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15 Wedding Planning Tips That Could Save Your Big Day

We polled the BuzzFeed Community to find out what engaged couples wished they'd known, while planning their weddings, and the answers are sure to rescue your big day.

Your Wedding Day Is All About You.

"Do you! Boost your mood. Even if your mum is footing the bill, that doesn't mean you have to wear her prefered kind of dress. Dislike cake? Not possessing one! You Want an Adult-Only Wedding, Right? Make the request for an all-adult gathering. Maintain politeness while asserting your independence. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the two of you. Create. Your. Own."

Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself.

Keep your confidence levels up at all times. Don't worry so much about what other people will think that you end up dreading the process of getting ready. Your entire wedding planning process could be derailed if you dwell on the weight you've put on, and the stress that comes with it could lead you to binge. Unfortunately, the extra weight you've gained due to stress eating will prevent your dress from fitting properly. Also, y ou shouldn't worry that your conservative family would disapprove of your tattoos since while some families may disapprove upon such displays, your hubby seems to accept them wholeheartedly. Despite what your Instagram followers may have you believe, you have your own unique attractiveness.

And Pick An Outfit That Won't Hold You Back On The Dance Floor.

An elegant but cumbersome gown is less significant than one that is light and easy to move around in. If your attire was too constrictive or cumbersome, you probably didn't have much fun and ended up changing before the party was through. Pick up a dress that will make you feel well while yet looking good. Verify that you are not stifled by any impediments to your breathing.

What's Correct For You Is The Proper Thing To Do.

Your loved ones' thoughts and feelings matter, but they don't matter all that much. Certain parents like vicariously enjoying their children's weddings. Do what feels right for you and your partner in terms of wedding cost and aesthetic. You shouldn't let other people's thoughts and feelings about how your day should go get in the way of creating the experience you want.

And Make The Situation Your Own.

Today is a special day for you and your fiance to celebrate your love for one another. Listen to the opinions of others, but remember that the outcome will depend on what you and they want. Her mother, like many other mothers, had trouble accepting the fact that her child's wedding would be nautical and nerdy, but she has come to realise that the day should be about them. Avoid getting distracted or giving up.

On The Other Hand, You Can't Hope For A Pinterest-Perfect Wedding.

You can get ideas from wedding photographs and Pinterest, but your big day will be uniquely yours. You shouldn't worry if reality deviates from your expectations. The finest piece of advise I can provide is to take a chill approach and accept that nothing will go perfectly. It will be ideal if you are marrying the person you have spent your entire life dreaming about. You should chill out and appreciate the ride.

Keep To Your Financial Plan.

You may be taken aback by the final tally if, upon becoming engaged, you decide to throw a wedding for which you have little budget and no experience in the arts. If you want to have a wedding that lives up to your dreams without breaking the bank, it's a good idea to create a spending plan and use a wedding planning software. Inputting your budget will cause prices to be adjusted accordingly. It really helped save my bacon!

Taking Pictures Is Like Locking In Those Memories Forever.

To capture those precious moments, a professional photographer is the one luxury item you shouldn't skimp on. You'll be able to keep the images forever, while the rest of the day's festivities will only last a day. Of course you want your money's value! Therefore, hire a professional photographer to record your special moments.

In A Similar Vein, The Quality Of A Caterer Directly Correlates With The Price You Pay.

In order to maximise profits, low-quality caterers often show up late to events in order to serve as many people as possible at a low price. Make necessary cuts, with the exception of the catering.

In The Spirit Of Sharing Meals, Please Do What You Can To Help Those Less Fortunate.

Donate any surplus food to a nearby shelter or to your neighbours; they will be grateful.

Come Prepared, And You Won't Have To Worry About Any Wardrobe Malfunctions.

If you or anyone in your bridal party is wearing an item that fastens with hooks and eyes, you should bring extras, needle-nose pliers (jewellers are smaller), and a sewing kit. Dress mishaps, such as a slit, are common when one leans over shortly after donning the garment. You can easily fix it with some needle and thread as soon as the ceremony begins if you come prepared.

Relax And Take It Easy; Today Is A Great Day.

Don't stress over the little stuff; your guests will probably be too busy admiring you and your groom to pay attention to any hiccups. Please take it easy for a moment. Don't blame your anxiety for your own mistakes. This wedding is once in a lifetime, so savour it!

Keep In Mind That The Wedding Isn't The Only Event You'll Need To Organise.

You should also think about the honeymoon, and book a nice hotel well in advance. A local travel agent is your best bet. They'll take care of everything for you, and they won't even charge you more.

You Are The Best Person To Decide What Is Correct.

Don't second-guess yourself after you've made up your mind. You will accomplish nothing if you constantly question your decisions. Just trust your instincts.

At Last, Minor Points Of Contention Can Be Set Aside.

Time passes quickly, so keep that in mind at all times. It may ruin the wedding if you spent every day for the past year and a half stressing about nothing and yet still managed to plan it for four or five hours. There's no way you'd recall the table settings so well if the photographer hadn't taken pictures of them. Don't worry so much; in the end, all that really matters is the company you keep.


We conducted a survey among members of the BuzzFeed Community to learn what information newly engaged people wished they had known when organising their weddings. Your big day will be saved by the information provided. Be cordial even as you insist on your autonomy. Never let the fear of ridicule prevent you from getting ready in the morning. You can receive some inspiration from wedding photos and Pinterest, but ultimately, your special day will be your own.

Making a budget is a smart idea if you want to have a wedding that is beautiful and memorable without going into debt. The one indulgence on which you shouldn't economise is hiring a professional photographer. Stop worrying over the small stuff; everyone will be too busy gawking at you and your groom for them to notice any mistakes. Leaning over too soon after putting on a dress might lead to embarrassing incidents. You should bring extra hooks and eyes for any garment that you or your bridal party members will be wearing.

Content Summary

  1. You can rest easy knowing that your wedding will go off without a hitch thanks to the advice of the BuzzFeed Community, which we polled to find out what engaged couples wished they'd known while planning their nuptials.
  2. However, just because mum is footing the cost doesn't mean you have to wear her prefered kind of dress.
  3. Ask for an adult-only get-together.
  4. This is an incredible chance for the two of you.
  5. You need to maintain a constant level of self-assurance.
  6. Don't dread getting ready because you're worried about other people's opinions.
  7. Thinking about how much weight you've gained throughout wedding planning might cause unnecessary stress, which in turn can trigger binge eating.
  8. The stress-induced weight increase will make it impossible to wear the dress comfortably.
  9. You have your own special charm, despite what the likes on Instagram might have you believe.
  10. You probably didn't have a good time and changed out of your uncomfortable outfit before the party was over if it was excessively tight or bulky.
  11. Choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
  12. Make sure that there is nothing blocking your airway.
  13. The opinions of your loved ones are important, but not crucial.
  14. Celebrate your love for one another on this, a day set aside especially for the two of you and your fiance.
  15. Consider what others have to say, but keep in mind that the conclusion is ultimately up to you and them.
  16. Keep from losing focus or quitting up.
  17. You can receive some inspiration from wedding photos and Pinterest, but ultimately, your special day will be your own.
  18. If the world doesn't play out the way you'd hoped, that's nothing to be concerned about.
  19. If you're getting married, it should be to the person you've imagined you'd be marrying your whole life.
  20. You need to relax and enjoy the ride.
  21. Don't stray from your budget.
  22. If, after being engaged, you decide to host a wedding despite having little money and little skill in the arts, you may be surprised by the final tally.
  23. It's recommended that you make a budget and use wedding planning software to ensure that your big day is everything you imagined it to be without going into debt.
  24. Your pricing range will be taken into account while you shop.
  25. A professional photographer is the one extravagance you shouldn't skimp on if you want to preserve those priceless memories.
  26. As a result, you should invest in the services of a skilled photographer.
  27. Poor caterers turn up late to events so they can feed as many people as possible for the cheapest price.
  28. Make required cuts, with the exception of the catering.
  29. You should bring spares, needle-nose pliers (jewellers are smaller), and a sewing kit if you or anyone in your bridal party will be wearing an item that fastens with hooks and eyes.
  30. Leaning over too soon after putting on a dress can result in embarrassing situations like a slit.
  31. If you arrive prepared, you can quickly repair it with a needle and thread before the ceremony even begins.
  32. The day is wonderful, so take it easy.
  33. Stop worrying over the small stuff; everyone will be too busy gawking at you and your groom for them to notice any mistakes.
  34. Please relax for a second.
  35. Avoid placing guilt for your blunders on your worry.
  36. It's important to remember that the wedding isn't the only event that will require your planning skills.
  37. Likewise, you need to plan ahead for the honeymoon by reserving a room at a decent hotel.
  38. The best person to help you is a travel agency in your area.
  39. They will handle everything for you at no extra cost.
  40. You Should Make The Final Call Because You Know Best.
  41. When you've made a decision, stick to it.
  42. Doing nothing but second-guessing your choices will get you nowhere.
  43. Have faith in your gut.
  44. It's important to always remember how rapidly time can go by.
  45. If you've spent the last year and a half worrying about nothing and only spent four or five hours planning the wedding, you might as well cancel it.
  46. Without photographs, you would never be able to accurately recall the table settings.
  47. Put your worries aside; in the end, it's the people you hang out with that make a difference.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wedding Planning

  • Tackle Each Item in Order of Importance to You.
  • Set Realistic Deadlines for Completion.
  • Step Away From the Pinterest Board.
  • Get Your Adrenaline Pumping.
  • Outsource Some of Your Responsibilities.
  • Reconnect With Your Spouse-To-Be.
  • Ease Back Into the Wedding Prep.

Parents are also the source of some major tension: 53 percent of couples said their parents are the biggest stress-causing culprit, while 33 percent said it's their in-laws. If mom and dad are contributing to your wedding budget, they've bought themselves a say in the planning.

According to the 2021 Behind the Wedding Budget Study, 40% of couples start saving once they get engaged, but most are also juggling other savings goals like buying a home and saving for retirement. They may also be dealing with financial constraints like student loans and credit card debt.

According to The Knot 2019 Real Weddings Study, the average wedding costs $34,900, including the engagement ring.

Finalizing a guest list may be the most stressful part of wedding planning. You, your fiancé, and both sets of parents often have opinions about who should (and shouldn't!) be invited on the big day. Cutting a guest can feel painful, but it's unrealistic to think that your budget and venue can accommodate everyone.

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