Wedding Venue License Melbourne

How Does A Venue Get A Wedding License?

The process of licencing a venue is lengthy and convoluted. Do you find yourself wondering about it? You've found the perfect place to learn about the lawful requirements for getting married. Hotels, mansions, and community centres are all examples of the kinds of places that can host events in a licenced capacity. In this case, the applicant must be the property owner or trustee. It is not possible to obtain a licence for a garden or private residence for a one-time ceremony unless the space is open to the public for use during the three-year licence period.

Many of you, especially those of you who are planning to "DIY-ify" your wedding, may be asking if any location may legally host a civil ceremony. Unfortunately, in England, Ireland, and Wales, things aren't quite that easy. There must be permission and a valid permit for the use of the building or location.

On the other hand, a registrar can legally marry a couple anywhere in Melbourne. You don't want to take any chances on your wedding day, therefore the registrar must be satisfied that the site in question is suitable and safe.

To begin with, the focus of the day should be on the two of you. Therefore, it is essential that you plan a day that is representative of the two of you. However, there are many details to work out for a legitimate marriage. Your selected wedding venue must be legally authorised to host wedding ceremonies before you can book it. If one of these conditions is not met, the ceremony cannot be considered a valid marriage.

Melbourne's Most Affordable Wedding Venue (16)

What Characteristics Must a Wedding Hall Have to Be Considered Valid?

Locations that wish to host wedding ceremonies and issue marriage licences must adhere to a set of regulations set forth by the city council.

The structure itself must be suitable for public usage in terms of safety and health. Current fire codes and other such requirements are included. Marriage ceremonies require public access, hence the venue must be open on a regular basis. This would prevent, for instance, a licence being issued for your residence.

But there's no reason to panic. The majority of modern wedding locations, from manor houses and hotels to barns and everything in between, are authorised to host civil ceremonies. At least one venue in most areas is authorised to host civil ceremonies. Check with each potential venue you're considering for a wedding ceremony to ensure they have the appropriate licence.

Is a License Available in All Locations?

Once more, I'm afraid not. However, weddings are not permitted in all communities.


We regret to inform you that an outside ceremony will not be possible. You can exchange rings and say your vows outside in England, Wales, and Ireland, but the legal paperwork must be completed inside. Transportation of any kind, including floating vessels, is not included in this definition.

The rest of the AU, however, has its own exception. A marriage ceremony performed outside is legal if it takes place in a covered area. The couple should stand beneath this structure, which might be a gazebo or something else entirely. Talk to your venue since they will have the most up-to-date information on the regulations regarding anything other than marquees.

Anywhere but the Registered Room

You still can't just get married anywhere, even if the location you've chosen has a wedding licence. You can't get hitched anywhere other than the registered room, and the same goes for the great outdoors.

It's important to note that individual rooms, rather not entire structures, are recorded. Don't get your hopes up about signing the registries in the comfort of your hotel room.

Remember to double-check which rooms are officially listed at each place you visit. Although you may not have complete control over the venue's design, remember that you may usually determine the room's arrangement to some extent.

Undignified Venues

In the eyes of the law, weddings are very significant occasions. Therefore, it is important to consider a structure's fundamental function. And we're not the only ones who think this is a disgraceful situation. If the procedures are to be taken seriously by the authority, the location must be deemed suitable for such purposes.

You also can't register a location for a single event, as it's expected that the space will be available on a regular basis for the registration of civil unions and the solemnisation of civil unions.

Venues must be fireproofed to an acceptable standard, and local governments can impose further regulations if they see fit. The engagement is the first step on the road to marriage. Planning every detail of your wedding, from the location to the attire, might easily cause you to overlook any legal necessities that must be met.

It is crucial to understand the legal prerequisites of getting married in Australia. Whether you're having a civil ceremony or a religious ceremony, these are important considerations.

Wedding & Ceremony Permits

Numerous beautiful parks and beaches dot the Sunshine Coast, making it an ideal location for weddings and other festivities. However, you cannot do this without the council's permission. You can't have your beach ceremony in the designated swimming area, so plan accordingly.

Application Process

Assuming you've filled out the form completely and included all the necessary information, you should have a receipt and approval letter in your hands within ten (10)business days. If there is a problem between your application and another booking or event, the council will call you to address it. Bookings for weddings and other ceremonies are not to be treated as tentative.

Your reservation is not finalised until you obtain a letter of approval from the local government.


There will be a cost associated with making your reservation. The cost can be paid by cash, check, or credit card. If you abandon your reservation, you will not receive a refund of the money.

You can submit your form and payment information to the council through email (with a scanned copy of the form attached), fax, regular mail, or in person at one of their customer service centres. Instructions on how to submit an application and make a payment are included on the application form.

Points to Think About

  • Is it crucial that you have complete command of the location? There could be other people in the vicinity using the area as a dog off-leash area or having a picnic. Additionally, there could be a ceremony before to or following your reservation.
  • Is it possible for the official party and all of your guests to arrive without incident?
  • Inquiring about the possibility of guests who may be old or have mobility issues.
  • Is there adequate access for setting up and delivering equipment? Park and beach areas are car-free zones. The use of the specified parking spots is required.
  • Do you have a plan B for when it rains?

Because of your reservation, no one else will be able to reserve that specific space and time. The approval does not, however, ensure sole possession of the land and its amenities.

The parks and gardens throughout town are kept neat and tidy thanks to a regular council maintenance programme. The council does not mow or otherwise service the area in any unique way. Before your ceremony, the grounds may already be covered in leaves and other material that Council has no control over.

The late afternoon winds along the seaside, for example, can be very damaging to buildings and people. Tides have an effect on the beach's atmosphere and the amount of space that is available. The municipal government advises you to research the current tide schedule.

Zoning regulations vary from municipality to municipality, and no two properties are ever exactly alike. We strongly advise you to get in touch with your local council to find out what applications you may need to fill out to ensure you are in compliance with their regulations.

Melbourne Wedding

Property-Based Permit

Due to the nature of wedding celebrations, a licence is needed to legally sell booze and provide additional services, such as lodging and catering. When additional goods or services, such as food, entertainment, or lodging, are sold, supplied, or delivered to consumers, an on-premises licence permits for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises.

On-premises licencing allows minors under the age of 18 to enter the establishment.

The principal purpose test must be fulfilled by all eating establishments in order to maintain a valid on-site licence. You cannot obtain an on-premises licence if the main focus of your business or activity is on selling or providing alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholic Beverage Control Licenses

If you already have a liquor licence in Queensland but would like to make temporary changes or extend it for a limited time, you will have to obtain a permit or approval.

Non-profit organisations that want to offer alcohol for a limited time or at an event may also need to apply for a licence. Under the Winery and Vineyard Operations Act of 1994 and the Liquor Act of 1992, the following licences are available.

Permission to Hold an Adult Event

Any business that serves alcohol and also hosts adult-oriented shows must obtain an adult entertainment licence. Find out what constitutes adult entertainment and whether a permission is required by reading up on the topic of adult entertainment permits.

Expanded Business Hours (One-Off)

When it comes to restaurants and artisan producer licences, extended business hours expire at 1 am, whereas 2 am is the standard cutoff for most bars and nightclubs.One-time requests for longer business hours can be submitted for:

  • In any given year, there are just four opportunities to engage in pre-dawn trading.
  • There are six times every year when markets are open from midnight to five in the morning.

A request for a permit to stay open later than normal must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the scheduled event, as per Chapter 5 of the Alcohol Regulation 2002. The Office of Alcohol and Gaming Administration will not review an application if it is submitted fewer than 21 days prior to the event.

Permits to Run Business From Midnight Until Five A.M.

Pilgrim Bar New Year's Eve Idea Melbourne

Things to Think About if You Want to Get a Permission for Beyond Midnight:

  • The 6 after-midnight licences cannot be used for more than 1 occasion in the same calendar month.
  • Special consideration may be given if your event lasts more than two days in a given month. Apply for a one-time extended trade hours permit for two or more consecutive days during the specified month. Dates within a given month must all be for the same occasion. If the later opening hours are approved on two separate dates, that means two different one-time permits.

Your new licence will result in a prorated decrease in the total number of permits issued in a given calendar year. If you were issued a new licence on April 20, 2017, you'd have eight more days in the year. This implies that you can submit an application for up to four permits before the end of the year.

A post-midnight license will now be issued only if the following criteria are met:

  • When a person other than the licensee, owner, or occupant of the licenced premises desires to hold a party there for a certain occasion.
  • The time of the event itself, plus a decent amount of time before and after.

According to the statute, a "Special Occasion" is defined as:

  • Extraordinary public gatherings that happen once in a while yet have regional, state, or even national significance.
  • The broadcast of a local music event or an international soccer match involving the Australian national team.
  • A party when only invited guests are allowed to attend, as a wedding or a birthday party.

New Year's Eve as well as Australia Day are two of the official "special events" recognised by the Commission for Liquor and Gaming. It will not be required of licensees that they provide proof of a request from a third party in order to apply to prolong their business hours to 2 am to 5 am on certain days. Only one application for a permit to work longer hours per month will be considered.

Only a permission for extended trade hours from the Commission for Liquor and Gaming will do to meet the new requirements.

Wine Permit

A wine permit is required to sell wine at a one-time event like a festival or trade exhibition if you are the wine's producer or wine merchant and hold a valid licence.

Permission to possess wine permits you to do the following:

  • Those who have their own vineyards and wish to sell wine for off-premises consumption can do so.
  • You may sell or give away wine samples for in-person consumption only at your permitted location.

Wines produced by those with a wine merchant's licence must be created exclusively from fruit grown by the licensee on the licenced premises, and must also contain at least 85 percent of other ingredients produced by the licensee.

Alcoholic Beverage Control Permit Restrictions

A community liquor permit allows non-profits and select clubs to sell alcohol at special events such as fairs, concerts, and festivals. Your situation may qualify for an exemption from this rule. To find out if your company qualifies, have them take the self-test.

Restricted Liquor Permit

A restricted liquor licence is available to non-profit organisations or clubs that wish to conduct business for no more than 10 or 25 hours per week for a maximum of 3 or 6 months, provided that all profits are reinvested into the organisation rather than distributed to members.

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Allowance for Production of Craft Beer

Craft breweries from outside of Queensland who hold a licence equivalent to that of a producer or wholesaler in Queensland may be eligible to apply for a craft beer producer permit in order to sell their wares at a promotional event in the Sunshine State. If your brewery is located in Melbourne and you sell your beer wholesale, you can apply for an endorsement as a craft beer producer.

Artisan Manufacturer Permit

Consider yourself the owner of a craft distillery in another state, with a licence that is on par with either a Melbourne manufacturer permit or a craft producer licence. If you want to sell your alcohol at a promotional event in Melbourne, you'll need an artisan producer permit, so you should look into whether or not you qualify to apply for one. If you are a manufacturer or distributor in the Melbourne area, or if you are an artisan liquor manufacturer, you can apply for artisan liquor producer approval.


It takes a lot of time and effort to get a licence for a venue. Venues that require a licence to host events include hotels, mansions, and community centres. Because weddings are public events, the venue must be available on a regular basis. Today, you can have your civil ceremony at most any venue. In some cultures, marriage is frowned upon.

Verify that the locations you are considering for the wedding ceremony have the necessary licence. It's worth stressing that only specific rooms are recorded, and not entire buildings. A fundamental step in planning a successful wedding in Australia is familiarity with the necessary legal formalities. Fire safety measures must be taken at all times, and additional rules may be implemented at the discretion of individual municipalities. Until you receive this letter of approval from the local government, your reservation is not complete.

In order to sell alcohol and offer additional services like food and entertainment, a licence is required. Each municipality has its own set of licencing requirements, and no two properties are the same. You will need a permit or approval to extend your liquor licence in Queensland if you already have one. Each year, there are six all-night market sessions (midnight to five a.m.). Permission to stay open later than usual must be requested at least 21 days before the event is to take place.

If your event is scheduled to run for more than two days in a given calendar month, you may be eligible for additional accommodations. "Special events" include New Year's Eve and Australia Day. If you want to sell wine at a one-time event like a festival or trade show, you'll need a wine permit. In some areas, organisations with community liquor permits are authorised to sell alcoholic beverages at community events like fairs and festivals. Craft breweries located outside of Queensland may be eligible to apply for a craft beer producer permit if they have a licence similar to that of a producer or wholesaler in Queensland. You can apply for approval if you are a manufacturer or distributor in the Melbourne area, or if you produce artisan liquor.

Content Summary

  • The process of licencing a venue is lengthy and convoluted.
  • You've found the perfect place to learn about the lawful requirements for getting married.
  • At least one venue in most areas is authorised to host civil ceremonies.
  • Check with each potential venue you're considering for a wedding ceremony to ensure they have the appropriate licence.
  • A marriage ceremony performed outside is legal if it takes place in a covered area.
  • It is crucial to understand the legal prerequisites of getting married in Australia.
  • Your reservation is not finalised until you obtain a letter of approval from the local government.
  • Instructions on how to submit an application and make a payment are included on the application form.
  • Because of your reservation, no one else will be able to reserve that specific space and time.
  • The approval does not, however, ensure sole possession of the land and its amenities.
  • Apply for a one-time extended trade hours permit for two or more consecutive days during the specified month.
  • This implies that you can submit an application for up to four permits before the end of the year.
  • New Year's Eve as well as Australia Day are two of the official "special events" recognised by the Commission for Liquor and Gaming.
  • Only a permission for extended trade hours from the Commission for Liquor and Gaming will do to meet the new requirements.
  • A wine permit is required to sell wine at a one-time event like a festival or trade exhibition if you are the wine's producer or wine merchant and hold a valid licence.
  • To find out if your company qualifies, have them take the self-test.
  • Craft breweries from outside of Queensland who hold a licence equivalent to that of a producer or wholesaler in Queensland may be eligible to apply for a craft beer producer permit in order to sell their wares at a promotional event in the Sunshine State.
  • If your brewery is located in Melbourne and you sell your beer wholesale, you can apply for an endorsement as a craft beer producer.
  • Consider yourself the owner of a craft distillery in another state, with a licence that is on par with either a Melbourne manufacturer permit or a craft producer licence.
  • If you want to sell your alcohol at a promotional event in Melbourne, you'll need an artisan producer permit, so you should look into whether or not you qualify to apply for one.
  • If you are a manufacturer or distributor in the Melbourne area, or if you are an artisan liquor manufacturer, you can apply for artisan liquor producer approval.

FAQs About Wedding Venues

The average wedding venue cost is A$8,000 based on a low of A$4,800 to a high of A$19,000 for the venue's site fee, not including food and beverage. Location, demand, day of the week, inclusions, and seasonality all affect the pricing of a venue.

The location of the wedding as well as any subsequent reception is referred to as the wedding venue.

  • Hotel Wedding Venues.
  • Barn Wedding Venues.
  • Modern Wedding Venues.
  • Estate Wedding Venues.
  • Locations for Weddings in Backyards
Important Things to Consider Before Choosing a Wedding Venue
  • Location. Location is one of the crucial things to consider while choosing a wedding venue. 
  • Date. It is important to check whether the wedding venue you selected is available on the date of the wedding or not. 
  • Parking. 
  • Facilities. 
  • Decorations. 
  • User Reviews.

The Courthouse

There is a solid reason why the courthouse has traditionally been considered the venue of choice for nuptials that are held on a budget.
The fees for civil ceremonies that are held in city halls or county clerks' offices are typically less than A$160, and in certain locations, there is no fee at all. Civil ceremonies are held in most cities.

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