Engagement Ring Etiquette

What Is The Engagement Ring Etiquette?

It's crucial to observe engagement ring etiquette because this ring is the most meaningful piece of jewellery you'll ever receive. When organising an engagement, there are many factors to consider, such as who will choose the ring and how much money will be spent. Is there any way to preserve your composure if the unthinkable happens and you realise you don't like your ring after all?

A fresh and happy chapter in a couple's lives is symbolised by the exchange of engagement rings. Since there are so many customs surrounding the proposal, it's natural for both parties to feel a surge of emotion. Knowing the proper protocol for selecting an engagement ring can help you make the best possible choice. Find a ring to propose with?

Look no further, Temple & Grace has you covered.

Customs Behind Engagement Rings

Reeds or other plants were tied around the ring finger of the left finger, where it was thought a vein traveled straight to the heart, by ancient Egyptian lovers as a token of their love and commitment to one another.

To this day, ancient Romans still wear gold bracelets as a symbol of this tradition. In 1477, Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond engagement ring he had designed and made himself.

However, the diamond engagement ring gained its current significance after De Beers introduced the slogan "A Diamond is Forever" in 1947.


Engagement rings have changed significantly in shape and style throughout the years. The tradition of exchanging engagement rings is widespread across cultural boundaries. However, exchanging rings is becoming conventional in the West.

How and When to Ask

There is no perfect time or location for popping the question. It is customary to wait at least 6 months and often up to a year before popping the question so that the bride is completely taken aback. However, please feel free to inquire whenever it is most convenient for you.

On the heat of the moment, a couple may decide to get engaged, and the ring will arrive later. Even if the couple has already discussed getting engaged and gone ring shopping together, the guy will likely still want to surprise the woman when he pops the question.

Furthermore, there is no hard and fast rule that says a male should be the one to make the first move in initiating a date. We're happy that these two people have discovered each other and are ready to take their affections for each other to the next level.

Proposing with an act that is meaningful and personal to the two of you is a good rule of thumb, but the particulars of the proposal are entirely up to you and your partner . If your intended audience is shy and easily humiliated, a public, elaborate proposal is not the way to go.

The engagement ring might be selected by either of you or it can be a surprise. Be careful to heed your girlfriend's advice if she gives you detailed instructions for selecting a diamond ring or compiles a board on Pinterest including jewelry she finds appealing. You may maintain the element of surprise till the big day if you ask her to marry you before you go looking for an engagement ring. As a result, you'll be able to make decisions together while sharing in the satisfaction of doing so.

Who Is Responsible For The Costs, And How Much Will It Cost?

The budget is a factor in selecting an engagement ring. Men are advised to spend two to three months' earnings on an engagement ring. To invest no and over one may fairly expect to get back is the sole guideline that should be observed. Do not risk not being able to pay your utilities and rent because you bought an expensive ring that cost two months' wages.

Choose a ring that won't break the bank; if you decide it's not perfect, you can always acquire a new one on your anniversary. Many couples choose to keep the ring they got for their engagement as a symbol of their affection and where they were in life at that time rather than obtaining a new band with a 10-carat stone.

According to custom, the man ought to be the one to give his intended bride an engagement ring. These days, it's common for both spouses to contribute to household expenses.

A growing trend among engaged couples is to divide the cost of an engagement ring in this way. It would be rude to broach the subject of dividing it if your spouse had not already done so. Unless she offers a better suggestion, you must buy the ring.

Many modern engaged couples opt to present each other with rings that have complementary bands. If you choose that approach, there's a strong possibility she'll buy herself an engagement ring, therefore you shouldn't help out with the bill.

Selecting an Engagement Ring

There are a wide variety of engagement rings to choose from, so it's important to think about appropriate etiquette while picking which ring to buy and how to propose.


It is not necessary to have an engagement ring in order to propose; in fact, some engaged couples go ring shopping together so that the bride can pick out the perfect ring. On the other hand, some couples get carried away by a spontaneous proposal well before the ring is acquired. 

If a couple is set on getting engaged soon but wants to save money for a special ring, waiting is a wonderful option. You can even choose to forgo the engagement ring all together. These rings may be customary, but they are by no means required.

Paying for the Ring

It is customary for the groom to purchase the engagement ring. Although some couples choose to share the expense, the majority do not. Some very modern women still expect the man to buy the ring, so men should think about their fiancée's personality before suggesting she help pay for the ring. 

If she's the romantic type, her fiance will certainly feel obligated to follow this custom. When couples opt to share the cost of the ring, planning and budgeting can be a good opportunity to obtain insight into one another's economic opinions long before the marriage, which can help establish the framework for a healthy financial future.

Stone Selection

Diamonds have traditionally been used in engagement rings, however nowadays any gemstone or collection of gemstones can be used. A diamond set in a prong setting with smaller diamonds on either side is a classic choice, but setting a coloured gemstone in a prong setting with diamonds around it is a modern or daring alternative. The most crucial factor in selecting an engagement ring is that you are completely at ease when wearing it.

Engagement Ring Etiquette

Reusing a Ring

Though it would be wonderful if every engagement ended in a wedding and every marriage lasted "till death do us part," unfortunately, neither of those things is actually required by law. Due to broken concentrations and increasing divorce rates, it is possible that one of the parties already has an engagement ring. 

Reusing a ring is a highly individual choice; the current wearer may prefer the band's design and see no need to replace it. On the other hand, being engaged with a new ring that has no associations with previous engagements can be appealing to one or both partners. You and your significant other should talk about this, and old rings can always be made new again with very little effort or resetting.

While diamonds are the traditional stone of choice for engagement rings, any other gem of equal or more value can be used (and your budget). The use of diamonds in engagement rings is becoming less common as couples choose more unique stones like sapphires, pearls, and other gems.

This is a delicate matter of reusing a ring. It is a touching gesture to give a ring steeped in history and meaning because it is an heirloom. It's wonderful that you're making room for your partner in your family's legacy of devotion.

However, we do not recommend recycling an old wedding or engagement ring. The spectre of a previous marriage, engagement, or tragedy is the last thing most people want to bring into a new beginning. If a meeting is abruptly ended, it is also appropriate to offer to return the ring (barring extraordinary circumstances).

Family Heirlooms

Historic and sentimental value are added to the symbol of love represented by an heirloom engagement ring given as a wedding present. 

Make sure everyone in the family is on the same page so there is no fighting over the jewellery. It is also important to have a plan in place for the return of the ring to the family in the event that the engagement fails.

Men's Engagement Rings

While most men simply wear a wedding band, some want to also wear an engagement ring. The styles of engagement rings available for men are not the same as those for women, but there is a wide range of possibilities to suit individual tastes. 

Be prepared for conservative family members to presume the wedding has already taken place if the male wears this type of jewellery. The pair needs to be ready to defend their choices.

Wearing the Ring

Although you have the final say in where to wear your engagement ring, it's helpful to know the customs around the ring display before, during, and after the big day.

Ring Placement

The left hand ring finger is now the customary location for an engagement ring. The ideal method to show your engagement and behave properly is to wear a ring on your right hand, which is recommended by jewellers regardless of your relationship status.

Check out our extensive range of engagement rings at Temple & Grace.

After the Wedding

It is customary to wear the wedding band below the engagement ring, with the latter resting closest to the heart.

At this time of Ceremonies

There is sometimes confusion over what to do with the engagement ring while the wedding band is being placed on the bride's finger. Absolutely no hard-and-fast regulations apply. It's not uncommon for brides to keep their engagement rings on, only to swap them out at a later date. 

Some people wait to put their rings on the left hand until after the wedding. It is common for couples to have their bridal sets welded together before the ceremony so that the groom can simply slide both rings onto her finger at the appropriate time.

Dealing With Potential Problems

Although everyone dreams of a trouble-free engagement that starts with one ring and ends with another, the reality is often quite different. Mastering how to deal with the most prevalent issues when they emerge is essential.

Engagement Ring Etiquette

Broken Engagements

Since the ring was a gift, it must be returned in some jurisdictions. It is the law in certain other states that the woman gets to keep the ring if the man calls off the engagement. In certain countries, engagement rings are considered gifts that the woman can refuse or accept. 

Whether or not the law requires the ring to be returned is of little consequence if it is an heirloom. After a failed engagement, it is customary for the woman to request the return of the ring to the man, who is of course free to decline. An expensive or sentimental engagement ring may necessitate a prenuptial agreement be drawn up before the wedding.

Disliking Your Ring

If your fiancé took a lot of time picking out your ring or if it is a family heirloom and you had no say in the matter, this could be a sticky situation. Being forthright and discussing the issue helps everyone involved. 

Make it clear that you appreciate the sentiment behind the gift but that you just can't wear the style. You may return the ring and choose a new one jointly, or you could try restyling it by keeping the stone but switching out the band and setting.

Engagement Ring Symbolism

More than just a pretty accessory, an engagement ring symbolises a commitment to a future together. A wedding ring is a symbol of a couple's commitment to one another and should be regarded as such. Knowing proper etiquette for engagement rings is important for showing respect for the jewellery and the promise it symbolises.

 Etiquette for Wearing an Engagement Ring

In order to make this wonderful time a little less stressful, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions about engagement ring etiquette and provided solutions.

Can I Help My Partner Pick the Engagement Ring?

These days, 62 percent of engaged couples shop for the ring together. Get your feelings over to your significant other if you're not up for doing something. Just let them know it would be more romantic to be surprised rather than go on a collaborative shopping excursion. Then, consult your family and closest friends for advice by showing them pictures of rings you like.

At Temple and Grace, we have a huge range of engagement rings Sydney.

Can My Sister Help My Partner Pick the Engagement Ring?

Absolutely! Someone familiar with your taste should accompany you to the jewellery store so they can point out the rings you'll adore and steer you clear of the ones you won't. Describe her in as much detail as you like. 

Tell her if you can't stop thinking about emerald-cut diamonds stacked in a beautiful ring stack. Send her a list of your favourite online ring stores if you've been spending your lunch breaks browsing for engagement and wedding bands.

Tell her that you'd rather have a larger diamond with a few defects than a smaller diamond with none at all. With her sister's help, your spouse will have someone to bounce ideas off of, you'll get a ring you'll love, and she'll get to experience the joy of being a part of one of the most important times of your life.

How Much Is Too Much to Spend?

The response is conditional on the means of your prospective partner. It's commonly believed that they should spend roughly three months' wages, but this is a myth; your partner should spend what makes them happy. 

If they have a lot of debt or are worried about losing their job, they might wish to cut back. Have doubts that your special someone won't succumb to the need to overindulge? Just drop that fact into a conversation with them.

What If My Partner Doesn't Know My Ring Size?

Check out our comprehensive ring size guide for a precise fit if you are unsure of your size. If the proposal is a secret, you might also get your ring size properly assessed at a jeweller and have your mother or sister tell your future spouse. As an alternative, if you have a ring that you prefer to wear on your left ring finger, leave it somewhere obvious so that your partner can steal it and use it as a size reference at the jewellery store.

What If I Don't Like the Ring?

And kudos to the person who took the initiative to go out and find an engagement ring on their own. Recognise their efforts where they are warranted, but be aware that if you don't like the ring, returning it will be a hassle (worst-case scenario). 

The question is, "What's a female to do?" Get some rest and think about it first. It's possible that you'll come to like the ring. If you don't, tell your potential partner. First, tell them how much you love them and point out the good features of the ring. 

Then, say that overall, it's just not right. Avoid saying anything at all if you're scared about making them feel bad. Ultimately, the fact that you're marrying the love of your life should supersede whatever concerns you may have about the ring. Make sure you have some input on the wedding band.

Getting engaged is one of life's most joyful moments. For the couple and their loved ones as well. When you are engaged, all eyes will immediately be drawn to the sparkling ring on your finger. (This could also explain why so many future brides get manicures when they have a feeling they're going to be proposed to).

Carrying around a beautiful and distinctive diamond has its advantages, but it also raises some standard problems about engagement rings that many couples must resolve. The good news is that this article will teach you the proper way to handle engagement rings in every situation.


It's crucial to observe engagement ring etiquette because this ring is the most meaningful piece of jewellery you'll ever receive. Knowing the proper protocol for selecting an engagement ring can help you make the best possible choice. Engagement rings have changed significantly in shape and style throughout the years. Proposing with an act that is meaningful and personal to the two of you is a good rule of thumb. Be careful to heed your girlfriend's advice if she gives you detailed instructions for selecting a diamond ring.

Unless she offers a better suggestion, you must buy the ring. It is customary for the groom to purchase the engagement ring. Some modern women still expect the man to buy the ring. When couples opt to share the cost of the ring, planning and budgeting can be a good opportunity to obtain insight into one another's economic opinions. Being engaged with a ring that has no associations with previous engagements can be appealing to one or both partners.

It is a touching gesture to give a ring steeped in history and meaning because it is an heirloom. Men's engagement rings are not the same as those for women, but there are options for them.

Content Summary: 

  • It's crucial to observe engagement ring etiquette because this ring is the most meaningful piece of jewellery you'll ever receive.
  • When organising an engagement, there are many factors to consider, such as who will choose the ring and how much money will be spent.
  • Is there any way to preserve your composure if the unthinkable happens and you realise you don't like your ring after all?
  • A fresh and happy chapter in a couple's lives is symbolised by the exchange of engagement rings.
  • Since there are so many customs surrounding the proposal, it's natural for both parties to feel a surge of emotion.
  • Knowing the proper protocol for selecting an engagement ring can help you make the best possible choice.
  • In 1477, Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond engagement ring he had designed and made himself.
  • However, the diamond engagement ring gained its current significance after De Beers introduced the slogan "A Diamond is Forever" in 1947.
  • Engagement rings have changed significantly in shape and style throughout the years.
  • The tradition of exchanging engagement rings is widespread across cultural boundaries.
  • However, exchanging rings is becoming conventional in the West.
  • There is no perfect time or location for popping the question.
  • It is customary to wait at least 6 months and often up to a year before popping the question so that the bride is completely taken aback.
  • On the heat of the moment, a couple may decide to get engaged, and the ring will arrive later.
  • Even if the couple has already discussed getting engaged and gone ring shopping together, the guy will likely still want to surprise the woman when he pops the question.
  • Proposing with an act that is meaningful and personal to the two of you is a good rule of thumb, but the particulars of the proposal are entirely up to you and your partner .
  • If your intended audience is shy and easily humiliated, a public, elaborate proposal is not the way to go.
  • The engagement ring might be selected by either of you or it can be a surprise.
  • Be careful to heed your girlfriend's advice if she gives you detailed instructions for selecting a diamond ring or compiles a board on Pinterest including jewelry she finds appealing.
  • You may maintain the element of surprise till the big day if you ask her to marry you before you go looking for an engagement ring.
  • The budget is a factor in selecting an engagement ring.
  • Men are advised to spend two to three months' earnings on an engagement ring.
  • Do not risk not being able to pay your utilities and rent because you bought an expensive ring that cost two months' wages.
  • Choose a ring that won't break the bank; if you decide it's not perfect, you can always acquire a new one on your anniversary.
  • Many couples choose to keep the ring they got for their engagement as a symbol of their affection and where they were in life at that time rather than obtaining a new band with a 10-carat stone.
  • According to custom, the man ought to be the one to give his intended bride an engagement ring.
  • These days, it's common for both spouses to contribute to household expenses.
  • A growing trend among engaged couples is to divide the cost of an engagement ring in this way.
  • It would be rude to broach the subject of dividing it if your spouse had not already done so.
  • Unless she offers a better suggestion, you must buy the ring.
  • If you choose that approach, there's a strong possibility she'll buy herself an engagement ring, therefore you shouldn't help out with the bill.
  • There are a wide variety of engagement rings to choose from, so it's important to think about appropriate etiquette while picking which ring to buy and how to propose.
  • Necessity It is not necessary to have an engagement ring in order to propose; in fact, some engaged couples go ring shopping together so that the bride can pick out the perfect ring.
  • On the other hand, some couples get carried away by a spontaneous proposal well before the ring is acquired.
  • If a couple is set on getting engaged soon but wants to save money for a special ring, waiting is a wonderful option.
  • You can even choose to forgo the engagement ring all together.
  • These rings may be customary, but they are by no means required.
  • It is customary for the groom to purchase the engagement ring.
  • Although some couples choose to share the expense, the majority do not.
  • Some very modern women still expect the man to buy the ring, so men should think about their fiancée's personality before suggesting she help pay for the ring.
  •  If she's the romantic type, her fiance will certainly feel obligated to follow this custom.
  • When couples opt to share the cost of the ring, planning and budgeting can be a good opportunity to obtain insight into one another's economic opinions long before the marriage, which can help establish the framework for a healthy financial future.
  • Diamonds have traditionally been used in engagement rings, however nowadays any gemstone or collection of gemstones can be used.
  • The most crucial factor in selecting an engagement ring is that you are completely at ease when wearing it.
  • Though it would be wonderful if every engagement ended in a wedding and every marriage lasted "till death do us part," unfortunately, neither of those things is actually required by law.
  • Due to broken concentrations and increasing divorce rates, it is possible that one of the parties already has an engagement ring.
  • Reusing a ring is a highly individual choice; the current wearer may prefer the band's design and see no need to replace it.
  • On the other hand, being engaged with a new ring that has no associations with previous engagements can be appealing to one or both partners.
  • While diamonds are the traditional stone of choice for engagement rings, any other gem of equal or more value can be used (and your budget).
  • This is a delicate matter of reusing a ring.
  • It is a touching gesture to give a ring steeped in history and meaning because it is an heirloom.
  • It's wonderful that you're making room for your partner in your family's legacy of devotion.
  • However, we do not recommend recycling an old wedding or engagement ring.
  • The spectre of a previous marriage, engagement, or tragedy is the last thing most people want to bring into a new beginning.
  • If a meeting is abruptly ended, it is also appropriate to offer to return the ring (barring extraordinary circumstances).
  • Historic and sentimental value are added to the symbol of love represented by an heirloom engagement ring given as a wedding present.
  •  Make sure everyone in the family is on the same page so there is no fighting over the jewellery.
  • It is also important to have a plan in place for the return of the ring to the family in the event that the engagement fails.
  • While most men simply wear a wedding band, some want to also wear an engagement ring.
  • The styles of engagement rings available for men are not the same as those for women, but there is a wide range of possibilities to suit individual tastes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Engagement Ring

Traditional style engagement rings are those ring designs that everyone knows and loves. The Solitaire is a simple, one-stone ring, while the Halo style is a centre stone surrounded by accent diamonds. Although the rings may differ slightly in the details, the base shape and style remain the same.

According to tradition, the wedding band should go on first, with the engagement ring stacked. Even etiquette experts agree that the way to wear a wedding set is by placing the wedding band on the bottom. However, while there may be a "proper" way to wear your rings, the choice is ultimately up to you!

Just before the wedding ceremony, the engagement ring is exchanged onto the right hand so the wedding ring can be placed onto the left hand to be worn closest to the heart. After the ceremony, the engagement ring is placed on top of the new wedding band.

Traditionally, you wear your engagement ring and wedding ring together on the fourth finger of your left hand. As far as how to stack them, tradition holds that you'll wear the wedding band inside the engagement ring, so it's closer to your heart.

We recommend that you purchase the engagement ring at least three months before you plan to propose. This gives you enough time to change things and plan everything so it runs smoothly.

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