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Wedding Culture from Around the World

Vogue Ballroom has a soft spot for nuptials. Cultural exchange gained via giving reception service is a major factor in increasing our appreciation for this unique ritual. When we play host to a wedding, guests come from various walks of life, and we get a glimpse into the customs and beliefs that those guests have brought to honour their loved ones. We wanted to tell you about a few of the wonderful rituals we've been a part of at weddings since we have such an appreciation for the special traditions that make each ceremony special.

India – Where Weddings Can Last Days

Indian weddings are elaborate affairs, spanning several days and involving dozens of rituals and traditions. The bride and groom exchange engagement rings and their families give each other gifts and food at an engagement ceremony held before the wedding. The bride's family hosts a Mehendi ceremony, during which she receives colourful Mehendi designs on her hands, arms, feet, and legs. On the wedding day, the bride and groom celebrate their union with family and friends by exchanging flower garlands, a sign that the bride accepts her husband.

The Symbolism Of The Jewish Wedding 

Jewish weddings have such beautiful and meaningful significance. For starters, weddings are prohibited on the Sabbath and other religious festivals. Instead of asking visitors to just grace the couple with their presence, Jewish wedding invites will often encourage guests to attend and dance during the celebration. Under a Chuppah, a canopy that keeps away evil spirits, the couple stomps on cloth-wrapped glass. This is a metaphor for the destruction of the Holy Temple and the ups and downs of human existence.

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Jamaican Weddings – A Communal Affair 

A wedding in Jamaica is an occasion for the entire neighbourhood to come together in support and revelry. The bride then makes an appearance in public while dressed for her wedding, and if the townspeople discover she is not in tiptop shape, they make fun of her. It's all in good humour, even if it may sound a bit harsh. The reception, which is held in a booth designed especially for the occasion, is a time of great merriment and celebration, with plenty of food and dancing.

Contact Us To Find Out More 

These are just a few of the customs and ceremonies from weddings held throughout the world. If you know of another interesting custom, feel free to send it through to us on our contact page. Or, if you would like to discuss holding your own wedding reception at Vogue Ballroom, give us a call on (03) 9802 2477, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!


The Vogue Ballroom is especially fond of weddings. We've been to a lot of weddings, and we wanted to share some of the amazing traditions we've witnessed and participated in. Traditional Indian weddings are multi-day events with dozens of customs and ceremonies. Being forbidden on the Sabbath and other religious festivals gives Jewish weddings a special beauty and significance. Many Jewish wedding invitations include dance instructions to ensure a fun and memorable reception.

The pair breaks cloth-wrapped glass under the protection of a Chuppah, a canopy traditionally used to ward off evil spirits. In this way, the fall of the Holy Temple and the vicissitudes of human life are both symbolised. Jamaican weddings are a time for the whole community to celebrate and show their support for the happy couple.

Content Summary

  1. Understanding and respect for this extraordinary practise is bolstered by the cultural interchange that occurs when we provide reception service.
  2. When we organise a wedding, people from many walks of life are invited, giving us a window into the traditions and values they bring to pay tribute to their loved ones.
  3. As people who truly value the unique customs that each wedding brings, we wanted to share with you some of the great rituals we've experienced.
  4. India: The Land of Multi-Day Weddings Traditional Indian weddings are multi-day events with dozens of customs and ceremonies.
  5. In this pre-wedding ritual, the bride and groom exchange engagement rings and the family of both parties present each other with gifts and a meal.
  6. During the Mehendi ceremony, the bride's family applies elaborate Mehendi designs in bright colours to her hands, arms, feet, and legs.
  7. When the bride and groom exchange flower garlands in front of their friends and family on their wedding day, it is a symbol that she has accepted her husband.
  8. Traditional Jewish Wedding Symbols The rituals and symbolism of a Jewish wedding are breathtaking.
  9. To begin, weddings can't take place on the Sabbath or other religious holidays.
  10. In Jewish wedding invitations, guests are generally encouraged to attend and dance rather than just grace the couple with their presence.
  11. The pair breaks cloth-wrapped glass under the protection of a Chuppah, a canopy traditionally used to ward off evil spirits.
  12. In this way, the fall of the Holy Temple and the vicissitudes of human life are both symbolised.
  13. Weddings in Jamaica are a community event. Jamaican weddings are a time for the whole community to celebrate and show their support for the happy couple.
  14. The future Mrs. makes a public appearance in her wedding attire, and if the locals discover that she is not in perfect health, they mock her.
  15. Even if it comes off as harsh, please know that it is meant in good fun.
  16. Food, drink, and dancing fill the reception, which takes place in a booth built expressly for the event.

FAQs About Wedding

One of the most cherished rituals of newlyweds everywhere, toting a bridal bouquet, is widely believed to have originated in Egypt. The bouquet's original purpose was to ward off evil spirits, but today it is simply a symbol of the bride's friendships and the culture of her nation, and as such, the bride's friends are expected to pinch it before the ceremony.

Many wedding ceremonies in different cultures feature rituals crucial to the ceremony's success and the newlyweds' future together as a married couple. There are some peculiar wedding traditions worldwide, from breaking dishes in Germany to throwing arrows at the bride in China.

The dating scene has changed dramatically over the past decade, but wedding customs have not. Even non-traditional brides often follow the norm of having the first dance with their fathers and cutting the cake in front of their guests.

However, various pre-and post-wedding rituals are practised in various cultures to add a touch of uniqueness and individuality to the big day. While many of these customs are meant in a humorous vein, others should be taken seriously and respected.

Different cultures worldwide have developed distinctive customs and rituals for weddings. For example, while the festivities in Mexico continue for an entire week after the wedding, brides in China start practising their sobbing rituals as early as a month before the big day.

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