Wedding Planner

Why Is Planning a Wedding So Hard?

Both the announcement of an engagement and the beginning of wedding preparations are joyous events that help to celebrate the couple's growing love for one another and their mutual commitment to the union. It's a big deal, and it's exciting, but there's bound to be some tension. Trying to make sense of this is made more challenging by the fact that so few people are honest about how challenging it might be. It is widely assumed that this will be your happiest period of life. Conversely, when it isn't, it can be frustrating for the listener and sometimes embarrassing for the speaker. Too busy with life to really plan your wedding in detail? Have someone else do it for you and check out our list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help take the stress away.

Planning a Wedding Is Difficult Because

The vast majority of engaged couples report that these worries persist throughout the remainder of wedding preparations. Although wedding planning is stressful in and of itself, you and your future spouse can benefit greatly from learning effective stress management techniques.

How to Keep Everyone Happy?

The anticipation of your wedding day has no doubt filled your mother with joy and happiness throughout the previous few months. Mothers who insist on planning their daughters' weddings down to the last detail (from the guest list to the attire) are usually acting in their offspring's best interests. Just one day of trying to live up to your parents' expectations might be overwhelming.

The likelihood of misunderstandings and confrontations can be mitigated by setting clear expectations and boundaries at the outset. Make a documented plan and assign roles to each member of the team. What resources are at hand, when decisions must be taken, how many people are allowed to attend, etc. As a result, you'll have a solid plan B if and when the expectations of others become out of hand.

Family and Friends Who Are Mean

Like the split parents who make your wedding all about how much they detest one other, or the eccentric aunt who insists she bring 15 guests because the family hasn't seen each other in 10 years, everyone has that one buddy who thinks this is his or her day. Those dealing with insensitive loved ones should remember the holiday's true meaning and where it came from. It might be essential to put up some serious limits, or even prevent them from attending the wedding, if things go out of hand.

Make sure you aren't shouldering the burden of this worry on your own. You should seek out help and support from people like your friends, your fiancé, and perhaps a therapist if you want to retain your sanity and attend your wedding. It's the only way you'll be able to make it through the wedding without completely losing it.

Frustrating Vendors

The wedding vendors you hire could end up being a source of frustration for you and your partner, despite their good intentions and carefully laid plans. If dealing with unreliable vendors becomes too much for you, consider turning the responsibility off to a reliable friend or family member.

You can take some of the pressure off of yourself in the months leading up to the wedding by hiring a wedding planner. Spending a modest sum on a planner may prove invaluable in the long term for maintaining your sanity and saving your marriage.

The Cost of Your Wedding

For most married couples, the process of arranging their wedding is their first interaction with shared financial responsibilities, and it can be stressful and awkward to talk about money. It might be difficult for a wide variety of organisations to figure out how to make the most of the money they already have.

It's easy to feel pressured into spending more money on your wedding when you're confronted with a number of providers, each of whom offers their own unique set of add-ons. When things get too much, it's reasonable to go to your home for some alone time to figure out what to do. Staying within the budget you set for yourself is essential if you want to prevent a lot of unnecessary stress, despite the fact that it can be easy to get carried away with the range of extras that are available. Your wedding selections may seem endless, but you shouldn't let anyone pressure you into spending more than you're comfortable with. You'll end yourself drowning in debt and deeply regretting your decision if you don't make a change soon.

Each Other

The two of you may realise that you are taking out your frustrations on each other as a result of the circumstance as a result of the pressure, stress, and decisions that you will need to make. There are a lot of men who worry their wives-to-be will be always furious and anxious, and they express this worry to their partners. The groom's lack of participation in the wedding planning is a common source of discontent among women. Maintaining a healthy relationship and remembering to talk to one another on a frequent basis is crucial if you want to stay connected as a pair and continue to feel joy together.

Why and How to Deal With the Emotional Strain of Wedding Preparations

Wedding Planner

Stress can arise for quite reasonable reasons even when one is preparing for a happy event like a wedding. But there are things you can do to lessen the strain and savour this time in your life to the fullest, all while keeping your focus where it needs to be: on your future marriage and your partner. Among these measures are:

The wedding, and the engagement that precedes it, are meant to be the crowning achievements of a couple's lives together. Yet, the pressure of wedding preparations can sometimes dampen the joyous anticipation one experiences.

It’s a Serious Commitment

The decision to marry another person and spend the rest of one's life with them is the most important commitment one can make. But most engaged couples will also need to devote significant time to the wedding's actual preparations. No matter how long the engaged couple has been together prior to the wedding, the time and effort spent on the preparations is substantial. Location, guest list, and THE dress are just a few of the many variables that need to be decided upon. The fact that numerous choices must be made at increasingly granular levels during each stage does not help matters. It can be difficult to feel like you're making progress on your work when you're always being tasked with new projects as soon as you finish the previous one. Feeling trapped by one's own decisions can overwhelm and confuse even the most determined individuals. Anyone, no matter how strong their resolve, is susceptible to this.

Methods for Coping

Even though the thought of all the effort that goes into arranging for a wedding may be intimidating, it is in everyone's best interest to just approach the task head-on. Create an exhaustive list of tasks and a timetable (for inspiration, see here and here), and then be realistic about the time and effort they will demand. There are a lot of tiny things that need to be done, and it's easy to forget them, but they all add up to big problems if you don't (such as calling out to vendors – expect little phone tag). You should give yourself credit for the progress you've made and be completely forthright about it.

While it's possible that bringing in a consultant could help ease things, doing so isn't always financially feasible. Therefore, it is useful to narrow your attention to a few key decisions (such as the flowers, the menu, or the photography) that you are willing to invest the most time and energy into (obsessing over, even). By prioritising what's most important to the two of you, you may save time and effort on less important details without sacrificing the wedding's ability to authentically reflect the two of you.

It Is Shockingly Pricey

Whether you're having a huge party, a small gathering, or even just eloping, the expense of arranging a wedding is a heavy burden. You shouldn't lose focus on the issue just because you've recovered from the initial shock of the costs and figured out how you're truly going to pay for everything. No one likes to feel awkward about talking about money, not even with those they're closest to (like your partner). Especially if you and your partner have different ideas about how much money should be spent or who should pay for which expenses, this is probably the case. Society, wedding industries, and even close relatives may put undue pressure on you to follow their advice about how much money you should spend (or save) on your wedding.

How to Deal With It

Make a plan for how much money you will be spending each month, and don't go over that amount. The benefit would not justify the effort. Get everyone who is helping pay for the wedding on the same page about their responsibilities. If you're forthright about your financial situation, you might be able to negotiate with sellers who understand your constraints and work within them. Also, keep in mind that a large wedding isn't required to have a lovely and memorable ceremony.

Changing one's outlook can also help alleviate stress. Money talks are important not just throughout the wedding planning process but throughout a healthy marriage. One of the most common causes of conflict in married couples is disagreement about money issues. You'll find it much less of a struggle to deal with life's challenges when they arise if you make it a habit to have more fruitful conversations about money. Spending less time worrying about money will become much more manageable if you and your loved ones make it a habit to talk about it in constructive ways (and expensive).

Shocking Revelations

You could have had preconceived notions about your ideal wedding, the person you'd like to spend the rest of your life with, and the dynamics of your prospective marriage before you even got engaged. Some people's anticipations have been totally satisfied. Unhappily, we have a propensity to overanalyze circumstances when our hopes and reality do not even match, leading to undue anxiety (for example, "If you don't weep when you put on your dress, is it the correct one?"). This can lead us to fret over things that are completely irrelevant. If you're not excited about planning your wedding, that could be a telling indicator of who you are as a person (and your future spouse). It's natural to feel a range of emotions, some of which may be unpleasant, when going through a major life transition like getting married. A couple instances of uncomfortable emotions and ideas are coming to terms with the fact that you can only be romantically involved with one person and the fear that you will eventually get divorced.

Tips for Coping

Engaging another person and the following planning of a wedding can evoke a wide range of emotions. When emotions are documented, typically only positive ones like joy, gratitude, and love are noted. As a result of judgemental preconceptions and mental fog, few people open up about dealing with negative emotions like disappointment, uncertainty, or anxiety. Many claim this has made them feel much more alone and confused than they already were.

Getting married is a serious commitment that should not be made hastily. Rather than reflecting your true feelings for your partner or readiness to be married, the more frightening and anxiety-inducing ideas often symbolise the significance of this decision. This is because the weight of this choice typically outweighs any sentiments of infatuation you may have for your partner. Though uncomfortable, they show that you're giving this huge move the serious consideration it merits. Don't let your anxieties consume you; instead, tackle them with a positive, accepting mindset. You can find support from friends, family, and professionals if you're still struggling with anxiety and worry.

Both Anticipation and Excitement Are at an All-Time High

It's safe to assume that you and your soon-to-be spouse aren't the only ones eagerly anticipating your wedding day. Your loved ones may have suggestions for the guest list, venue, level of religious significance, and even their own roles in the ceremony. When well-meaning loved ones want to pitch in but offer suggestions that go counter to your own, it can be very unpleasant. The planning process can be less enjoyable and leave you feeling like you have little control over the outcome if you have to deal with actual or anticipated conflict as well as the stress of worrying about disappointing others (such as a friend who wants to be a bridesmaid or family members who expect to be invited). The stress of anticipating or experiencing conflict with others, or the anxiety of worrying that you may disappoint others, are all potential sources of stress.

Check out our ultimate list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help you organise a stress-free wedding.

How to Take Care of It

People's loved ones often put pressure on them because they want what's best for them. This definitely does not make the stress any less accurate, since there will always be people who, in our opinion, go out of their way to make circumstances about themselves.

To what extent we are willing to compromise differs from person to person. An important gesture of respect and appreciation could be an invitation to long-lost relatives or participation in a cultural ritual that hasn't been carried out in over a decade. However, it's important to remember that no matter how flexible you are, you can't possibly cater to the needs and whims of every single one of your people. You'll just have to deal with it. At some point in the planning phase, it becomes necessary to establish limits in order to ensure that your wedding is entirely tailored to your preferences. Don't forget to recognise when you're exaggerating the significance of something or misinterpreting a situation (for example, your friend might not be as disappointed as you think they would be). The benefits of giving into another person's wishes should be kept in mind when doing so, even if they amount to little more than avoiding a fight. If the other person is a close friend or family member, it's extremely crucial to remember this.

There Are Risks Involved With Your Relationship

It's possible that the intensity of your emotions, the stress of your financial situation, and the seemingly endless decisions will take a toll on your relationship. If you feel that your partner isn't pulling their weight or doesn't understand how tough this scenario is for you, it can add unnecessary stress to an already trying circumstance. Even after being married, many people say they miss the days before they became engaged.

How to Handle It

If you're engaged and want to avoid a fight at all costs, keeping things to yourself may make sense. But doing so nearly invariably leads to heightened feelings of solitude and misunderstood. Instead, explain how you feel to your partner, tell them what's upsetting you and why, and see if there's anything they can do to ease your stress. If you have a disagreement, being respectful to one another and able to communicate well will help you come out of it feeling more united as a group. Throughout the duration of your preparations, try to keep things as normal as possible. Spend time doing the things you two enjoy doing together and talking about things that aren't the wedding.

Stressing Out for the Big Wedding Day

Worries about how the wedding day itself will go (for example, that things won't go according to plan or that you'll feel weird being the centre of attention) can be more stressful than the preparation process itself. If you've had difficulties with other parts of this procedure before, you might be more worried about how stressed you'll be on the actual day of this event.

How to Handle It

Prioritize the things that will help you relax and enjoy the day. Make a morning routine that will serve as a foundation for the remainder of the day. This could be anything from listening to music to hanging out with close friends to simply taking a walk by yourself.

Keep your focus on the things that matter to you and that excite you throughout the day (like those you prioritised on your to-do list). Try to find a way to spend some quiet time together throughout the day. In the midst of a stressful situation, it can be helpful to practise mindfulness by taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the many sights, sounds, and feelings that surround you (or even smell and taste). No matter how complicated things become, the most basic needs, including eating, drinking, and using the restroom, must always be met. Don't forget that everybody is rooting for you and supporting you.

The Top Mistakes Couples Make While Wedding Planning

Wedding Planner

No matter how well you plan, there will inevitably be unforeseen complications on your big day. There are a few common mistakes that people make while planning weddings, but with some forethought at the outset, these can be avoided despite the stress of arranging for vendors, selecting menu items, and keeping track of guests. It's inevitable that even the best-organized couple will mess something up during the wedding planning process.

Spending Like Crazy Without Caring About the Cost

Discussing money might not be the most exciting topic, but it's important given your current situation. The first thing a spouse should do is get everyone who has an opinion into the same room to discuss money. Many engaged couples overextend themselves financially because they booked services and made purchases before they had a clear understanding of their financial limitations. It's crucial to set and stick to a budget from the beginning of wedding planning through the end. In this way, you can take the day of your wedding easy and stress-free, knowing that you've done everything you can to prepare.

Mistakes on the Wedding License

You may not be familiar with all of the rules that govern marriage licences. They populate the globe in great numbers. In the state of Pennsylvania, for instance, the validity term of a marriage licence is limited sixty days, thus if the application is not submitted until 61 days before the wedding, the event itself will not be considered legitimate. (You may, however, go on with the ceremony, and no one will be the wiser if they are unaware that you were lawfully married on that day.) A marriage licence may not arrive in time if you put off ordering it until the day of the ceremony (some states have a three-day waiting period). It is common to forget to bring the official divorce documents with you when you go to receive your second marriage certificate. This page contains further information on getting a marriage licence than can be found anywhere else.

Becoming Dedicated to One Variety of Flower

If you book your florist 12 months ahead of time, they will only be able to make educated guesses as to which flowers will be within your budget and available on the big day. If you have your heart set on orchids for an event, you may be left disappointed if they are not available on the day of the event. The best way to avoid this issue is to choose secondary flowers as backups for your primary flowers and to include that information in your contract. Instead of focusing on specific types of flowers, consider the range of possible hues and forms they could take.

Giving Other People the Power to Choose Your Wedding Guests

Whoever you choose to participate in your wedding is entirely up to you; this is true regardless of gender, familial ties, or any other factor. If you're having a wedding, your closest family members and friends regardless of their gender, should all be in attendance. Rather than picking people just to make a relative happy, it's better to go with your gut feeling about who would be a good fit. Since this is the day of your wedding, you should feel special.

Spending Your Entire Clothing Budget on One Dress

In other words, if your wedding budget is A$1,500, that doesn't mean you'll be able to purchase a gown with a price tag of A$1,500; you'll need to add tax and shipping fees if you're not buying the gown off the rack. The same holds true for you; you'll have to make some adjustments. When calculating the total cost of your getup, don't forget to add in your underclothes, shoes, veil, and accessories.

Too Early Save-The-Date Invitations

While it's understandable to want to get the word out about your upcoming nuptials as soon as possible, it's best to hold off on sending out "save the date" cards until after you've finalised your guest list. A save-the-date card should be sent out to guests you know for sure will be invited between eight to ten months prior to the wedding. As a result, no one's feelings were harmed.

Neglecting to Order Your Wedding Gown in Time

If you want a custom-fit or specially-ordered wedding dress, you should start shopping at least six months before the big day. Also, the vast majority of ready-to-wear wedding dresses require modifications, so give yourself plenty of time to deal with that. Ample time must be allowed for the production, fittings, and delivery of your custom-made dress (which may come from another country). The same holds true for the bridesmaids' attire.

Late Hotel Reservations

A lot of newly engaged couples make this mistake when they are preparing for the wedding. The soon-to-wed pair will wait until the last minute to start booking hotels for their out-of-town guests. You may run into trouble if you plan a wedding for a particularly busy time of year without first checking hotel availability. Accordingly, it's in your best interest to get a reservation as soon as possible. Get started on your planning at least a year ahead of time, and book your block of rooms at least eight months in advance. Your wedding invitations, website, and save-the-date cards should all include information on nearby hotels for guests to stay at. (For the record, you aren't actually utilising them; guests will give you their credit cards over the phone to secure accommodation reservations.)

Disregarding the Need for a Videographer

Most newlyweds will want to document their special day with photographs, but those will only provide a glimpse into the festivities. Videos, on the other hand, let you hear your own and your partner's voices as you exchange vows and watch as your loved ones let loose on the dance floor, allowing you to relive the day over and over again. When planning a wedding, most couples should definitely invest in professional photographs. You can relive the special moments, like those with your grandparents, you might have skipped during the actual ceremony by hiring a professional videographer.

Paying Too Little for Postage

You wouldn't believe how many people who are getting married don't pay the proper amount of attention when purchasing postage stamps, with some even putting the entire batch in the letter box without needing to pay the proper amount. If you don't pay the additional postage required to mail your wedding invitations, the post office will send them back to you. Get the weight of your invitation at the postal service before you go stamp shopping to avoid any unpleasant surprises. For your information, square invitations are more expensive to mail due to their size and weight.

Inviting Too Many People

Verify that the number of guests on your list is less than or equal to the maximum number of attendees allowed there at reception site. If you invite 400 people, and only 250 respond positively, you have a problem. If you eventually wind up with 300 invitees and only 250 spots, you might have to turn away 50 people at the door. Most reception halls cannot provide the ten extra tables you've requested due to fire safety regulations, despite the fact that the suppliers would love to. There is a cap on the number of guests who can be present at any given time due to these regulations. You should first assess the number of guests you can comfortably host by reviewing the list of invitees you have sent out and assuming that 80% of them will respond positively and confirm their participation.

Interfering Too Much With Your Suppliers

Now that you have experts on board who are familiar with your goals, you should step back and let them get to work. Once you've had your initial meetings, it's best to step back and let the pros take the reins if you want things to go smoothly. We recognise the allure of hovering over every move, but we think it's best for everyone if we step back and let them figure it out on their own. Honey works better than vinegar at luring flies, so it can be used for this purpose. Be respectful and friendly to your merchants without going overboard, and they will do the same for you. If you have a habit of being disagreeable, people will view you less favourably. Getting the help of a professional wedding planner can ensure that your big day goes off without a hitch.

Failing to Ask Sufficient Questions

Being polite to your vendors will help you get the information you need from them. Ask direct inquiries to ensure you comprehend the repercussions of your choice. Make sure you have good lines of communication open with your suppliers. "Do you think the florist means peonies when they recommend "healthy white flowers in May" in their proposal? Can you see any carnations? Have the grown-ups finally been introduced?" Asking the specialists a lot of questions may feel awkward, but it will ultimately help you as well as your partner make better decisions.

Choosing a Pal Over a Pro

It doesn't matter how great your college buddy's workout mixes are; just because he's a great mixer doesn't mean he'll be a good DJ for your wedding. Just because your friend uses Instagram doesn't end up making her a professional photographer, though she may be in the same boat as you. We always tell our clients that even if they are on a tight budget, they should hire reputable wedding professionals. If your friends don't mind getting wet for your wedding, they can still have a great time regardless of the weather.

Take Care of Things on Your Own

If you are fortunate enough to receive assistance from loved ones, take it with grace. Your upcoming wedding is cause for celebration. These days, everyone seems to want to be liked, and that can be exhausting for those around them. Utilize all of your tools and personnel to their fullest capacity by sharing the load. If your mum, future mom-in-law, or best friend offers to help, put them to work doing things like researching vendors or mailing invitations. That way, you can take advantage of their assistance. Keep in mind that volunteers are not paid workers; however, you should still show your appreciation for their time and energy. A wedding planner can take care of all the little things that keep popping up if you're having trouble keeping up.

Failing to Pay Attention to What’s Really Important

Don't lose sight of the fact that your wedding is just the beginning of a lifetime spent with your spouse. Show some kindness to one another. Disagreements are inevitable as you navigate the difficult decisions that come with weddings, whether it's just the two of you or a larger group of people. As long as you remember why you decided to take this step, you can download Lasting, the first wedding health app of its kind, without worrying. Remember why you felt compelled to make this shift.


Few people will admit how difficult wedding planning can be. Conflicts and misunderstandings can be avoided if boundaries and expectations are established at the outset. Make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing, and have a backup plan ready to go in case things get shaky. Couples sometimes feel taken advantage of by wedding vendors. When dealing with shady suppliers becomes too much, try passing the buck to a trustworthy friend or relative.

The months leading up to the wedding can be stressful, but hiring a wedding planner can help alleviate some of that stress. Even in the midst of wedding planning, stress is possible for perfectly reasonable reasons. The actual wedding preparations will also require a substantial amount of time from most engaged couples. It is possible to alleviate some of the pressure and maintain your concentration by taking certain measures. The cost of planning a wedding is substantial whether you're inviting many people or just the two of you.

Make an in-depth list of things to do and a schedule (for ideas, see here and here), and then be honest with yourself about how much time and energy each item will take. Establish a monthly budget that you will stick to, and spend only that much. Ensure that all of the wedding's financial contributors are on the same page with their respective roles and obligations. Your lack of enthusiasm for wedding preparations may reveal a lot about who you are. Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires careful consideration.

Stop letting your worries consume you and start dealing with them head-on and acceptingly. If worry and anxiety are still a problem for you, reach out for help from those close to you and from professionals. Your relationship may suffer as a result of the strain of your intense feelings, the pressure of your financial situation, and the seemingly endless decisions. It can be stressful if you worry that your partner isn't doing their fair share or doesn't realise how difficult things are for you. Sometimes, worrying about how the wedding day itself will go can be more nerve-wracking than the actual planning itself.

Do what will help you unwind and enjoy the day the most. Even the most well-prepared couple will inevitably overlook an important detail at some point. Numerous soon-to-wed pairs go into debt because they start making plans and payments for their big day before they fully grasp their financial capacity. If you wait until the day of the wedding to order a marriage licence, there's a chance it won't arrive in time. You won't find any more thorough guidance on acquiring a marriage licence than what's presented on this page.

Everyone who is close to the bride and groom, regardless of their gender, should be invited to the wedding. Eight to ten months before the wedding, you should send a save-the-date card to guests you know for sure will be invited. Most couples will want to take pictures to remember their wedding day, but those pictures will only give a small glimpse into the full celebration. However, videos allow you to hear your loved one's voice alongside your own as you share your vows and enjoy the celebration on the dance floor. You have a problem if you invite 400 people but only 250 accept your invitation.

As a general rule, banquet halls do not have enough space to accommodate the ten additional tables you have requested due to fire safety regulations. Hiring a professional wedding planner is a great way to make sure that your special day goes off without a hitch. It is still important to hire trustworthy wedding professionals even if funds are limited. Your guests can still have a great time at your wedding even if it rains, as long as they don't mind getting a little damp. It's important to get the most out of your resources and team members by dividing up the work.

Content Summary

  • Although wedding planning is stressful in and of itself, you and your future spouse can benefit greatly from learning effective stress management techniques.
  • The likelihood of misunderstandings and confrontations can be mitigated by setting clear expectations and boundaries at the outset.
  • You can take some of the pressure off of yourself in the months leading up to the wedding by hiring a wedding planner.
  • Staying within the budget you set for yourself is essential if you want to prevent a lot of unnecessary stress, despite the fact that it can be easy to get carried away with the range of extras that are available.
  • The two of you may realise that you are taking out your frustrations on each other as a result of the circumstance as a result of the pressure, stress, and decisions that you will need to make.
  • But most engaged couples will also need to devote significant time to the wedding's actual preparations.
  • Society, wedding industries, and even close relatives may put undue pressure on you to follow their advice about how much money you should spend (or save) on your wedding.
  • Make a plan for how much money you will be spending each month, and don't go over that amount.
  • One of the most common causes of conflict in married couples is disagreement about money issues.
  • If you're not excited about planning your wedding, that could be a telling indicator of who you are as a person (and your future spouse).
  • Don't let your anxieties consume you; instead, tackle them with a positive, accepting mindset.
  • Make a morning routine that will serve as a foundation for the remainder of the day.
  • No matter how well you plan, there will inevitably be unforeseen complications on your big day.
  • It's crucial to set and stick to a budget from the beginning of wedding planning through the end.
  • Mistakes on the Wedding LicenseYou may not be familiar with all of the rules that govern marriage licences.
  • This page contains further information on getting a marriage licence than can be found anywhere else.
  • If you want a custom-fit or specially-ordered wedding dress, you should start shopping at least six months before the big day.
  • Accordingly, it's in your best interest to get a reservation as soon as possible.
  • Get started on your planning at least a year ahead of time, and book your block of rooms at least eight months in advance.
  • Your wedding invitations, website, and save-the-date cards should all include information on nearby hotels for guests to stay at. (
  • If you don't pay the additional postage required to mail your wedding invitations, the post office will send them back to you.
  • Verify that the number of guests on your list is less than or equal to the maximum number of attendees allowed there at reception site.
  • Getting the help of a professional wedding planner can ensure that your big day goes off without a hitch.
  • If you are fortunate enough to receive assistance from loved ones, take it with grace.

FAQs About Wedding Planning

Planning a typical, local wedding with one year's notice is the accepted norm.
The couple will have plenty of time to plan the wedding, including booking the venue, finding the vendors they need, shopping for the dress, and more.

Visualize Your Big Day in Your Thoughts

Since this is your big day, feel free to plan whatever wild and wonderful celebration you can imagine. As you begin to imagine the details of your ideal wedding—the colours, the setting—a fairytale, the beach, spring, rustic, etc.—it's only fitting that you keep a special notebook for the occasion. Don't let yourself forget the brilliant ideas you've had; write them down!

However, the venue should be the first thing you reserve. This can help you confirm crucial details, such as the date, the available capacity, and whether or not you are required to use only approved vendors.

A wedding in2021, including the ceremony and the reception, averaged A$43,385.

More over half of engaged couples used some form of debt financing, such as credit cards or loans from a bank, to pay for their nuptials, while 16% borrowed the money directly from a friend or relative.

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