Wedding Photography

Why are wedding photographers so expensive?

The passage of time has a funny way of making memories blurry, which is why we cherish photographs so much. It would be unwise to cut corners on the wedding photographer. Colors, flowers, venue, attendees, and the dress are just a few of the things you'll be stressing about. Keep in mind, too, that you can't simply pack up all those houses and carry them with you. Hiring a professional wedding photographer is the best way to ensure you have beautiful photos of your special day to look back on forever.

You've done some research and asked a few photographers for quotes, and you've noticed that the ones you prefer tend to charge more than you were anticipating. You have probably encountered photographers of varying quality in your search results and recommendations. As you shop around for a photographer, you may find a wide range of rates. You may start to wonder why wedding photography costs so much, or why one photographer charges so much more than another. Looking for the best Wedding Photographer in Melbourne? Check out our ultimate list here.

So, be honest with yourself while thinking about whether or not to hire a friend who is a photographer or has a superb camera. Is it because you're a fan of their style and think it would be a good fit for your wedding that you're considering hiring them? Or perhaps you're contemplating a price cut request.

If you want to know why wedding photography costs so much, try this instead:

Asking "Why is wedding photography so inexpensive?"

  • What kind of shortcuts are they taking?
  • Is there proof of insurance coverage?
  • Do they have the proper tools?
  • How long have they been doing this?

This is the kind of day you'll want to remember and relive again and again. You are looking for a valuable relic that can be passed down through the family. The assurance that comes from working with a professional photographic crew is well-deserved. There's no space for photographic mistakes to happen on your wedding day. There is no way to relive your wedding day.

Hiring a less skilled or "cheaper" photographer might compromise the quality of your wedding day photographs and the longevity of your fondest memories. The good images may not be accepted, the work output may be subpar, or the print items given might be of bad quality. Not to mention the device faults that can happen. If this happens to a photographer without backup gear, they will be barred from shooting images at your wedding. Would you be willing to take such chances on your wedding day?

To find out why wedding photography is so costly, let's examine the factors involved.

Photography Gear

Photographers who wish to cover weddings should invest in professional-level gear. WASIO Photography uses only state-of-the-art equipment, which is regularly updated to guarantee we provide our devoted customers with only the best. Equipment used in the photography industry is designed to withstand extreme circumstances, including high temperatures and wetness. These cameras can snap hundreds of pictures without failing.

The finest optical glass used in lenses designed for professionals results in images that are both clearer and more colourful. As an added bonus, they can zero in on an object very quickly.

However, every piece of photographic equipment eventually stops working. Having a backup is very important now. In order to capture every moment, we always bring many cameras and a wide selection of lenses to weddings. Nearly all of our machinery is clogged.

In what way is it useful to have a backup? Although we use state-of-the-art machinery, technological failures are still possible and will inevitably occur. In no world do we want to be in a position where we have a malfunctioning piece of equipment at a wedding and no spare parts to fix it. A catastrophe of this proportion would befall our married population. When our cameras or memory cards fail at weddings, we don't panic since we always bring backups.

As well as cameras and lenses, we rely heavily on flashes, strobes, and other light-altering accessories. Since the lighting at a wedding site is rarely ideal, we often supplement the natural light with artificial lighting to create a more dramatic effect in the photographs.

Computer Equipment

High-resolution images, often exceeding 30 megapixels, are produced by today's cameras. The computers at our studio need to be powerful enough to handle such enormous files, and they need a lot of storage space. As a result of the lightning-fast processing of our computers, we are able to operate quickly and efficiently, and provide you those pictures as soon as feasible.


No matter how great we think our work is, we always make it a priority to spend time each year attending seminars where we may pick up fresh ideas for how to improve. In the same way that high-end wedding photography services may break the bank, so can photography schools that teach to that standard.

In order to grow as photographers and as artists, it is essential to continue our education. When a photographer isn't open to change, it shows in their photos. When a photographer's work starts to seem antiquated, it's a clear sign that they haven't put any effort into improving their craft. We strive to provide images that are classic and will not seem dated in ten years.

Much of our success in winning photography awards can be traced back to the numerous hours we've spent furthering our knowledge in the field. Putting our photographic work out there in contests has given us a tonne of feedback and helped us gain valuable experience. We gained invaluable insight into the world of photography by sitting in on judging panels for renowned awards and by just being there for the discussions. No matter what may arise on wedding days, we are confident in our extensive experience and prepared. We have everything and the knowledge to execute a "Plan B."


You should give serious consideration to other options if the wedding photographer you interview does not carry insurance. Any photographer who doesn't have liability coverage should raise red flags.

Having liability insurance is a requirement in nearly every location we work in. Equipment insurance is equally as crucial as liability insurance. The gear description also included the caveat that gears can and do fail. It is essential to send equipment out for calibration, cleaning, and maintenance during the off-season.

Our equipment is protected by insurance, so if anything happens the day before your wedding, we will be taken care of and the replacement parts will be shipped out the very same day. You can't be a responsible business owner without insurance.

Post Production

As a newly married couple, there is a lengthy procedure to complete. When we go back to the house after the wedding, we immediately begin downloading the pictures we shot and making backups. The wedding's hundreds of photos take several hours to download. It's essential to back up your data in case anything gets accidentally erased or lost.

After downloading the photographs, we start the culling process, which typically takes two to four days. After the images have been edited and filtered, we organise them into sets for our couples. After a collection of desirable shots has been culled and arranged, editing may begin. We adjust the hue and saturation of each photo until they are all the same.

Delivering wedding photos to our clients usually takes us around four weeks. A lot of effort is spent making sure deliveries are made promptly and effectively.

Essential Techniques for Photographers

There are undoubtedly a million details you wouldn't want your wedding photographer to miss. You don't have much time to set up the perfect photo for a wedding, there's no second chance if something doesn't turn out, and people's worry, impatience, or discomfort will show through even in a "say cheese" smile. A photographer who isn't experienced in weddings is likely to be a distraction, miss photo chances, and lengthen the process.

Is the photographer you're contemplating that charges next to nothing a pro, or do they just take pictures as a hobby? A hobbyist is unlikely to have the top-of-the-line camera with all the appropriate lenses, lighting, and other accessories. Even if they have the necessary tools, they probably have less experience and knowledge because they haven't done as many shots.

Wedding photography requires an own set of skills and experience, even if you are familiar with commercial artists in Los Angeles. While working quickly with many people, event photographers may miss important details and private moments that set weddings apart. Looking for a wedding photographer in Melbourne? Look no further. Vogue Ballroom has compiled an ultimate list of wedding photo companies to help you choose. 

The Big Day

A baker who shows up with an unusual cake for your wedding is not someone you want to work with. You also don't want a free or low-cost photographer to make any assumptions regarding the kind of shots you should have at your wedding.

Right off the bat, you'll have access to a seasoned expert who can help you plot out your photography's artistic course. They can offer feedback on your plans and serve as a sounding board for your ideas if you share them with them. Photographers that are serious about their craft will have samples of their work available in a portfolio. Be careful to have them include both staged and unstaged shots that show off their true personalities. Check their experience before booking them for your Orange County outdoor wedding.

Due to time constraints, your wedding photographer may only have a small portfolio of work available to examine and may not be available for consultations if they also have a full-time job.

Someone without prior knowledge of your places would likely not bother to visit them all before filming. They haven't given any preparation to issues like camera location or lighting.

In order to legally take professional photographs in some areas of Los Angeles and Orange County, you may be required to get a special permit. A local wedding planner will be familiar with the steps required to secure permission at your desired location.

Knowing the Camera

An inexperienced user cannot get the most out of a high-priced camera without first mastering its controls. Since their attention is divided between the wedding and adjusting their equipment, they end up missing some great images. Without them, the ritual will continue without a chance to retrace their steps.

A wedding photographer has to be able to quickly adjust their camera's settings and have a firm grasp of the way their camera responds to light. Everyone knows the readings are only suggestions and there are no hard and fast rules; each ceremony is special in its own way.

The bride and her attendants will be proceeding down the aisle without pausing for photographs. If the novice doesn't know how to compensate for camera movement, all of the images will be blurry, or they will be boring broad shots of the entire room instead of focusing on the actors.

Photos from the ceremony are not only bright and sharp thanks to modern focusing and highlighting methods, but also convey the excitement and anticipation of the occasion.

Arriving Prepared

Even if they have the gear, a low-budget photographer will spend the early part of the day lugging their camera gear in and out of their automobile. If they don't get there early enough, they won't have time to capture the excitement and anticipation of the moment on video.

A skilled wedding photographer will have backup cameras with a variety of lenses ready, as well as any other necessary gear handy at hand.

Seamless Lighting Effects

An amateur will increase their aperture and shutter speed to increase their light intake when working in low light. However, big prints will have a grainy appearance as a result of this. They overcompensate in order to capture details in black or dark-colored formalwear, but this often results in overexposed flowers or skin tones. In order to take a picture, the camera needs to find a light source, so it won't pick up on the bride's smiles and the glow they give out.

Colors in your flowers and decorations, your bridesmaids' outfits, and your painstakingly applied makeup and tan will all pop with the right lighting. The built-in flash on your camera may cause you to seem pale or cause glare in your eyes if you use it. It takes a sense of equilibrium and the ability to creatively employ both the inherent lighting in a given setting and supplementary lighting techniques in order to successfully light a picture session. When shooting in natural light, this is equally important for outside and interior scenes.

A photographer shouldn't rely only on natural light, even when working outside might provide for greater illumination in a given frame. When taking portraits, it may seem like a good idea to have the subjects face the gorgeous scenery behind them, but a beginner photographer will often overlook the fact that they will be backlit, resulting in a silhouetted group shot. In direct sunshine, it would be too simple to overexpose certain family members' features while leaving others in deep shade. Simply said, a camera is merely a machine that can't modify its settings to make an unartistic photo look more appealing.

With outdoor weddings and formal sessions, professionals know how to avoid under-or overexposed shots while still creating a few stylistic effects like silhouettes and sunbeams where appropriate. 

Understanding Weddings - Not Just Taking Pictures

Building a Rapport

Find someone you feel comfortable with having so near to you on your wedding day. They will have to be flexible, attentive, and communicative. An expert will be accessible through email, phone, and in-person to facilitate instruction exchange prior to and following the day. An outstanding wedding professional gets to know you and your partner to fully immerse themselves in the ceremony, and this is reflected in the genuine, emotional moments they capture.

Knowing Where to Focus

The ordinary individual doesn't give much thought to the myriad details that must be attended to on the day of a wedding. It's possible that a volunteer photographer won't make it to the wedding until just before the guests do. Photos of the wedding party getting ready (hair, cosmetics, ties, and corsages) can be taken by a professional at the same time. Moreover, since their focus will be on the bride and groom, the amateur may neglect to take shots of your guests.

A professional wedding photographer will know just where and when to look to capture ephemeral moments like the first kiss. A trained expert can do their duties in a short amount of time with minimal disruption to the service.

Successful Formals

Anyone may gather a crowd for a photo if they have a camera. Your creative pal can feel awkward while offering directions, leading to the possibility of everyone standing in a haphazard cluster. The last thing the already frazzled bridal party needs is for someone who isn't getting paid to start shouting commands. They take a few of group photographs, and in at least half of them, someone isn't smiling, someone's eyes are closed, or the lighting is poor.

Professionals who are both personable and discreet can guide and control a group with ease and success at a formal event because of their ability to maintain a positive mood, speak effectively, and keep the tempo steady. Each photographer at a formal event should take many extra images of the most important shots to guarantee there will be no blinking, funny faces, or missed opportunities.

The Celebration

The amateur photographer has been on the job for 10 hours after the ceremony and is starting to feel the effects of it. Now that they've been "hired," your buddy or relative may kick back and have a few drinks on the house because they're doing you a favour.

They may think their job is done after the ceremony if they are a stranger and you hired them on the cheap. What would it require to have a reception contract drawn up? More posed pictures with whoever volunteers against a white wall? People in a dark room, captured with a flash, seeming flat?

The effort required for wedding photography is considerable. Assume a minimum of 12-18 hours of nonstop labour for the average wedding and reception. One or two other persons are often part of a professional's team.

Images showing guests dancing and having a good time during the reception are often some of the most memorable and touching from a wedding. You may trust a professional to take care of this so there won't be any unrecognisable blurs on the faces.

Money Makes a Difference

The exchange of money for work elevates the situation to the level of serious business. There is no expectation of excellence from a volunteer photographer. There is no incentive for them to do the work quickly. Waiting for them to provide your picture files might take months.

If you hire a photographer on the side, you generally won't get a contract or any kind of guarantee out of the deal. The professional photographer you hired has duties and objectives that you both agreed upon. A photographer won't care as much about your big day if you give them a free or low-paying gig.

Post Production Isn't Just Fixing Mistakes.

The services of a wedding photographer are ongoing, even after the big day has passed. Shots are sent to a computer where they are altered using high-end programmes.

There's a chance the hobbyist doesn't have access to editing software at home, or at least has just the most fundamental knowledge of how to use it. Having spent an entire day on this, they are unlikely to go through the 2,000 raw images to identify the nice ones if they do not intend to edit them. You'll have to sift through grainy, low-light photos in search of something decent.

As previously, this is something you and the photographer discussed before the big day, and now you're seeing it come to life in the photos. You may get anything from dark and moody artistic photographs to bright and breezy reportage during a wedding. To create the ideal mood and atmosphere in the finest photos, a professional photographer will employ both in-camera and digital post-processing techniques.

Final Thought

Why, therefore, do people expect to pay so much for wedding photos?

The reason is easy to understand: professional wedding photographers spend a great deal of time and money perfecting their craft. They're making an effort to build a strong company so they can be a go-to choice for wedding photography. They care deeply about photography and want to capture your special day perfectly.

The quality of their work is something they are really proud of. For the most part, people will make extra efforts to take pictures that are both aesthetic and have some sort of deeper significance to them.

Do you think it's possible to put a price on your fondest childhood memories?

Most newbies share seasoned veterans' dedication and expertise. However, they may not have the background or expertise to handle the hectic pace of wedding photography. Will they recognise potential dangers? Can they foresee when particular events will occur? Can they effectively interact with visitors who have a wide range of personalities? Do they know how and when to deploy each piece of equipment? Will they understand how to take pictures that accurately depict the feelings of the time they were taken?

If you obtain a quote in the future and find it to be too high, remember the aforementioned points.

You should base your selection on the answers you receive to important questions you should ask the photographer.

  • For samples of the photographer's work, look at his or her portfolio. Have the pictures met your expectations?
  • Do they have both general liability and professional indemnity insurance? What if the photographer accidently hurts someone? Who's responsible for paying medical bills and other expenses? What happens if their equipment malfunctions and they lose all the images? How will you be compensated then?
  • Do they have high-quality tools?
  • How long have they been taking pictures at weddings and other events?
  • Can they legally provide their services to the general public?
  • Do they seem genuinely excited about working with you and your wedding?

Finally, remember that this is your wedding day, and do whatever makes you the happiest. Don't forget that professional photography services are an investment, not a cost. You get what you paid for, just as with any other purchase. At Vogue Ballroom we have compiled a list of the Best Photographers in Melbourne to help you choose who captures your magical day.

Reduce costs in other areas if you're having trouble paying for the ceremony and reception. no photo taking After the honeymoon is done, the only tangible reminder of your wedding day will be the images you took.

Content Summary

  1. It would be unwise to cut corners on the wedding photographer.
  2. Hiring a professional wedding photographer is the best way to ensure you have beautiful photos of your special day to look back on forever.
  3. As you shop around for a photographer, you may find a wide range of rates.
  4. Looking for the best Wedding Photographer in Melbourne?
  5. So, be honest with yourself while thinking about whether or not to hire a friend who is a photographer or has a superb camera.
  6. There's no space for photographic mistakes to happen on your wedding day.
  7. There is no way to relive your wedding day.
  8. Hiring a less skilled or "cheaper" photographer might compromise the quality of your wedding day photographs and the longevity of your fondest memories.
  9. If this happens to a photographer without backup gear, they will be barred from shooting images at your wedding.
  10. Would you be willing to take such chances on your wedding day?To find out why wedding photography is so costly, let's examine the factors involved.
  11. Photography GearPhotographers who wish to cover weddings should invest in professional-level gear.
  12. Having a backup is very important now.
  13. In what way is it useful to have a backup?
  14. In the same way that high-end wedding photography services may break the bank, so can photography schools that teach to that standard.
  15. In order to grow as photographers and as artists, it is essential to continue our education.
  16. Equipment insurance is equally as crucial as liability insurance.
  17. A photographer who isn't experienced in weddings is likely to be a distraction, miss photo chances, and lengthen the process.
  18.  Looking for a wedding photographer in Melbourne?
  19. A pro is available from the get-go to discuss the aesthetic direction you want to take with your images.
  20. Whether you're planning an outdoor wedding in Orange County, see if they've done this previously.
  21. If your wedding photographer also has a full-time job, they may be unavailable to answer your questions and may just have a small sample of their work accessible for viewing.
  22. A novice would either not know your locations or would not bother to see them all before the shoot.
  23. A wedding specialist from the region will know the procedure to gain authorisation at your selected site.
  24. A wedding photographer has to be able to quickly adjust their camera's settings and have a firm grasp of the way their camera responds to light.
  25. Even if they have the gear, a low-budget photographer will spend the early part of the day lugging their camera gear in and out of their automobile.
  26. A skilled wedding photographer will have backup cameras with a variety of lenses ready, as well as any other necessary gear handy at hand.
  27. Seamless Lighting EffectsAn amateur will increase their aperture and shutter speed to increase their light intake when working in low light.
  28. In order to take a picture, the camera needs to find a light source, so it won't pick up on the bride's smiles and the glow they give out.
  29. It takes a sense of equilibrium and the ability to creatively employ both the inherent lighting in a given setting and supplementary lighting techniques in order to successfully light a picture session.
  30. When shooting in natural light, this is equally important for outside and interior scenes.
  31. With outdoor weddings and formal sessions, professionals know how to avoid under-or overexposed shots while still creating a few stylistic effects like silhouettes and sunbeams where appropriate.
  32. Find someone you feel comfortable with having so near to you on your wedding day.
  33. It's possible that a volunteer photographer won't make it to the wedding until just before the guests do.
  34. Photos of the wedding party getting ready (hair, cosmetics, ties, and corsages) can be taken by a professional at the same time.
  35. A professional wedding photographer will know just where and when to look to capture ephemeral moments like the first kiss.
  36. A trained expert can do their duties in a short amount of time with minimal disruption to the service.
  37. Professionals who are both personable and discreet can guide and control a group with ease and success at a formal event because of their ability to maintain a positive mood, speak effectively, and keep the tempo steady.
  38. They may think their job is done after the ceremony if they are a stranger and you hired them on the cheap.
  39. What would it require to have a reception contract drawn up?
  40. Assume a minimum of 12-18 hours of nonstop labour for the average wedding and reception.
  41. One or two other persons are often part of a professional's team.
  42. Money Makes a DifferenceThe exchange of money for work elevates the situation to the level of serious business.
  43. There is no expectation of excellence from a volunteer photographer.
  44. There is no incentive for them to do the work quickly.
  45. If you hire a photographer on the side, you generally won't get a contract or any kind of guarantee out of the deal.
  46. The professional photographer you hired has duties and objectives that you both agreed upon.
  47. The services of a wedding photographer are ongoing, even after the big day has passed.
  48. As previously, this is something you and the photographer discussed before the big day, and now you're seeing it come to life in the photos.
  49. To create the ideal mood and atmosphere in the finest photos, a professional photographer will employ both in-camera and digital post-processing techniques.
  50. Why, therefore, do people expect to pay so much for wedding photos?The reason is easy to understand: professional wedding photographers spend a great deal of time and money perfecting their craft.
  51. The quality of their work is something they are really proud of.
  52. However, they may not have the background or expertise to handle the hectic pace of wedding photography.
  53. You should base your selection on the answers you receive to important questions you should ask the photographer.
  54. For samples of the photographer's work, look at his or her portfolio.
  55. Don't forget that professional photography services are an investment, not a cost.
  56. At Vogue Ballroom we have compiled a list of the Best Photographers in Melbourne to help you choose who captures your magical day.
  57. Reduce costs in other areas if you're having trouble paying for the ceremony and reception.
  58. no photo taking After the honeymoon is done, the only tangible reminder of your wedding day will be the images you took.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wedding Photographers

Your wedding florist will make your wedding day even more beautiful by providing gorgeous floral arrangements. Depending on your style and needs, your wedding flowers cost will vary, but the average cost of wedding flowers in the U.S. is around $1,500 with most couples spending between $700 and $2,500

New South Wales couples are willing to fork out the most for their floral arrangements, sitting at an average of $1,710 for their wedding flowers. Western Australian and South Australian couples are willing to pay a similar amount – $1,465 and $1,420 respectively. ~ EasyWeddings

DIY Flowers Are Budget-Friendly. You Can Save on the Labor Costs of Hiring a Florist! One of the major draws of DIY wedding flowers is the cost-effectiveness. It definitely saves money on a wedding florist when you end up designing your own floral arrangements!

According to our friends at, the average cost of wedding flowers in the U.S. is around $1,500 for small to medium size weddings and up to $5,000+ for large weddings. Whatever your wedding budget is, it is safe to start with 8-10% of your total budget dedicated to the florals.

Most couples spend between $1,800 and $7,000 on catering. Most caterers will include alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as part of their packages. The average cost per person for a wedding in the United States is $40 for a plated meal and $27 for a buffet. Adding an open bar typically ups the cost by $15 per person.

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