How Can I Enjoy My Own Wedding?

Getting engaged and falling in love is a wonderful experience that should be cherished. The wedding day is the climax, yet many brides are so worn out and anxious that they don't actually enjoy themselves.

You've put in countless hours fantasising about your future spouse and dreaming up elaborate DIY projects in honour of your wedding. Well, here's the rub. When the big day arrives, you may relax and take it easy because everything will have been taken care of.

Why Most Newlyweds Dread Their Big Day

Everyone agrees that organising a wedding is a bit of a wackjob. Date, guest list, budget, and the coordination of different vendors all need to be planned carefully. You've put in a lot of time and effort to ensure that the big day goes smoothly, but you're worried that it will all be for nought. Fear of something going wrong on the couple's big day is a common source of stress.

Everything at a wedding would go perfectly if only that were the case. Even the most elaborately planned weddings experience some sort of unexpected problem at some point. That's because no wedding day can be ideal, simply because you can't keep a dozen people under your complete supervision.

It's possible that one of your vendors will be late by a few minutes, that the weather will shift in the days leading up to the event, etc. You can't and won't be able to manage everything, and that's okay. Looking for the ultimate Wedding Reception Venue in Melbourne? Look no further, Vogue Ballroom is here.

Tips for Making Wedding Preparations Fun

Take Care to Feel Rejuvenated Each Morning

The night before the wedding, get a good night's sleep. Still, try to get between six and eight hours of sleep every night, even if it's a stretch with your last-minute preparations. So that you don't have to be up at all hours of the night before the wedding, maybe you should have the hen party the week before. Relaxed guests include those who are well rested.

Spend Your Money on a Planner

Duh! You should have a month-of planner at the very least. This way, you may enjoy the enjoyable events leading up to the wedding, like the bridal shower, the bachelorette party, as well as the final dress fitting, while the planner takes care of finalising and securing all vendors for you. Your planner should take over all correspondence with your vendors to relieve you of any stress. Having a conversation with your planner is all that's required on your end, and they'll take it from there. The planner will take better care of finalising the guest list, arrival times, and any other adjustments.

You may avoid the "so-and-so said this" and "but she told me..." misunderstandings that can arise in the weeks leading up to your nuptials by having everyone sign the same document. To have a successful event, it is crucial that you, the planner, and your providers are all on the same page. As an example, instead of making toasts before supper, you make them after. Notifying the caterer, location, DJ, photographer, videographer, planner, and crucial Toast Givers is a must! Can you imagine how much time and effort you could save by just relaying this information to your planner, who could then update all of your other service providers? In agreement; we feel the same way!

Having Faith in Your Suppliers Is Important

You put in many hours into investigating, evaluating, analysing, interviewing, and selecting your service providers. You should now have full faith in them. You've been in close collaboration with them to organise your wedding, so why would you suddenly cease believing that they'll do an excellent job for you on the big day itself? Relax; they've got everything covered. Most notably your planner. Your company has recruited her to act as a representative and negotiate with suppliers. You may rely on her to represent your best interests, but you'll have to put your faith in her to do so. Any interference prevents her from doing her work, which leads to further confusion and mayhem and a waste of time. Keeping in mind that there was a reason you hired your planner. Your planner is also the one to go to if you have issues with any of the vendors. We want to achieve a state of complete worry-free bliss, right?

One last piece of advice along similar lines is to take the advice of your vendors when developing your schedule. They have likely planned and carried out more nuptials than you have, gaining invaluable experience and insight in the process. They aren't attempting to give you bad advice; they want today to go as smoothly as possible for you.

Acquire a Superb Journal

A notepad or wedding organizer will be an invaluable tool as your big day approaches. Having a designated writing space to scribble down your wedding-related thoughts, ideas, and seemingly endless lists can be invaluable. You may also get up a useful planning journal designed for Irish brides, which is a great place to store any wonderful textiles or bridal tears you may come across on your travels.

Get Organised

How long is your wedding day to-do list? If your to-do list is long and your wedding day falls in the middle of it, you may want to rethink your priorities. Do not get up and hurry off to do chores. Have a leisurely morning instead. If you can reduce the number of tasks you have to complete each day, you'll have more free time to unwind and take it easy. It's a good idea to take some time for yourself on the wedding day, perhaps by treating yourself to a spa treatment or a yoga session first thing in the morning.

If you keep on top of things, you won't have to worry as much. Cute wedding countdown signs will get everyone psyched and on schedule. Don't go crazy trying to find things; instead, keep everything in one central location (a dedicated email account or folder can be really helpful) and give yourself more than enough time to get things done. To avoid disappointment, you should contact your prefered band early to avoid learning that they are already booked at your event.

Remember to Eat and Drink!

It seems obvious, doesn't it? Let me tell you, though: forgetting to eat and drink can spell disaster on your wedding day.

It's not worth risking being too weak to stand for wedding photos because you skipped breakfast on your big day. You'll look radiant in all of your images if you keep your skin well hydrated. Staying hydrated is a great first step in avoiding the negative effects of having too many mimosas first thing in the morning.

During your wedding day, despite your hectic schedule, don't forget to fuel up with a hearty breakfast and lots of water. There is no better way to ruin the beginning of your big day than by being hungry and/or dehydrated. If you don't eat and drink, you run the risk of being too weak to enjoy the wedding or, even worse, of getting a terrible migraine that will destroy your special day.

Get Comfortable

You should feel beautiful and confident in the wedding gown or suit and decorations you choose. In such case, feel free to ditch the heels in favour of a comfortable pair of flats. Don't go crazy with the styling and makeup, either. It's certainly the way to go to look and feel like the best version of oneself, not an unrecognisable glitz but.

Why put yourself through the agony of wearing stilettos on your wedding day if you rarely wear heels outside of that special occasion? It's okay to take off your shoes and relax in something cosier, like slippers, at your reception. With such a long dress, no one will be able to see your footwear anyhow, so you may as well go all out.

Open the Door for Assistance

It's not always easy to let other people in on your Big Day plans and ideas. On the other hand, if you delegate tasks, you'll have more time to focus on what actually matters to you or what's just plain fun. People are willing to provide a hand to alleviate your burden, so let them.

Involve your family members in the planning process by asking your mother to type out labels for the invitation mailings, your sister to hunt for bridesmaid clothes, or your aunt, who is a master with a wooden spoon, to prepare the goodies for the dessert table. That's great news because it means you'll have less work to do. Looking for a Wedding Event Planner? Look no further, Vogue Ballroom have you covered.

Enjoy Exciting Recreational Activities

Highlight the significance of your wedding-related travels. Make a day of your wedding's exciting landmarks, including the tasting, visiting the location, and trying out the several scrumptious wedding cakes. Make the most of your time out shopping by treating yourself to a spa day, toasting your good fortune with a cocktail when you find the dress of your dreams (or your mother's MOB outfit), and treating your mother, sisters, and friends to a series of lovely meals where you can all appreciate the anticipation.

Bring in the Pals

What started off as a labour of love for your DIY project could quickly turn into a burden if you have to do it all by yourself. Involve your pals to increase the enjoyment factor. The bride-to-be and her bridesmaids should get together once a month to catch up, drink wine, and work on wedding preparations such as producing signage, rhinestone place cards, and place settings. Another adorable thing to do is to have kids share their Pinterest inspirations with you so that you can bask in the beauty of shared creativity.

Share in the Joy With All Your Friends

Sometimes it seems like the happy couple forgets that they're actually celebrating something. In the event of a wedding, you ought to be present to enjoy the festivities alongside your guests. Don't simply dance when the music is playing that you're used to, but go ahead and hit the dance floor whenever you want. Thank everyone who made it out to your wedding by mixing and mingling with them. You've worked hard, so give in to the moment and have fun. Don't sit there worrying that the cake cutting will be late because a caterer or DJ is running late, and don't stress out over inebriated people who will only bring shame on themselves and not your wedding.

As long as the most crucial details are not forgotten, you can make your wedding as interesting as you like. You're probably there to celebrate your love for the person you're getting married to. In contrast, the rest is merely padding.

Avoid Confrontation

It's not always easy. As soon as you show off your engagement ring, everyone has some fantastic advice for you. Everyone has good intentions when offering advice or suggestions, but there will always be moments when you'd rather not hear it. Thank them for their time and effort, but don't take it personally if you don't find it useful. You don't have to comply with anything you're not comfortable with just because it's customary or someone else is putting more pressure on you to.


It's simple to get caught up in the excitement of a wedding and neglect real life. Your spouse may not share your passion for the Pinterest-inspired centrepiece you just have to have or the lovely sign you just had to get for your niece after a long day at the office. Arguing with your future spouse will quickly bring you back to reality, so schedule time to talk about wedding details.

Take Breaks

In case the day's events become too much to handle, a short rest is OK. You can find some peace and quiet after the ceremony, or even during the dancing and dinner at the reception if you manage to slip away for a few minutes. If you need a moment to yourself, even if it's simply to use the restroom and refocus, agree on a code word to use with your wife or husband and/or the other members of the wedding party.

Wedding Free Period

The wedding is a large and significant milestone in your life, but it isn't the whole story. It's important to take breaks from your planning pad and Excel sheets to enjoy more mundane activities, such as going to the movies with your gal pals, curling up with a nice book, or enjoying a romantic candlelit meal for two. You'll have a much better time arranging your wedding if you limit the amount of time you devote to it.

Treat Yourself

Do something significant and exciting to make the most of this momentous occasion. Whether it's a dreamy pair of shoes, a fabulous garter, or the most beautiful bridal robe, spoil yourself with something you've always wanted in honour of the wedding morning—something you can glimpse at when things become stressful. And if everything else fails, just think about the person you get to call "Husband" or "Wife" because of this.

Pursue Joy Through Decreasing Stress

You shouldn't feel the need to conform to the stereotype of a bride because your loved ones accept you just as you are. Organize a wedding that you will actually enjoy. Would you call yourself a candy connoisseur? It's safe to assume that your guests won't begrudge you spending extra money to provide a wider variety of desserts for them to choose from.

Can you make anything by hand? DIY until your heart's content. And if you don't have any creative juices flowing, don't force yourself to take on extra work; it's fine to delegate everything. Don't worry too much about the minor details of your special day and instead concentrate on the things you're sure will make you happy. Looking for the perfect Wedding Stationery in Melbourne? Look no further, Vogue Ballroom has you covered.

If you follow these steps on your wedding day, you can immediately lessen your stress level by assigning little responsibilities to others. You can relax and enjoy yourself as a guest around your own party because of the work of a day-of planner who ensures that everything runs smoothly.

Having someone else take care of the wedding's schedule and make sure everything goes off without a hitch is a huge weight off of your shoulders. Because of this, [you] can finally kick back and unwind.


Unfortunately, many brides spend the entire wedding day exhausted and stressed. A common source of anxiety for engaged couples is the worry that something will go wrong on their wedding day. Some enjoyable ways to get ready for your wedding are: Spend your money on a planner and a good night's sleep. For your own peace of mind, have your planner handle all of your vendor communications. All you need to do is talk to your planner, and they'll handle everything else.

If you have any problems with any of the service providers, your planner is the person to contact. If your wedding day is in the middle of a long list of tasks, you may want to reevaluate your priorities. If you can lessen the load you carry from day to day, you'll have more time to relax and unwind. Make sure you get plenty of rest the night before the wedding and drink plenty of water and a healthy breakfast on the morning of the ceremony. Don't skip meals or drinks unless you want to be too weak to enjoy the wedding.

You should ask for assistance from members of your family in order to get the planning process started. Every month, the bride-to-be and her attendants should get together for a wine-fueled catch-up session and wedding planning. Don't just sit there and fret if the caterer or DJ is running late and the cake cutting will be delayed. It's easy to let yourself get distracted from reality by the joy of a wedding. Spending as little time as possible planning your wedding will make the process much more enjoyable.

Enjoy some mundane activities in between sessions of obsessive note-taking and Excel spreadsheet-making. Buy yourself something you've always wanted, whether it's a fabulous garter, a stunning bridal gown, or a pair of dreamy shoes. Instead of stressing over the little things, focus on the big things that you know will make you happy on your big day.

Content Summary

  • When the big day arrives, you may relax and take it easy because everything will have been taken care of.
  • Fear of something going wrong on the couple's big day is a common source of stress.
  • You should have a month-of planner at the very least.
  • To have a successful event, it is crucial that you, the planner, and your providers are all on the same page.
  • One last piece of advice along similar lines is to take the advice of your vendors when developing your schedule.
  • How long is your wedding day to-do list?
  • If your to-do list is long and your wedding day falls in the middle of it, you may want to rethink your priorities.
  • Let me tell you, though: forgetting to eat and drink can spell disaster on your wedding day.
  • During your wedding day, despite your hectic schedule, don't forget to fuel up with a hearty breakfast and lots of water.
  • Don't go crazy with the styling and makeup, either.
  • Make a day of your wedding's exciting landmarks, including the tasting, visiting the location, and trying out the several scrumptious wedding cakes.
  • What started off as a labour of love for your DIY project could quickly turn into a burden if you have to do it all by yourself.
  • Involve your pals to increase the enjoyment factor.
  • In the event of a wedding, you ought to be present to enjoy the festivities alongside your guests.
  • Thank everyone who made it out to your wedding by mixing and mingling with them.
  • Arguing with your future spouse will quickly bring you back to reality, so schedule time to talk about wedding details.
  • The wedding is a large and significant milestone in your life, but it isn't the whole story.
  • You'll have a much better time arranging your wedding if you limit the amount of time you devote to it.
  • Organize a wedding that you will actually enjoy.
  • If you follow these steps on your wedding day, you can immediately lessen your stress level by assigning little responsibilities to others.
  • You can relax and enjoy yourself as a guest around your own party because of the work of a day-of planner who ensures that everything runs smoothly.

FAQs About Wedding Entertainment

Surprise Your Guests During The Wedding or Reception

  1. Perform during your reception by singing or dancing.
  2. Add a secret themed tent for your guests during the reception.
  3. Creating a fire pit where your guests can make smores.
  4. Add games to your reception.
  5. Hire a special guest to perform.

Three Fun Ways to Entertain Guests Between Your Ceremony and Reception

  1. Food. Food is number one on the list for a reason.
  2. Live Music. Now that your guests have a small plate of snacks and a drink in their hands, the perfect segue for them is to gather 'round sit back and relax while they get entertained.
  3. Games.

Weddings, as presented by the wedding industry, are parties with a very strict formula: Ceremony, cocktails and appetizers, sit-down dinner, first dance, dance party, send-off. But the truth is, weddings don't need any of these prescribed elements.

Being an active participant at a wedding includes hitting the dance floor, admiring the first dance and cake cutting, greeting the couple and immediate family members, and, altogether, enjoying yourself as any wedding guest should.

The dancing at the reception is often the most enjoyable part of the celebration. There's nothing wrong with a more conventional approach to the wedding dance, but some brides and grooms involve the whole wedding party in a dance spectacle that requires hours and hours of practise. Neither is wrong, but if you do anything embarrassing, it will be difficult to forget and may affect your decision.

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