Featured Supplier: Cinestyle Studio

Director of Cinestyle Enrico Arceci provides expert supplier advice on wedding videography for your wedding day. Enrico’s cinematic experience and flair for creativity has been highlighted within his work over the years. He provides some useful tips for all upcoming couples who are looking to select the right videographer for their special day.

Choosing the Right Videographer
A good videographer has the ability to capture what’s happening in a natural way, without getting in the way of everything else that’s happening.  They also have the experience & intuition to be in the right place at the right time to film all the important details from the best angle and with the best lighting – and most importantly, without any rehearsal.

You only have one shot at getting it right, otherwise the moment is lost.  It’s one thing to see and it’s another thing entirely to show others what you have seen.  If you ask friends & family to film the wedding, you have no guarantee or peace of mind that the footage will be well shot or complete.  Furthermore, the sound will be hit and miss without proper microphones/sound recording equipment and someone monitoring this.  Lastly, you will end up with hours of raw, unedited footage that won’t do justice to the memory or expense of this most important event.

The Benefits 
The main benefit of using a professional videographer is that you have peace of mind that your wedding will be filmed and edited to the highest standard, so when you show it to your children and future generations every memory of the best day of your life will be preserved.


Other Services a Videographer can provide
The services that a good videographer should offer include: a pre-wedding meeting; detailed discussion about the couple’s expectations with regard to the content & style of the video, including the running sheet for the day: locations, special requests, etc., post-wedding screening & meeting to collect the discs, honesty and integrity to ensure great customer service and finished product meets the client’s needs. Great customer experience and communication with the couple to manage their expectations is very important.

Choosing the Right Company
Firstly, and most importantly, I would recommend the couple makes an appointment to meet with the videographer in person.  They need to feel the energy that comes from the meeting and ask for a screening of recent work, to make sure they feel comfortable with the videographer and his work. This is even more important than the price that is quoted, because the success of a great video is much the same as a great relationship between husband and wife: if there is trust it will be a success.



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