Why Should Your Sister Be Your Maid of Honour

Why Should Your Sister Be Your Maid of Honour?

You'll always remember the day your sister was at your side as you said "I do." Which begs the question: why should she be the maid of honour?

Having a reliable maid who has been there for you through thick and thin is a luxury that many people can't afford.

The unparalleled joy felt during a wedding is undeniable. As the bride, you'll feel a whole new range of emotions on your big day, ones you won't fully understand until you're standing at the altar.

Your sister is there for you, as she should be, as you embark on this next chapter of your life, just as she has been at every prior key turning point.

If you have a close bond with your sister, it's only natural to ask her to be your maid of honour.

In comparison to your sister, you got the VIP treatment from your parents.

Vogue Ballroom is a wonderful wedding venue that can help you have the wedding of your dreams.

She has always been able to switch gears and play the role of a great friend, confidant, and protector when required. And as your maid of honour, she's about to put on another one, and she's going to kill it.

Reasons Why Your Sister Makes the Best Maid of honour

Why Should Your Sister Be Your Maid of Honour

All the evidence suggests that your sister would be an excellent maid of honour.

She Knows You Better Than Anyone

Nothing may be more discouraging than unsolicited advice from those who aren't familiar with your own preferences and preferences.

You may unload all that extra tension and burden on your sister, since she has been there for you through thick and thin.

Her Speech Will Be Legendary

Get the Kleenex ready; your sister's speech may start out humorous, but she'll get to the serious stuff, like how much you and your family mean to one other, before she's done.

She Won't Let Anyone Ruin Your Day.

Keep in mind that you possess a protective nature. Just like the 7-foot bouncer at the entryway of a nightclub, your sister will be there to make sure that nothing or no one ruins your fun.

That will be incredibly reassuring, and it will also relieve you of some stress. As always, she's got your back.

She Will Plan the Best Bachelorette Party

Imagine the worst fights you've ever had with your sister and put them all into one terrible evening. Your bachelorette party will be that amazing.

Your sibling is betting that she is well-versed in your interests and will use this information to make the evening more memorable for you.

She'll Genuinely Help You With the Tough Stuff.

The preparations for a wedding may be a stressful time.

Worried about where to put the grumpy uncle? Unable to bring yourself to inform them that they aren't welcome? Your sibling can easily shoulder some of the load.

You've always been each other's rock, and this is no exception.

She'll Keep the Bridesmaids in Order.

With your sister as maid of honour, you may be assured that the bridesmaids will be well-coordinated to carry out your every wish.

Also, consider how excellent she is at giving you orders.

One of the best ways to celebrate your sister and the closeness you have is to have her serve as your maid of honour during your wedding.

Your Bridesmaids Can't Be Upset With Your Decision.

How do I pick the woman who will be my maid of honour? Furthermore, how can you select your maid of honour without offending anyone?

Choosing your sister is a piece of cake. The stereotype of the bride as the self-centered bridezilla persists. We're stressed because we don't want to upset anyone involved in the wedding, including our future in-laws' parents, our own mum, the wedding coordinator, and the bridesmaids.

If you chose your sister as your maid of honour, the other bridesmaids will not be offended or envious that you did not choose one of them.

They may still feel a twinge of regret that they won't be there by your side on your wedding day, but they also know that they can't disagree with the bonds of siblinghood.

She Knows How to Handle Your Parents…

Those who have mother figures that are too controlling need some space between themselves and the MOB.

To illustrate, while your 10-year best friend might have the intestinal fortitude to tell you, "No, girl, you can't pull off a flower crown," your mother might have trouble convincing you that the bridesmaids shouldn't all wear purple bridesmaids dresses because that's the colour your bridal party wore 40 years ago.

However, your sister also had the same parents and grew up in the same house as you.

She has mastered the art of counterattack and understands which conflicts aren't even worth engaging in. She can do this for you, relieving you of the responsibility of dealing with everyday parenting issues.

...and How to Handle You

Your sister's ability to calm the bridezilla is more valuable than her ability to calm the father or mother monster. She is aware of just what will upset you and how to deliver terrible news.

Perhaps heavy winds forced you to cancel your oceanfront rehearsal dinner at the last minute. Your sister will be there with two glasses of rose and the words, "Screw it, it's all about tomorrow anyway, baby girl," if your wedding party ends up spending the night in a windowless conference room (this actually happened).

She's Already up on All the Family Drama

You won't have to spend any time trying to explain to her the chasm that exists between your families since she already knows it, lives it, and, most of all, can handle it in isolation from your bridal sensibilities.

You Can Be Honest With Her

If your sister is your maid of honour, you don't have to worry about what to say in front of your other relatives or your soon-to-be family members since you can be completely open and honest with her.

Having an honest conversation with your sister about the bachelorette party, bridesmaid dresses, and other wedding-related decisions will be a refreshing change. Contrarily, having a friend as my MOH likely helped me feel less pressure to avoid hurting her feelings.

She Has a Lifetime's Worth of Memories to Include in Her Moh Speech

When planning a wedding, it may be quite relieving to have someone you can be completely honest with, like a sister, serve as the maid of honour.

It will be a refreshing change if you and your sister are completely transparent about your wedding plans, including the bachelorette party, bridesmaid dresses, and everything else. On the other side, the fact that my MOH was a friend perhaps relieved some of the pressure I felt to act in such a way as to not make her feel awkward.

Does My Sister Have to Be My Maid of honour?

There is no hard and fast law that states your sister must be your maid of honour or even a bridesmaid.

It's only natural that omitting her may cause tension, so if you and your sister get along well, inviting her to be a bridesmaid is a wonderful option. Can't you just call her "MOH" if you have another, closer friend in mind?

No. If you have a close friend who you believe would be better suited to the role of maid of honour (which involves a great deal of responsibility and personal time with the bride!), consider designating her as such. More importantly, be prepared to treat your sister with the dignity she deserves.

Maid of honour Alternatives

Why Should Your Sister Be Your Maid of Honour

Even if she isn't the maid of honour, we think it's wonderful that you're contemplating giving your sister a major role in the wedding.

You can skip the best man and have her recite a passage or carry the ring instead.

Ask her to lead the flower girls and ring bearers down the aisle if she enjoys working with youngsters. or have someone else take charge of escorting your furry, four-legged companion down the aisle.

We have the ultimate list of Melbourne Hens Ideas for you to choose from. From traditional to creative to sophisticated, we have you covered. 

What to Do When Having to Choose Between Sisters

Have a hard time choose between the two sisters? You might have them both act as co-Maids of Honor and divide up the responsibilities between them based on their individual strengths.

One may take on the role of MOH, while the other took on one of the other specialised roles.

The latter is an excellent replacement if one of your sisters is too young to legally partake in the bachelorette party.

Make sure to involve Grandma in the wedding shower activities so that she knows she is still appreciated despite her senior age.

An alternative to naming a maid of honour, if hurt feelings are a concern, is to have all of the bridesmaids stand behind the bride at the altar without any distinction.

Assign jobs to the ladies based on their availability and skillsets.

Sharing your talents and enthusiasm with a friend who is either struggling through medical school or who lacks any artistic ability may be mutually beneficial.

You're having trouble getting along with your sibling? It's possible that she won't be a good addition to the bridal party.

Make her feel special by seating her in the first row next to your parents and giving her a corsage or nosegay, but don't go crazy if you don't plan on enjoying the occasion yourself.

If tensions are high between you two, she may still accept your decision.

Who Should Be Your Maid of honour: Your Sister or Best Friend?

If you're planning a wedding with your sister and your closest friend, you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

Choose the special lady who will be at your side on your wedding day to be the maid of honour.

It's not always easy to choose between your sister and your best friend for a job like this. (With the exception of your mum, who is 100% on our side, sister.)

You don't want to offend anyone, but you can't make up your mind about which of these women is most suited for the part.

Asking yourself the following questions will give you the insight you need to make the difficult choice.

Which Person Do You Feel Closest To?

It all comes down to this: who do you put your trust in? Who can you confide in and trust with everything?

Is there a chance that your sister or closest friend would ask you to be her maid of honour if the roles were reversed?

It's likely that you should direct your questions towards one of these two ladies if you find yourself answering "yes" more often when prompted.

Who Has More Time to Help You With the Wedding?

If you're being realistic, which lady can you expect to be able to rely on to find time in her schedule each week to assist you address invitation envelopes, provide party favours, and take care of a dozen other tasks?

Your sister or best friend may be glad if you don't choose her if she has a lot on her plate already. This might be the case if she has two jobs, is a single parent, or has other commitments.

Shouldn't Family Come First?

Usually, though not always or in this case.

You may have heard the expression, "family is family and friends are just passing through," however if the age gap between you and your sister is rather large, your best friend of the same age may feel more like a sister to you than your real related.

Talk to your sister about being considered for the position to head off any potential controversy.

Would Having Two Maids of honour Work?

Although this may not be the norm, it is your wedding, and you should have it your way. Have two maids of honour if that makes planning the event easier for you.

One of the maids of honour can organise the bridal shower, while the other can organise the bachelorette party, relieving burden on both sets of bridesmaids.

How to Pick a Maid of honour When You Have 2 Sisters

Choosing a Maid of honour

Although etiquette experts may advise against having more than one maid of honour, remember that you are under no obligation to share the spotlight with anybody.

The fact that you have more than one sister doesn't automatically make them all deserving of the MOH position.

Depending on factors like age and proximity, you might be able to pick between your sisters.

While it's true that you should follow your heart, it's also important to think about how your decision can affect your family and siblings.

No matter what you decide, make careful to communicate clearly with your sisters and friends about their prospective participation in the wedding party to avoid any misunderstandings.

Choosing Two Maids of honour

In many cases, two Maids of Honor may be accommodated with little effort.

There can be a Maid of Honor and a Matron of Honor if one sister is already married and the other is single.

A Maid of Honor and an Honor Attendant are also acceptable alternatives. The division of labour must be made quite clear.

Maids of honour typically assist brides in making important wedding decisions such as attire, shower, and party organising.

The maid of honor's customary role on the wedding day includes helping the bride with everything from her attire and flowers to answering visitors' inquiries.

The Traditional Bridal Party

Bridal parties, whether single or married, traditionally number between six and twelve members.

The bride may also have a hand in selecting the flower girl and ring bearer, two young children who traditionally play important roles in weddings and may be related to the bride or groom.

The best man, groomsmen, and ushers round up the wedding party. Additionally, the parents of the bride and groom are occasionally included in the wedding party.

The Contemporary Bridal Party

The wedding party of today may be tailored to the individual bride's preferences.

For brides who have numerous little nieces and nephews, it is common to have both bridesmaids and junior bridesmaids.

Contemporary weddings often contain mixed-gender bridal parties, albeit a guy in a bridal party is normally called a "attendant", not a "bridesmaid."

Due to the flexibility of "mix and match," a wedding can have either a single maid of honour or a pair of co-maids of honour, or even a large group of bridesmaids with no designated leader.

Looking for a Wedding Event Planner? Look no further, Vogue Ballroom have you covered.

Assigning reader roles for Bible passages or poetry delivered at the ceremony is a great way to get more friends and family involved in the celebrations.


Vogue Ballroom is a wonderful wedding venue that can help you have the wedding of your dreams. Your sister would be an excellent maid of honour. She has always been able to switch gears and play the role of a great friend, confidant, and protector when required. With your sister as maid of honour, you may be assured that the bridesmaids will be well-coordinated to carry out your every wish. Your sibling is betting that she is well-versed in your interests and will use this to make the evening more memorable for you.

It may be quite relieving to have someone you can be completely honest with, like a sister, serve as the maid of honour. Having an honest conversation with your sister about the bachelorette party, bridesmaid dresses, and other wedding-related decisions will be a refreshing change. If you're having a hard time choosing between your sister and best friend, consider designating them both as Maids of Honor. There are lots of different Maid of honour options for you to choose from. From traditional to creative to sophisticated, we have you covered.

If you're planning a wedding with your sister and your closest friend, you may find yourself in an awkward situation. You don't want to offend anyone, but you can't make up your mind about which of these women is most suited for the part. Asking yourself these questions will give you the insight you need to make the difficult choice. How to pick a Maid of honour when you have more than one sister. Maids of honour assist brides in making important wedding decisions such as attire, shower, and party organising.

The division of labour must be made quite clear to avoid any misunderstandings. The wedding party of today may be tailored to the individual bride's preferences. For brides who have numerous little nieces and nephews, it is common to have both junior and senior bridesmaids. A wedding can have either a single maid of honour or a pair of co-maids of honour.

Content Summary

  1. You'll always remember the day your sister was at your side as you said "I do."
  2. Which begs the question: why should she be the maid of honour?Having a reliable maid who has been there for you through thick and thin is a luxury that many people can't afford.
  3. The unparalleled joy felt during a wedding is undeniable.
  4. Your sister is there for you, as she should be, as you embark on this next chapter of your life, just as she has been at every prior key turning point.
  5. If you have a close bond with your sister, it's only natural to ask her to be your maid of honour.
  6. In comparison to your sister, you got the VIP treatment from your parents.
  7. Vogue Ballroom is a wonderful wedding venue that can help you have the wedding of your dreams.
  8. She has always been able to switch gears and play the role of a great friend, confidant, and protector when required.
  9. And as your maid of honour, she's about to put on another one, and she's going to kill it.
  10. Reasons Why Your Sister Makes the Best Maid of honourAll the evidence suggests that your sister would be an excellent maid of honour.
  11. She Knows You Better Than AnyoneNothing may be more discouraging than unsolicited advice from those who aren't familiar with your own preferences and preferences.
  12. You may unload all that extra tension and burden on your sister, since she has been there for you through thick and thin.
  13. She Won't Let Anyone Ruin Your Day.
  14. Keep in mind that you possess a protective nature.
  15. Just like the 7-foot bouncer at the entryway of a nightclub, your sister will be there to make sure that nothing or no one ruins your fun.
  16. Your sibling is betting that she is well-versed in your interests and will use this information to make the evening more memorable for you.
  17. She'll Genuinely Help You With the Tough Stuff.
  18. The preparations for a wedding may be a stressful time.
  19. Unable to bring yourself to inform them that they aren't welcome?
  20. Your sibling can easily shoulder some of the load.
  21. You've always been each other's rock, and this is no exception.
  22. She'll Keep the Bridesmaids in Order.
  23. With your sister as maid of honour, you may be assured that the bridesmaids will be well-coordinated to carry out your every wish.
  24. Also, consider how excellent she is at giving you orders.
  25. One of the best ways to celebrate your sister and the closeness you have is to have her serve as your maid of honour during your wedding.
  26. Your Bridesmaids Can't Be Upset With Your Decision.
  27. How do I pick the woman who will be my maid of honour?
  28. Furthermore, how can you select your maid of honour without offending anyone?Choosing your sister is a piece of cake.
  29. The stereotype of the bride as the self-centered bridezilla persists.
  30. We're stressed because we don't want to upset anyone involved in the wedding, including our future in-laws' parents, our own mum, the wedding coordinator, and the bridesmaids.
  31. If you chose your sister as your maid of honour, the other bridesmaids will not be offended or envious that you did not choose one of them.
  32. She Knows How to Handle Your Parents…Those who have mother figures that are too controlling need some space between themselves and the MOB.To illustrate, while your 10-year best friend might have the intestinal fortitude to tell you, "No, girl, you can't pull off a flower crown," your mother might have trouble convincing you that the bridesmaids shouldn't all wear purple bridesmaids dresses because that's the colour your bridal party wore 40 years ago.
  33. Your sister's ability to calm the bridezilla is more valuable than her ability to calm the father or mother monster.
  34. She is aware of just what will upset you and how to deliver terrible news.
  35. You Can Be Honest With HerIf your sister is your maid of honour, you don't have to worry about what to say in front of your other relatives or your soon-to-be family members since you can be completely open and honest with her.
  36. Having an honest conversation with your sister about the bachelorette party, bridesmaid dresses, and other wedding-related decisions will be a refreshing change.
  37. Contrarily, having a friend as my MOH likely helped me feel less pressure to avoid hurting her feelings.
  38. She Has a Lifetime's Worth of Memories to Include in Her Moh SpeechWhen planning a wedding, it may be quite relieving to have someone you can be completely honest with, like a sister, serve as the maid of honour.
  39. It will be a refreshing change if you and your sister are completely transparent about your wedding plans, including the bachelorette party, bridesmaid dresses, and everything else.
  40. On the other side, the fact that my MOH was a friend perhaps relieved some of the pressure I felt to act in such a way as to not make her feel awkward.
  41. Does My Sister Have to Be My Maid of honour?There is no hard and fast law that states your sister must be your maid of honour or even a bridesmaid.
  42. It's only natural that omitting her may cause tension, so if you and your sister get along well, inviting her to be a bridesmaid is a wonderful option.
  43. Can't you just call her "MOH" if you have another, closer friend in mind?
  44. No.
  45. If you have a close friend who you believe would be better suited to the role of maid of honour (which involves a great deal of responsibility and personal time with the bride!),
  46. consider designating her as such.
  47. More importantly, be prepared to treat your sister with the dignity she deserves.
  48. Maid of honour AlternativesEven if she isn't the maid of honour, we think it's wonderful that you're contemplating giving your sister a major role in the wedding.
  49. You can skip the best man and have her recite a passage or carry the ring instead.
  50. Ask her to lead the flower girls and ring bearers down the aisle if she enjoys working with youngsters.
  51. We have the ultimate list of Melbourne Hens Ideas for you to choose from.
  52. The latter is an excellent replacement if one of your sisters is too young to legally partake in the bachelorette party.
  53. An alternative to naming a maid of honour, if hurt feelings are a concern, is to have all of the bridesmaids stand behind the bride at the altar without any distinction.
  54. You're having trouble getting along with your sibling?
  55. It's possible that she won't be a good addition to the bridal party.
  56. Make her feel special by seating her in the first row next to your parents and giving her a corsage or nosegay, but don't go crazy if you don't plan on enjoying the occasion yourself.
  57. If you're planning a wedding with your sister and your closest friend, you may find yourself in an awkward situation.
  58. Choose the special lady who will be at your side on your wedding day to be the maid of honour.
  59. It's not always easy to choose between your sister and your best friend for a job like this. (
  60. With the exception of your mum, who is 100% on our side, sister.)You don't want to offend anyone, but you can't make up your mind about which of these women is most suited for the part.
  61. Asking yourself the following questions will give you the insight you need to make the difficult choice.
  62. Which Person Do You Feel Closest To?It all comes down to this: who do you put your trust in?
  63. Who can you confide in and trust with everything?Is there a chance that your sister or closest friend would ask you to be her maid of honour if the roles were reversed?It's likely that you should direct your questions towards one of these two ladies if you find yourself answering "yes" more often when prompted.
  64. Talk to your sister about being considered for the position to head off any potential controversy.
  65. Would Having Two Maids of honour Work?Although this may not be the norm, it is your wedding, and you should have it your way.
  66. Have two maids of honour if that makes planning the event easier for you.
  67. One of the maids of honour can organise the bridal shower, while the other can organise the bachelorette party, relieving burden on both sets of bridesmaids.
  68. How to Pick a Maid of honour When You Have 2 Sisters Choosing a Maid of honourAlthough etiquette experts may advise against having more than one maid of honour, remember that you are under no obligation to share the spotlight with anybody.
  69. The fact that you have more than one sister doesn't automatically make them all deserving of the MOH position.
  70. Depending on factors like age and proximity, you might be able to pick between your sisters.
  71. While it's true that you should follow your heart, it's also important to think about how your decision can affect your family and siblings.
  72. No matter what you decide, make careful to communicate clearly with your sisters and friends about their prospective participation in the wedding party to avoid any misunderstandings.
  73. Choosing Two Maids of honourIn many cases, two Maids of Honor may be accommodated with little effort.
  74. There can be a Maid of Honor and a Matron of Honor if one sister is already married and the other is single.
  75. A Maid of Honor and an Honor Attendant are also acceptable alternatives.
  76. The division of labour must be made quite clear.
  77. Maids of honour typically assist brides in making important wedding decisions such as attire, shower, and party organising.
  78. The maid of honor's customary role on the wedding day includes helping the bride with everything from her attire and flowers to answering visitors' inquiries.
  79. The best man, groomsmen, and ushers round up the wedding party.
  80. Additionally, the parents of the bride and groom are occasionally included in the wedding party.
  81. The Contemporary Bridal PartyThe wedding party of today may be tailored to the individual bride's preferences.
  82. For brides who have numerous little nieces and nephews, it is common to have both bridesmaids and junior bridesmaids.
  83. Contemporary weddings often contain mixed-gender bridal parties, albeit a guy in a bridal party is normally called a "attendant", not a "bridesmaid.
  84. "Due to the flexibility of "mix and match," a wedding can have either a single maid of honour or a pair of co-maids of honour, or even a large group of bridesmaids with no designated leader.
  85. Assigning reader roles for Bible passages or poetry delivered at the ceremony is a great way to get more friends and family involved in the celebrations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Maid of Honour

The maid of honor is in charge of the bachelorette party and bridal shower as well as leading the rest of the bridesmaids throughout the planning process and on the day of the wedding. A bride will typically appoint a sister, female relative, or best friend as the maid of honor.

Your maid of honor can wear a floral gown and then your bridesmaids can wear the same dress in a color that's complementary to the pattern. Another fun option is to dress your entire bridal party in ombré hues, then asking your maid of honor to wear the darkest shade in the family.

Usually, the 'maids walk down first, followed by the MOH with the bride last. If you're just having one maid or matron of honor, it's a simple line-up. But with two MOHs, you have a little more flexibility. For example, you can have the maid and matron walk down together with each other and/or the best man.

During the actual party the maid of honour has the additional responsibility of being in charge of the kitty. Tiffany said: 'It usually falls to the maid of honour to be in charge of the kitty and collecting any money needed for the hen do.

It's common and completely acceptable to select two Maids of Honor as a way to honor your closest friendships. Two Maids of Honor is most common when a bride has only two bridesmaids, has two sisters, or, a sister and a best friend who carry equal weight in her life.

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