distance coordination.
  23. Invest in the services of a skilled photographer.
  24. Having enough of food and alcohol on hand was a tremendous success because no one enjoys being parched or hungry.
  25. Without those prerequisites met, the celebration is doomed to fail.
  26. If you want your guests to get up and dance, it's important that the DJ or band you hire understands the vibe you're going for.
  27. To kick off the festivities and keep the good times going, a fantastic DJ and even better live music performed.
  28. Incorporating things that are meaningful to the groom and his guests into the wedding's design will help make the day feel more like a reflection of the two of you.
  29. Take some time out of your schedule to enjoy the celebrations with your loved ones.
  30. Let your guard down and take it easy.
  31. Our wedding day was smooth and enjoyable because of the professionals we hired to help us.
  32. More than that, though, it aids in maintaining a high level of order and efficiency in your life.
  33. One of the best presents we received was a Vogue Ballroom wedding organiser book when we got engaged.
  34. Don't leave the "small things" till the wedding day, or you'll end up taking on a lot of extra work on your own.
  35. Research the companies thoroughly before signing any contracts with them.
  36. This is your big day, so make it special in the ways that mean the most to you as a couple and as individuals.
  37. If you put in the time and effort, have the right frame of mind, and enlist the help of others, you may have the wedding of your dreams.

FAQs About Wedding Planning

When women do include the sixpence tradition in their special day, they'll commonly substitute a penny or another small coin. While wearing “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue” is a pretty outdated tradition, many brides still have fun with it today.

The tradition is based on an Old English rhyme that dates back to 19th-century Lancashire. It describes the items a bride should have on her wedding day: "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, a sixpence in your shoe."

  • What do we do with our gifts + decor items at the end of the night?
  • Would you suggest closing the bar?
  • Does a first look make sense for our day?
  • Should all the girls arrive at the same time for hair + makeup?
  • Should we have hair + makeup done at the same place?

34% of couples choose the wedding reception as the most important part of their wedding day. This is the largest spend in a couple's budget and most likely the first supplier they will book. Couples are continuing to opt for quality over quantity when it comes to their guests and their venue spend.

A good Wedding Planner becomes like a personal assistant to her couple and this is who you'll spend the majority of your time communicating with. You need to be able to get your message across clearly, explain to your clients what you can create for them and advise on things like budget, trends and etiquette.

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