How to Plan an Affordable Wedding

How to Plan an Affordable Wedding?

What you make will become treasured for generations.

Your wedding film will become a priceless family heirloom that may be shown to future generations. You can share your joy on the finest day of your life in a far more genuine and intimate way than merely through wedding photos with the future members of your family you may not have even considered yet. A traditional wedding also brings together the couple's immediate and extended families. What's the likelihood of that happening again? Maybe a few, maybe a few. For this reason, hiring a videographer to record your wedding is a priceless heirloom that will be treasured by your loved ones for generations to come.

Having a recorded recollection of your wedding day will be something for your children to treasure and watch back in the years to come whether you plan to have children in the near future or if you have children before you get married.

The first kiss, the exchange of rings, the first dance, and surprises like a long-lost loved one showing up as guests are the threads that weave together your story and should be captured by your wedding videographer. The highlights and everyday events of the wedding are recorded in a unique method that will display the entire progression of a scene, such as a group of people laughing with their eyes gleaming. As lovely as the results of the laughter may be, a still photographer can only record the result. Nonetheless, the cameraman records the group as they engage in friendly banter, greet one another, and share a few laughs over an inane joke.

Now you know! You will want to recall the joy and wonder of your wedding long after the thank-you notes have been sent, the flowers have been dried, and the dress has been put away. Your wedding video will comprehensively cover the entire event. Some of you may even shed a tear. As a result, you won't forget any of the finer points or the intensity of your feelings, even many years from now.

However, Before We Get Started, a Huge Hint

For a more affordable wedding, we recommend doing away with traditional wedding traditions wherever possible.

Is it possible, for instance, to order a standard cake rather than a "wedding cake"? Is there any way you could get a regular limo package as opposed to the more expensive "wedding package?" Is it necessary to purchase a wedding guest book, or are generic guest books available?

The wedding business has a reputation for charging exorbitant prices for goods and services because they know that the vast majority of couples will gladly pay the higher price.

However, if you are a smart shopper, you can cut corners in your preparation and save yourself some cash.

Some of these recommendations have this as their foundation, but we felt it was important enough to highlight on its own. What follows are some suggestions, so let's get started!

Methods for Creating an Affordable Wedding Plan

How to Plan an Affordable Wedding

Think About What Kind of Wedding You Want to Have

In your mind's eye, how does your wedding look? An upscale cocktail party at a trendy loft in the heart of the city? A cookout in the backyard with loved ones? A formal dinner in a grand hotel ballroom?

If you're still feeling uninspired, consider all the weddings you've attended, watched on TV, or browsed on Pinterest. What did you find appealing or off-putting about them?

Stay focused on the big picture for now. When you're trying to save money on your wedding, it's more important than ever to focus on the overall mood you want to create.

Discussing The Cost of The Wedding is Important

The bride, groom, and both sets of parents who are footing the bill should all meet together to review the total wedding budget.

In some ways, this is the first time you and your future spouse will be working together on a budget. That's one unforgettable memory I'll never forget.

You may set the stage for a lifetime of fantastic budget date evenings by practising open and honest communication about your wedding spending now.

Keep in mind that if you're still paying for your wedding on your fifth anniversary, this budget talk will have been a lot easier on you.

We're not just talking about the total amount of money you have to spend; rather, we're discussing how much you ought to spend in each category.

We recommend allocating a specific percentage of the total wedding budget to each of the following categories:

Acceptance rate: 55%

Procession: 8% Reception: 12%

The Art of Photography, 10%

Venue Coordinator: 15%

Those that dress formally account for 8%

Other/Cushion: 5%

To determine your ratios, think about what matters most to you.

Photos, perhaps, are an area where you're ready to splurge, but flowers just aren't a priority. You can adjust the weighting to place more emphasis on one factor.

Establish the Deal Breakers

Take a moment with your fiance to discuss the numbers and decide on your top three wedding day priorities.

They can be as practical or as extravagant as you like: an outdoor celebration, a plated surf and turf meal, a lot of flowers, a live jazz band, and so on.

In any case, you should take the time to sit down and talk about what you both want before coming up with a list. If you have a clear idea of where you want to go, your spending will follow.

Replace Cake with Cupcakes

Cutting a wedding cake and having a cake-cutting ceremony is less prevalent now than it was in the past.

Following dinner, guests are likely to be in the mood for dessert and would likely enjoy a sweets table.

Between the speeches and the major dances, the reception may be too stiff (first dance, Father-Daughter dance, Mother-Son dance).

In lieu of that, make some cupcakes! It's quicker to prepare, doesn't need to be chopped, and comes in infinite flavour combinations.

If there are leftovers, guests can easily and affordably take them home, reducing waste.

We'll be serving little cupcakes in six flavours instead of a traditional layer cake.

There was no need to research cake designs, put down a large deposit, or organise tastings for this occasion, so planning it has been a breeze.

It's a subtle gesture of observance for the tradition of creating a cake. (Think of how beautiful they can be!)

Is the wedding day truly the best time to cut the cake with your new husband? Get me a piece of that cake!

Numerous bakeries provide wonderful small round cakes measuring 6" or 8" in diameter if you're looking for something more reasonably priced.

In order to avoid paying more for the cake, you shouldn't mention the wedding when placing the order at the grocery store.

We like simple grocery store sheet cakes to complicated ones, thus this is a good option for us.

It's Cheaper to Reserve a Room During The Week

Some wedding venues may provide discounts if the ceremony is scheduled on a weekday, such as a Sunday through Thursday.

Weeknights are sometimes less popular than weekends at venues, providing you some wiggle room to negotiate a lesser fee.

One additional benefit is that having your wedding during the week typically means fewer guests, which can help you save money in many different ways.

Pick Unconventional Locations

Places you might not immediately think of for a wedding include flower gardens, botanical gardens, lakeside sites, and similar places.

In many cases, you can still reserve a venue for your wedding even if it isn't specifically advertised as a wedding location. Since these locations normally aren't chosen for weddings, the prices tend to be more reasonable.

Vogue Ballroom is a Melbourne landmark that has earned its reputation as a spectacular place to hold weddings and other special events.

Check out Locations That Offer All Necessary Tools

Depending on the location, the price of the stage may or may not include some of the furniture you'll need.

If you're expecting a large crowd, it's usually more cost-effective to book with a venue that offers this service rather than purchase the necessary equipment elsewhere.

Purchase Seasonal Flowers

Spending money on flowers when they're not in season is a waste of money.

Roses, Tulips, and Calla Lilies are popular wedding flowers since they bloom consistently throughout the year.

If the desired blooms aren't in season during your wedding's planned date, you can save a lot of money by purchasing the seeds now and growing them in time for the big day.

Flowers can be made with tape and ribbons for a handmade aesthetic that is far less expensive than buying real ones.

Plan Ahead For Your Wedding Costs

Not only will sticking to your shopping list and knowing how much money you have to spend save you from overspending, but it will also help you haggle with sellers and obtain the best deal possible.

If you do a search on Pinterest for "wedding things," you can get an idea of how much money you'll need for various aspects of the event.

Wait Till The End of Wedding Season to Make Your Purchase

Significant bargains might be found after the wedding season has ended.

Both bridal boutiques and their customers often desire to get rid of items they purchased for their weddings in order to make room for the new season's stock.

It's the best time to go shopping for a dress or for supplies because you can save a lot of money.

Don't Waste Time on Irrelevant Activities

How to Plan an Affordable WeddingNot everything that is considered "part of a wedding" needs to be done.

Friends and previous brides have told me that the guest book and favours are two things that can be cut from the wedding budget.

A lot of individuals won't bother signing the guest book and instead will write personal notes to the happy couple in private wedding cards.

Unless they have some sort of practical use, party favours often get left behind at the venue after the event has concluded.

Wedding programmes, ceremony musicians (go with a DJ instead), and a second photographer are all extras you might wish to forego.

For the same reasons, we won't be participating in the garter or bouquet tosses, which are optional but costly extravagances we'd rather not have to pay for.

However, you and your future husband should consider what matters most to you and spend accordingly.

When it Comes Down to it, Use Technology

Technology and devices are now staples in most people's daily life, unlike when our parents tied the knot. Take advantage of this by switching to digital methods whenever you can!

In this sense, "save the date" cards are a perfect illustration. You can use online services like Paperless Post and Punchbowl to send these out digitally.

Do you need to contact people who aren't online regularly but are still on your list? Rather than an invitation, send a postcard to let them know when the big day will be. The lack of postage when sending a postcard usually means a smaller price tag.

In addition, save-the-dates are typically less formal and consist of a single "page," therefore a postcard is adequate.

In order to facilitate communication with your guests, you can also set up a wedding website. When sending out invitations, less information is needed, which saves money and paper.

Even if you decide to go with traditional paper invitations, there are ways to cut costs without sacrificing style.

To save money and make it easier for guests to keep track of all the pertinent information, we are ordering four-panel invites (folded cards).

While we're about it, let's gather RSVPs electronically to save even more money (and still keep the cost down compared to sending out paper cards and envelopes).

Check to See Whether Your Hotel Offers a Free Shuttle Service

Planning on providing transportation for guests on the day of the wedding? Check the hotel's amenities before making a reservation.

If you guarantee a minimum number of rooms for your event, our hotel will provide a shuttle to take you to and from the ceremony and reception.

This is a standard, everyday school bus; no frills here. However, it serves our guests well for the short journey of 15 minutes.

Put Those Flower Arrangements to Good Use at The Reception

We really appreciate the creativity of our florist for suggesting this. Consider how you might incorporate the floral decorations from the ceremony into the celebration afterwards.
The huge flower arrangement, for instance, which graced the arbour of the ceremony structure, will now adorn the top of the reception's head table.
We will be holding cocktail hour in a tiny barn-like structure, so the two enormous setups in the front of the seating area will be relocated there.
Only petals from the aisle flowers are thrown away after use. This helps your flower budget go further and reduces waste.

Explore the Option of Reusing Suits From Previous Occasions

Take advantage of the fact that several of your pals are getting married at once.

to repurpose their old outfits for the wedding, leaving only two groomsmen without suits to rent. They can have one created to order at Indochino as well. This works wonderfully because it prevents two people from having to spend money on another suit without compromising your fiance's ability to stand out.

If You Can Wait For a Sale to Buy Presents Online, You Can Save a Lot of Money

Gifts for the bridal party, accessories, and decorations are just a few examples of the myriad tiny purchases that may quickly add up as you arrange the wedding.

Create a shopping list with all the items and stores you will need. We did practically all of our shopping online and took advantage of holiday specials such as Black Friday and Boxing Day to cut costs.
That's the cherry on top, right? We might save as much as 10% by making use of cashback websites. We were able to stretch our money far further by planning ahead, stockpiling discounts, and ordering in bulk.

Put a Friend in Charge of Officiating The Event

The cost of an officiant might easily exceed $200 in many cases. If you don't want to get married in a church, but still want an officiant, you can save a lot of money by having a buddy receive their licence online and officiating the ceremony themselves.

Do Your Music With A Student or Group of Students

Renting a DJ or a band for a wedding may get rather pricey. The music department at your local university probably has students who would be willing to play at your wedding for far less money. Just the cost of hiring a reliable student to work the music at your wedding could end up saving you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

Instead of an Open Bar, Serve Alcoholic Beverages

If your venue will allow it, it is much more cost-effective than having an open bar to buy beer and wine in bulk and bring it in yourself. Beer and wine sold in big quantities tend to be more reasonably priced than liquor, and bars typically charge more for hard liquor than for wine and beer.

You Should Opt for a More Intimate Setting

Less people can attend when the event is held in a more intimate setting. Since you won't need as many food and drink items for as few guests, you can save money on practically every aspect of your wedding. Weddings at smaller venues are frequently more intimate and cheaper, despite the fact that many people dream of having a large wedding with many of guests.

An Elegant Wedding Can Be Held Even With a Limited Budget Remember

Your wedding should be a celebration of the union of the two of you. And its effects will extend far beyond the anniversary itself. It's important to keep the big picture in mind amidst the minutiae of wedding preparations.
In addition to leaving you with an empty bank account, spending a fortune on your wedding day is not a good way to show your spouse how much you care.
Beautiful, fashionable, and reasonably priced weddings are all within your reach.


The things you create will be kept and cherished by future generations. We suggest ditching the old wedding rituals in order to save money on the big day. Long after the thank-you notes have been written, the flowers have been dried, and the dress has been put away, you will want to look back on your wedding day with fond memories. The wedding industry has earned a bad rep for being notoriously expensive. One can save time and money by taking shortcuts during preparation if one is a savvy shopper.

In this article, we'll go over some tips for putting together a wedding budget that won't break the bank. Discuss the budget and your top three wedding day priorities with your fiance. Prepare some cupcakes for dessert after supper. It doesn't require chopping, can be made in any number of different ways, and is ready to eat in a fraction of the time. It's possible that if you have your wedding on a weekday, the location will charge less.

Often, weeknights are less popular than weekends at venues, giving you some room to negotiate a lower fee. It is more cost-effective to hire a venue that provides this service if you are expecting a large crowd rather than buying the necessary equipment yourself. Budget-friendly alternatives to the traditional wedding favours and guest book include forgoing these items entirely. Paperless Post and Punchbowl are just two examples of online services that can assist you in sending electronic invitations and collecting responses. Guests might appreciate knowing if their hotel provides a complimentary shuttle service on the wedding day.

In exchange for a guaranteed number of rooms, our hotel can arrange a shuttle to take guests to and from the ceremony and reception. Make a list of everything you need and the places you'll need to shop. You can cut costs by saving up for sales and buying in bulk. To cut costs across the board, consider having a smaller ceremony and reception. If you'd like to serve alcohol, rather than having an open bar, you can simply bring in large quantities.

The two of you should keep in mind that the focus of the wedding should be on the two of you. Bear this in mind, please.

Content Summary

  • Your wedding film will become a priceless family heirloom that may be shown to future generations.
  • A traditional wedding also brings together the couple's immediate and extended families.
  • For this reason, hiring a videographer to record your wedding is a priceless heirloom that will be treasured by your loved ones for generations to come.
  • Your wedding video will comprehensively cover the entire event.
  • For a more affordable wedding, we recommend doing away with traditional wedding traditions wherever possible.
  • Establish the Deal BreakersTake a moment with your fiance to discuss the numbers and decide on your top three wedding day priorities.
  • If you have a clear idea of where you want to go, your spending will follow.
  • One additional benefit is that having your wedding during the week typically means fewer guests, which can help you save money in many different ways.
  • In many cases, you can still reserve a venue for your wedding even if it isn't specifically advertised as a wedding location.
  • Spending money on flowers when they're not in season is a waste of money.
  • Friends and previous brides have told me that the guest book and favours are two things that can be cut from the wedding budget.
  • Take advantage of this by switching to digital methods whenever you can!In this sense, "save the date" cards are a perfect illustration.
  • If you guarantee a minimum number of rooms for your event, our hotel will provide a shuttle to take you to and from the ceremony and reception.
  • Consider how you might incorporate the floral decorations from the ceremony into the celebration afterwards.
  • Create a shopping list with all the items and stores you will need.
  • Renting a DJ or a band for a wedding may get rather pricey.
  • Just the cost of hiring a reliable student to work the music at your wedding could end up saving you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.
  • If your venue will allow it, it is much more cost-effective than having an open bar to buy beer and wine in bulk and bring it in yourself.
  • You Should Opt for a More Intimate SettingLess people can attend when the event is held in a more intimate setting.

FAQ's About Affordable Wedding

  1. Limit your guest list.
  2. Host the ceremony or reception at home or outside.
  3. Ask friends and family to exchange skills for presents.
  4. Do-it-yourself whenever possible.
  5. Use a dummy wedding cake.
  6. Time your wedding wisely.
  7. Scout out vendors.
The Reception

The cheapest way to have a reception is to book a non-wedding venue. Wedding venues can charge a premium because they do weddings day in, day out and can offer their couples exactly what they need, all under one roof.
Spring Months

As a fringe month with less predictable weather, March is a great time of year to book a wedding, as you'll find lower venue fees almost anywhere. April and May are considered peak season in much of the country, though you may be able to find affordable venues in regions that have a longer winter.
Weekday weddings are typically more affordable, with Monday being most affordable and increasing in expense as you get nearer the weekend. Of course, the differential will vary between venues — high-end venues are high-end every day of the week.
“Often times, it's a combination of parents, families, and the couples themselves.” On average, couples cover about 60% of their total wedding costs. The bride's parents pay for about 21%, while the groom's parents typically cover a bit less, according to
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