Honeycomb Wedding Productions

How long do wedding albums take?

Delivering your wedding photos will typically involve uploading the digital files and creating a web gallery thanks to the rise of online picture sharing platforms and the prevalence of digital cameras. What with Facebook and other social media, you have a tonne of alternatives for showing off the pictures from your big day.

Couples, while having a plethora of electronic presentation options, are nonetheless eager to spend in the "hard copy" display options of print, notably wedding albums. Because, despite the many advantages of digital photography, nothing can compare to the visual and tactile impact of a professionally designed and made traditional wedding album. Even though digital photos can be shared instantly via email or social media, how long will it take to receive the printed wedding album?

It normally takes about three months from the time you see your photos for the first time until you hold the finished album in your hands. The three key steps of this procedure are described below. Since it takes time for you to familiarise yourself with the photographs and for me to determine the optimal sequence and flow with which to bring the story to life, They advise against hurrying the process. Spend the extra time now to make sure your wedding album is perfect before turning it into a priceless keepsake for future generations.

We recently learned of a couple who had to wait an entire calendar year for the completion of their wedding album. a full year's worth of days, or 365. In all seriousness, that is ridiculous.

Clients are often dissatisfied when they are told it will take a few months to receive their wedding album. This is because they were born into a digital age and technological age where they expect instant gratification. A digital camera, on the other hand, should have instant results. WRONG!

When photography was still primarily a film medium, that's when we delved into it. After taking a photo, you'd send the film to a lab to have it developed and scanned. A contact sheet would be printed after developing your film. The lab would print your selections after you've made any necessary adjustments to the colours and tones. Definitely not a challenging task! It was a quick process, and the photographer didn't have to do much post-processing. However, mastering complex technical aspects of filmmaking was essential.

The advent of digital photography completely shifted the paradigm. While it's true that digital photos may be viewed instantly, there's still a lot of preparation and effort involved between the photo session and the delivery of the album.

Now that the big day is over, you've returned from your honeymoon, and your dress is safely put away in the attic, all you have left to look forwards to is the return of your wedding photos.

After the wedding, many people immediately send an email to the photographer asking when they might expect to view the images. When you hire a photographer to document your wedding, that's just the beginning of their work for you; shooting the images is only a small part of their job, and that's why there's usually a delay until you receive them while they're processed.

Time Spent Waiting While Photographs Are Taken

If your photographer was there from the minute you started getting ready until the first dance at 8 p.m., they will have a lot of images to edit and sift through, which could extend the time it takes to receive your wedding photos.

Generally speaking, it takes an average of two to six weeks. Photographers will, of course, rush to provide your images, and many will even provide a preview of retouched shots. The complete album, though, may take longer, but it's worth remembering that good things take time in the music industry.

What's The Hold up With The Wedding Photo Return?

We can't help but become antsy and wonder why we have to wait so long to see your stunning wedding images. We have an in-depth article and infographic to illustrate the various tasks of a wedding photographer, and the truth is that they spend far more time editing the images they take than they do actually taking them. In short, you have to wait for your photographer to sort through hundreds, if not thousands, of images and delete the obvious outtakes, bad angles, and shots of closed eyelids. Then there's editing, which includes things like photo cropping, altering colour balance, and developing the final look you commissioned them to achieve. The photography is just the beginning of the process.

Having an album made will add more time to the process since after the images have been edited, they must be sorted and reduced down to fit into an album, telling a story of your day and highlighting key events and having the greatest selection of photos in there.

Compiling an Album

A couple's album creation process starts with selecting photographs to feature in the finished product. The time it takes to complete this task varies greatly, from a few days to a few months, but is typically around a month. Each couple receives their own private Image Selection gallery from which to choose their prefered photographs for their album. Of all the features found in the Image Selection menu, Saving Your Choices is the most useful. Because of this, you can take as much time as you like making your final choices, and you don't even have to choose your favourites in the same room (though you probably will). Don't worry too much if your first choice isn't perfect; changes can always be made after the fact (see the following section for further details).

Consult with your wedding photographer to learn more about the many wedding album choices available. It's important to remember that the albums that end up being the most meaningful to a couple are the ones that are made specifically for them. You'll need to be patient if you're hoping to receive a wedding album soon.

After photographing a wedding or other event, photographers must download their images from memory cards onto their computers. Then, we'll duplicate those data sets across at least two more hard drives. In the event that something very bad does occur.

Since there is no longer a need to pay for each individual photograph taken with digital cameras, many people have developed a habit of pressing the shutter button excessively often. Before we can start editing, we need to go through hundreds, if not thousands, of photographs to eliminate the bad or repetitive ones. By cutting out the fat, the project will become more manageable. This is a vital part of the job because of the time and effort it requires.

RAW format is used by the majority of professional photographers. Everyone must be familiar with common file formats like jpegs, PDFs, etc., and a RAW file is just another example of this. These files have the potential to capture more tonal and colour information than jpegs, which is great for photographers. Consequently, specialised software is required. Before these can be shown to the "man on the street," a photographer must convert the data into jpegs.

The photographer will examine each image and make any necessary adjustments to the saturation, brightness, contrast, exposure, and cropping. Back in the days of film, these responsibilities would have been handled by the lab. "processing your photographs" refers to this step, which is typically completed in Adobe Lightroom by wedding photographers. There are also filter and black-and-white mode options.

There will always be distracting details in the photos that need to be cloned out. The current context is of paramount importance. Whether or not your photographer offers editing services can have a significant impact on the final price. Choose a picture taker who is not only a good photographer, but also adept at editing their work.

Creation And Certification

The second phase of album production includes layout, alterations, and final approval. Each album is made to order and created specifically for the couple based on their preferences and the photos they have chosen. Generally speaking, there are four steps between the beginning of the design process and the final approval by the client:

A one- to two-week notice is required before construction may commence.

One week to come up with a concept and post a proof for the two of you to go over.

A couple has one week to approve the proof or ask for minor revisions.

It's not uncommon for revisions and additional evidence to take an additional week.

Albums with fewer than 50 photographs are eligible for two free rounds of five adjustments, for a total of ten possible edits across three proofs. Providing up to 20 modifications across three proofs is included at no extra cost for albums with more than 50 photographs. These budgets have never been surpassed in practise, and they are designed to cover everything necessary to make an album that you will love. However, if more digital work or adjustments are required, you will be charged the current Design Rate of £40 per hour.

The lab will print the album after it has been submitted there from the design phase. After the album is printed, They proof the prints in the lab before having it bound. In cases when customers choose to have their names engraved in metal, they create a custom stamp and emboss the album with it. This is a step in a larger process. They will finish up the job by burning sticks, uploading photographs to the web, and putting together the album's packaging once we pick it up from the lab.

Making of Albums and Their Touring

Following the newlyweds' approval, the final files are prepared and sent to the album manufacturer. The entire process of making an album—from the initial printing and binding to the final touches like name embossment on the cover—can take up to four weeks.

In addition to all of this, there are a gazillion other things that need to be done, such as answering emails, invoicing, chatting with prospective clients, collaborating with present customers, operating on branding, meeting with next year's couples, creating schedules, analysing numbers, marketing, blogging, etc.

In a perfect world, a wedding photographer would shoot the event on a Saturday, then upload and back up the photos that evening or the next day. The following week would be spent getting ready for the following Friday after the wedding was edited and the album was designed. Almost all wedding photographers work every weekend, and some do or more one wedding per week. During the week, there are a number of routine business tasks that must be completed, as well as a number of shoots that must be scheduled, including engagement shoots, commercial work, and portrait shots. We need time off, too, you know. Wedding photographers frequently experience significant delays in their editing schedules as a result.

Every client knows that the six weeks it takes for me to blog their photos and the three months it takes  to finish their album.

Wait Patiently, the Payoff is Well Worth the Time

You've engaged a great photographer for your wedding, so hang in there; the results will be well worth the wait. They guarantee that looking at your images will bring back a flood of positive emotions as you relive the finest day of your life.


When it comes to printing out keepsakes to display, couples are eager to invest in "hard copy" options, especially wedding albums. The digital files of your wedding will usually be delivered via uploading and creating a web gallery. How long until the printed wedding album is delivered, given that digital photos can be sent out immediately via email or social media? After a wedding, guests are often curious as to when they can view the photos. Many photographers will offer previews of the photos they plan to deliver to you.

Though finishing the album may take more time, keep in mind that quality takes time in the music business. Having to sort and reduce the number of images after they have been edited to fit in an album will add extra time to the process. Each couple will have their own personal Image Selection gallery from which to choose their favourite photographs for their album. Almost all serious photographers shoot in RAW format. Photographers will appreciate the fact that these files may record more tonal and colour information than jpegs.

To change them to JPEG format, you'll need dedicated software. After reviewing all of the photos, the photographer will make any necessary adjustments to the colour, brightness, contrast, exposure, and cropping. Once the album's design has been finalised and sent to the lab, the lab will begin printing the project. In the lab, they proof the prints after the album is printed and before it is bound. If a client requests that their name be engraved in metal, a unique stamp is made and used to emboss the album.

Content Summary

  • Delivering your wedding photos will typically involve uploading the digital files and creating a web gallery thanks to the rise of online picture sharing platforms and the prevalence of digital cameras.
  • It normally takes about three months from the time you see your photos for the first time until you hold the finished album in your hands.
  • Spend the extra time now to make sure your wedding album is perfect before turning it into a priceless keepsake for future generations.
  • Clients are often dissatisfied when they are told it will take a few months to receive their wedding album.
  • While it's true that digital photos may be viewed instantly, there's still a lot of preparation and effort involved between the photo session and the delivery of the album.
  • After the wedding, many people immediately send an email to the photographer asking when they might expect to view the images.
  • When you hire a photographer to document your wedding, that's just the beginning of their work for you; shooting the images is only a small part of their job, and that's why there's usually a delay until you receive them while they're processed.
  • If your photographer was there from the minute you started getting ready until the first dance at 8 p.m., they will have a lot of images to edit and sift through, which could extend the time it takes to receive your wedding photos.
  • Generally speaking, it takes an average of two to six weeks.
  • The photography is just the beginning of the process.
  • A couple's album creation process starts with selecting photographs to feature in the finished product.
  • You'll need to be patient if you're hoping to receive a wedding album soon.
  • By cutting out the fat, the project will become more manageable.
  • and a RAW file is just another example of this.
  • Whether or not your photographer offers editing services can have a significant impact on the final price.
  • Choose a picture taker who is not only a good photographer, but also adept at editing their work.
  • They will finish up the job by burning sticks, uploading photographs to the web, and putting together the album's packaging once we pick it up from the lab.
  • The entire process of making an album—from the initial printing and binding to the final touches like name embossment on the cover—can take up to four weeks.

FAQ's About Wedding Album

4-6 weeks for fully-edited photos. 6-8 weeks during wedding season but less during winter months. Between 2 weeks and 2 months, with an average of 4 weeks. 4-6 weeks depending on what you've ordered
On average, most album designs have roughly 3 to 4 images per spread. This varies from design to design, as some spreads will only have 1 picture (as a gorgeous full spread) and others will pack in a ton, usually in the detail and dancing spreads. That being said, you can fit about 30-35 images in a 10 spread book.
If you are planning on displaying your photo prints behind glass, a matte finish is definitely the best choice. Not only will matte photos not stick to the glass of photo frame, but they will also reflect less light, making them much more enjoyable to look at.
I'm here to advocate that, yes, they most definitely are. Digital images are amazing. The freedom & convenience they allow is just incredible (I can't tell you how many times, I've pulled up the folder that has my own wedding images in it, just to grab a photo for a blog post, or Instagram, or whatever)
Lower quality photo books can cost anywhere from $25 to $75, while higher quality photo albums may run anywhere from $150 to $1,000. As a sweet spot, we suggest budgeting $150 to $350 for a nice, high-quality wedding album.
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