Guide To Best Man Speech to Smashing it

Guide To Best Man Speech To Smashing It

You've earned the title of "best man"; congrats! You have been given a pivotal role in the wedding of your best friend. The stag night is not the topic at hand. You need to give a best-man speech that everyone will remember because it is funny and touching. Not a big deal. You can do it. It will put you centre stage in front of all of your guests before supper and establish the tone again for wedding overall.

If you pull it off, you'll forever be remembered as "that guy" who spoke so eloquently and charismatically at the wedding. It's an exclusive, high-status group that accepts just a select few. Terry Schilling, a recent groom and men's lifestyle guru, owner of one Chicago's greatest music and entertainment firms, have joined The Groomsman Suit team to offer advice and assistance. Everyone has offered advice that will help the best man deliver a speech that the newlyweds will remember with fondness.

The Secrets Of A Great Best Man Speech

These five points will serve as a great framework for your best man's speech. Get these five points out of the way first, and then dive deeper into each section as needed.

  • Plan ahead by making notes on your speech several weeks or months beforehand.
  • Starting with a humorous anecdote is a surefire way to lighten the mood and get people smiling. Visitors will look to you for direction.
  • As length of material is not as important as quality, keep what you write concise. Tell stories about the groom and the bride's past. A nice place to start is with their story of how first met and the way the bride has impacted the groom's life.
  • It's not just what you say, but how your say it with your body that will make an impression. As you walk into a room, smile and stand tall. Avoid speaking in a monotonous and make use of motions to give texture to your delivery.
  • Time limit: five minutes is plenty of time. Communicate your thoughts clearly and briefly, and then make room for others to share in the conversation if you want the party to continue.

Outline For A Best Man Speech: Content And Structure

Bare in mind this you probably only have 10 minutes before you completely lose your audience, so make every word count.

What was it that first caught your eye about your prefered film? Book? Because it had a dramatic structure, which is how the human brain is wired to understand stories. The human brain naturally processes stories in a rising action, climax, and decreasing action format.

Gradually revealing new information in your speech will keep your listeners guessing about its direction and content. This will serve to both maintain their interest throughout your talk and give it a point of concentration. You shouldn't veer off topic and make them wait.

Having the theatrical structure to follow will give your speech direction, engaging your audience in a pleasant ride regarding the groom and the bride.

You can emphasise your connection to a groom or the pair and, if you understand the story, mention how they first met. It could be interesting to learn about the groom's efforts to woo the bride.

You can also send your finest wedding wishes and advise their way. To wrap things up, you may end by wishing them a long and happy life together.

The Language Of The Body

Stiffness is evident when you stand in one place without moving or making any gestures. Hence, you should employ hand gestures to provide emphasis to what you say. Varying your voice's pitch, volume, and timbre can add depth to your discourse and keep your listeners interested.

It's been scientifically demonstrated that monotones dull the brain and cause people to tune out. Please, for the love of God, don't let your best friend's wedding be a dud.

Make the most of your freedom of movement if you are able to do so. Put on a happy face and play around with your expressions. That may seem difficult, but in reality, all you need is a glass of champagne and a microphone.


The timing of your best man speech is crucial, as is emphasised in many resources written specifically for males.

Keep in mind that keeping your speech to a minimum is necessary if you want your audience to stay engaged. You should communicate effectively in as little time as feasible.

A talk of only five minutes is plenty. You have no more than about ten minutes if you want to cover a lot of ground. Take care not to ramble on and lose the audience's interest. No one loves a man who talks incoherently and makes no sense.

The Best Man Message Dos And Don'ts


  • It is imperative that your words flow smoothly. Best man speeches that are written in fragments are difficult to read.
  • Good energy radiating from you is what you need to win over the masses. As the saying goes, "love is in the air" at a wedding.
  • You should appreciate everyone who came to the wedding and helped make it a success.
  • Share some anecdotes about yourself. The audience will feel more invested in the relationship and be better able to follow their journey because of this.
  • Send your best wishes to the happy couple. Never forget the parents; after all, there would be no one to marry if it weren't for them.
  • Get everyone to raise a glass in a toast to the happy couple. This is a token of congratulations and best wishes for the happy couple.
  • Use a clever, innocent joke to dissolve the ice and get everyone's attention.
  • Keep your head up as much as possible while reading from the a card to maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • In a crowded area, it is important to communicate with others through making eye contact. Don't stare at the ground or fixate on one thing for too long.


  • Let yourself to become dangerously inebriated. No one wants to remember you as the drunk uncle who made everyone at the wedding gag.
  • Make use of jokes that are known only to a select few. That makes people feel excluded, which diverts their focus.
  • Raise a problem from the past. Newlywed tensions could rise if the couple's past affairs were revealed.
  • Cuss it out. Any forms of profanity and other forms of adult material should be avoided.
  • All of us get apprehensive from time to time, however this is one of those situations when you should be able to relax and have fun. Don't stress yourself about giving a speech because most of the people listening will be close family and friends.
  • Whenever you find yourself stumbling over your words, pause. No matter how horrible you believe you're doing, you must continue talking. You should probably resume your speech from where you left off, as your listeners will want to hear more. Ultimately, you are the one exerting all that effort, so relax.
  • Discuss the stereotypes that exist towards marriage and women. No need to be the one to ruin someone else's day.
  • Using the "uh" word too frequently. Being a meaningless pause in the flow of discourse, it can become tiresome to listen to. There's no need to worry about losing your audience's attention if you find yourself at a loss for words; a brief pause will provide you some time to ponder. Do your utmost to celebrate any accomplishments you've shared as best friends.

You Should Avoid These Topics

Bring down the house with a spectacular best man speech, not because you upset anyone. Due to this, you should avoid certain areas. As a former groom himself, Terry offers this advice: "You may think it's hilarious and that your buddy will enjoy it, but remember, he's in front of close family and friends, grandmothers, and kids. Keep from making the wrong kinds of jaws drop. His list of taboo topics and activities is as follows:

  • Do not bring up sexual matters or make sexual references. Be prepared for a private conversation with the bride's dad if you do this.
  • Do not speak adversely about marital bliss. Don't dampen the spirits of the happy couple by dampening the celebration.
  • Don't drink to excess. If you rock from side to side or mumble, no one will take you seriously.
  • Never bring up your ex-partners. There's really no need to elaborate.
  • Don't disgrace yourself by sharing a story about sex, drugs, or drinking.
  • The bride and her family should not be made fun of.

Finally, Make A Sentimental Toast.

Powerful conclusions are a hallmark of outstanding orations. This is your chance to bring everyone together, so get the party started by having everyone raise their glasses. Terry continues, "This would be an ideal time to share a romantic quotation. To some extent, humour is acceptable. Remind the happy couple how blessed they are to have found each other and close with a blessing that love, laughter, & happiness for the rest of their lives.

Now you know the contents of a fantastic best man speech. Don't be shy about jotting down notes to refer to as you speak. Keep in mind that no one will be checking your memory on every single word. Make sure you've had enough practise to not have to constantly consult your notes. Be certain, come up with a catchy opening remark, and end with a sweet gesture towards the couple. You are the most qualified person for this position.

Remember That Toast Is More Important Than Roast.

When you see them again, you almost immediately realise that they are your mate, someone you've dated for a long time, as Anita puts it. "Yes, this is your opportunity to make fun and give him a roast," she said, "but again, he's your friend, who's just got married, so Would advise people to have a thought about their friendship through the years and as to what makes him a terrific guy because that type of thing is vital to communicate."

There can be some personal anecdotes, but not too many, and none at all about exes or experiences best enjoyed with your bros.

When it comes to selecting stories and anecdotes, "We usually suggest folks not go crazy," Anita explains. No matter who you are or where you come from, you should be able to enjoy the story without having to be in on any inside jokes. Even if you have a lot of charisma and can keep an audience entertained for hours, one or two excellent stories given with clarity are preferable to five average ones that drag on and on.

How To Handle Depressing Stories And Anecdotes

If there is some tragic news to report, the same principle applies. If the bride's mother has past away, the groom can say something like, "Thank you all for coming & sharing the above special day; (name) couldn't be among us today, but if she was sure she would've been proud of her daughter," to recognise the loss and absence while also looking to move forwards in a mildly uplifting way. We know that she makes me a happy husband.

Here Are Some More Top Speech-Writing Tips...

  • If you suffer from dry mouth when speaking in public, try drinking a glass of water prior you start.
  • Making direct eye contact with the people you know in the audience while you speak will transform the room from a daunting sea of strangers into a cosy circle of friends and family.
  • If your feel your voice shaking or your cheeks getting flushed, just flash a smile to mask your discomfort.
  • Try to slow down and breathe through your speech; nothing betrays nervousness more than a monotonous speaker who tries to fit a four speech in three minutes.
  • If you don't trust your memory or aren't sure you can wing it, write out your entire speech or at least create cue cards. Nobody will bat an eye, and it will enable you flawlessly deliver the professionally written address you spent so much time and money on.

What We Suggest

The most important thing to keep in mind is to practise. Make sure you don't trip over any awkwardly worded phrases by reading your speech aloud multiple times after writing it down. Even if you haven't memorised every single word of your speech, just having a general concept of what to expect will make you feel and seem more confident when speaking to your guests. And don't forget to bring palm cards before the performance; if performance anxiety strikes on the big day, you can always refer to your palm cards to refresh your memory.

Try practising your speech in front of a neutral party at least one week prior to the wedding. There will be plenty of time to make any necessary changes to the script based on their feedback. They can also let you understand if you're rambling or if you're included any stories that don't belong inside a speech for the groomsmen. If they raise any issues, you should take them seriously. Your own ears may think it sounds fine, but you're not the intended audience.

As a final point, always be ready with a backup strategy. You can refocus attention on the bride by asking, "Doesn't she look beautiful?" if you feel that people are starting to zone out or if they appear eager to get back to the festivities. Be careful not to do this too often because your guests might get the impression that you're jealous of the groom.


The best man is given a pivotal role in the wedding of their best friend and must deliver a speech that is funny and touching. Terry Schilling, a recent groom and men's lifestyle guru, has joined The Groomsman Suit team to offer advice and assistance. The secrets of a great best man speech include planning ahead, starting with a humorous anecdote, keeping what you write concise, telling stories about the groom and bride's past, and using motions to give texture to your delivery. The time limit is five minutes, so make every word count. The most important details in this text are the dramatic structure of a best man speech, the language of the body, and the timing of the speech.

The dramatic structure is how the human brain processes stories in a rising action, climax, and decreasing action format. The language of the body includes hand gestures and variations in voice pitch, volume, and timbre. The timing of the speech is also important, as it should be kept to a minimum and not ramble on and lose the audience's interest. The most important details in this text are the Dos and Don'ts of a Best Man Message. The Dos include expressing love and appreciation, sending best wishes to the happy couple, using a clever joke, and maintaining eye contact with the audience.

The Don'ts include becoming dangerously inebriated, making use of jokes that are known only to a select few, discussing stereotypes towards marriage and women, using the "uh" word too frequently, and celebrating accomplishments shared as best friends. The Dos and Don'ts of a Best Man Message include expressing love and appreciation, sending best wishes to the happy couple, using a clever joke, and maintaining eye contact with the audience. The Don'ts include letting yourself become dangerously inebriated, making use of jokes that are known only to a select few, discussing stereotypes towards marriage and women, using the "uh" word too frequently, and celebrating accomplishments shared as best friends. The Dos and Don'ts of a Best Man Message include expressing love and appreciation, sending best wishes to the happy couple, using a clever joke

Content Summary: 

  1. You've earned the title of "best man"; congrats!
  2. You have been given a pivotal role in the wedding of your best friend.
  3. The stag night is not the topic at hand.
  4. You need to give a best-man speech that everyone will remember because it is funny and touching.
  5. It will put you centre stage in front of all of your guests before supper and establish the tone again for wedding overall.
  6. If you pull it off, you'll forever be remembered as "that guy" who spoke so eloquently and charismatically at the wedding.
  7. It's an exclusive, high-status group that accepts just a select few.
  8. Terry Schilling, a recent groom and men's lifestyle guru, owner of one Chicago's greatest music and entertainment firms, have joined The Groomsman Suit team to offer advice and assistance.
  9. Everyone has offered advice that will help the best man deliver a speech that the newlyweds will remember with fondness.
  10. Get these five points out of the way first, and then dive deeper into each section as needed.
  11. Plan ahead by making notes on your speech several weeks or months beforehand.
  12. Starting with a humorous anecdote is a surefire way to lighten the mood and get people smiling.
  13. Visitors will look to you for direction.
  14. As length of material is not as important as quality, keep what you write concise.
  15. Tell stories about the groom and the bride's past.
  16. A nice place to start is with their story of how first met and the way the bride has impacted the groom's life.
  17. It's not just what you say, but how your say it with your body that will make an impression.
  18. As you walk into a room, smile and stand tall.
  19. Avoid speaking in a monotonous and make use of motions to give texture to your delivery.
  20. Communicate your thoughts clearly and briefly, and then make room for others to share in the conversation if you want the party to continue.
  21. What was it that first caught your eye about your prefered film?
  22. Because it had a dramatic structure, which is how the human brain is wired to understand stories.
  23. The human brain naturally processes stories in a rising action, climax, and decreasing action format.
  24. Gradually revealing new information in your speech will keep your listeners guessing about its direction and content.
  25. This will serve to both maintain their interest throughout your talk and give it a point of concentration.
  26. You shouldn't veer off topic and make them wait.
  27. Having the theatrical structure to follow will give your speech direction, engaging your audience in a pleasant ride regarding the groom and the bride.
  28. You can emphasise your connection to a groom or the pair and, if you understand the story, mention how they first met.
  29. It could be interesting to learn about the groom's efforts to woo the bride.
  30. You can also send your finest wedding wishes and advise their way.
  31. To wrap things up, you may end by wishing them a long and happy life together.
  32. Stiffness is evident when you stand in one place without moving or making any gestures.
  33. Hence, you should employ hand gestures to provide emphasis to what you say.
  34. Varying your voice's pitch, volume, and timbre can add depth to your discourse and keep your listeners interested.
  35. It's been scientifically demonstrated that monotones dull the brain and cause people to tune out.
  36. Please, for the love of God, don't let your best friend's wedding be a dud.
  37. Make the most of your freedom of movement if you are able to do so.
  38. Put on a happy face and play around with your expressions.
  39. That may seem difficult, but in reality, all you need is a glass of champagne and a microphone.
  40. Timing The timing of your best man speech is crucial, as is emphasised in many resources written specifically for males.
  41. Keep in mind that keeping your speech to a minimum is necessary if you want your audience to stay engaged.
  42. You should communicate effectively in as little time as feasible.
  43. A talk of only five minutes is plenty.
  44. It is imperative that your words flow smoothly.
  45. Best man speeches that are written in fragments are difficult to read.
  46. Good energy radiating from you is what you need to win over the masses.
  47. As the saying goes, "love is in the air" at a wedding.
  48. You should appreciate everyone who came to the wedding and helped make it a success.
  49. Share some anecdotes about yourself.
  50. The audience will feel more invested in the relationship and be better able to follow their journey because of this.
  51. Send your best wishes to the happy couple.
  52. Never forget the parents; after all, there would be no one to marry if it weren't for them.
  53. Get everyone to raise a glass in a toast to the happy couple.
  54. This is a token of congratulations and best wishes for the happy couple.
  55. Use a clever, innocent joke to dissolve the ice and get everyone's attention.
  56. Keep your head up as much as possible while reading from the a card to maintain eye contact with the audience.
  57. In a crowded area, it is important to communicate with others through making eye contact.
  58. Don't stare at the ground or fixate on one thing for too long.
  59. Don't: Let yourself become dangerously inebriated.
  60. No one wants to remember you as the drunk uncle who made everyone at the wedding gag.
  61. Make use of jokes that are known only to a select few.
  62. Raise a problem from the past.
  63. Newlywed tensions could rise if the couple's past affairs were revealed.
  64. Any forms of profanity and other forms of adult material should be avoided.
  65. All of us get apprehensive from time to time, however this is one of those situations when you should be able to relax and have fun.
  66. Don't stress yourself about giving a speech because most of the people listening will be close family and friends.
  67. Whenever you find yourself stumbling over your words, pause.
  68. No matter how horrible you believe you're doing, you must continue talking.

Frequently Asked Questions About Man Speech

Tell funny anecdotes and stories about the groom, traditionally at the groom's expense (you can use a prop/stunt here) Offer advice to the newlyweds. Compliment his partner. Praise the bridesmaids for their part in the day.

Here's a great best man speech template to follow:

  • Have a killer opening line.
  • Thank the other speakers.
  • Congratulate the newlyweds.
  • Say a few nice words about your friend's new spouse.
  • Make a joke about the groom.
  • Read messages from guests who couldn't make it, if there are any.
  • Quote a few famous lines or a poem.

between 3-5 minutes

Ultimately, the best man speech serves to bring everyone together, tell the newlyweds' epic love story and raise a final toast to their future. We recommend keeping it between 3-5 minutes long, but if public speaking isn't your forte, there's nothing wrong with making it short and sweet.

The best man should also thank the groom for toasting the bridesmaids, and comment on the newlyweds, especially the groom. He should also read out any messages from absent friends and family, and end with a final toast to the happy couple.

The best man. You might think that being best man is all about planning a raucous bachelor party and not much else, but this job does have a few best man duties to prepare for, most important being the best man speech. And when it comes to the wedding speech order, the best man usually goes first.

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