Wedding Planner

How To Plan a Hassle Free Wedding?

Wedding preparations are difficult, time-consuming, and involved. If you're a working bride who's also insanely busy, you're in for a long day of trying to balance work and wedding preparations. Spending so much time and energy on mundane activities like shopping, extra work (since you'll be having leaves shortly), or pampering is depressing.

However, if certain "does and don'ts" are taken care of from the get-go, the whole wedding process can be streamlined and simplified. And today, we have compiled a list of just those suggestions for you.

So if you're a bride-to-be ready to embark upon your journey, hold up, go through this list, take notes, and plan accordingly. Too busy with life to really plan your wedding in detail? Have someone else do it for you and check out our list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help take the stress away.

There's a good reason why so many future Mrs.'s exhibit signs of bridezilla-ism in the run-up to the big day: weddings are stressful. This day has been planned for months. Usually, the opposite is true.

It's possible for guests to be a nuisance, and their actions may seem much more inconsiderate when magnified by the emotional intensity of a wedding. Never fear though, because a picture-perfect wedding is well within your reach.

FAQs About Wedding Planning

Finalizing a guest list may be the most stressful part of wedding planning. You, your fiancé, and both sets of parents often have opinions about who should (and shouldn't!) be invited on the big day. Cutting a guest can feel painful, but it's unrealistic to think that your budget and venue can accommodate everyone.

Here are a few communication-related red flags to look out for from your partner: Shuts down when having tough, emotional conversations. Runs away from, minimizes, or completely ignores conflict.

And the answer is—whichever you prefer! Yup, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the hair or makeup first debate. It all comes down to personal preference, the occasion, and a few other factors that play into which order may be a better option.

Small wedding: Less than 50 guests. “That number can fit comfortably in a backyard with 6 or so tables,” she says. Tiny wedding: 15 people or less. (You might also see “minimony” or “micro wedding” used to describe a wedding of this size.)

Minimalist weddings aim to clear even the visual clutter—so stick with solid colors or soft, muted motifs. They also tend to favor neutral and natural color palettes like black, navy, cream, white, or taupe—but don't be afraid to add a strategic pop of color to bring everything to life.

Prepare a Spending Plan

To avoid overspending on your wedding, it's important to put some thought into planning ahead of time and to set a reasonable budget that accounts for any unforeseen costs (at least 5 per cent).

You shouldn't use the emergency fund to buy things that cost more than you planned. Even if you take nothing else to reduce your anxiety levels, we strongly advise you to start a wedding savings account as soon as possible.

If you can't even afford the marriage you desire, it may be a great idea to ask your family for help paying for it. Make it crystal clear from the get-go that you are in a command regardless of the source of funding. Having a wedding that can manage to pay yourself is preferable if you are worried about this happening.

Build a Timeline

Whether you're planning a destination wedding or one closer to home, it's important to have a general concept of how long each event will take. The Internet is rife with resources to help you organise your wedding, but don't let the sheer number of options overwhelm you; there really aren't that many details to take care of.

The most crucial steps, and when these need to be taken, for a low-key wedding are as follows:

  • Dates are often overlooked, yet they are absolutely crucial.
  • Schedule your wedding and reception location(s) and officiant at least a year in advance (if necessary). After this crucial task is completed, you can finally unwind.
  • Before committing to any other service providers, wait at least 6-9 months (caterer, florist, photographer, baker, DJ, etc.).
  • The bride and her attendants' clothes should be ordered six months in advance. You should make your honeymoon plans.
  • Invite people between three and six months in advance. Schedule any necessary alterations and make any tuxedo rental appointments.
  • Put in an order for wedding bands three months ago. Get started scheduling trial runs and finalising contracts with your vendors (e.g. hair and makeup, food, etc.).
  • Speeches and seating charts should be written and prepared one month in advance. Get married legally by applying for a licence.
  • On the actual day: It's the responsibility of someone to make sure that everything is prepared for the big event. You shouldn't be this person because you won't be as cool under pressure as you believe you will be. You'll likely be experiencing a lot of nerves and butterflies on that day.

You Should Take Your Wedding Seriously

When it comes to planning your wedding, it's not uncommon for loved ones and friends to want input, especially if they're footing the bill. Make sure they know that the wedding is actually about you and your fiancé. If you have the type of relatives and friends who like to be involved in everything, this could prove challenging.

To keep them busy and out of your hair, you may assign them a chore. Many guests will feel more included and appreciated if they have some say in the planning of the wedding.

Set aside Customs

Few of us can trace the origins of the numerous wedding rituals we observe today. You don't have to follow the conventions of the wedding business just because it's more expensive and time-consuming.

Incorporating significant rituals into your wedding will give it deeper significance and help you relax and enjoy the day. Think about the guidelines you'd like to uphold, especially with regards to any additional tasks you'll have on the big day.

You may even take it farther if you're the adventurous type and ask, "Do you want to elope?" Do it. Why not have a big wedding or hold the ceremony in the backyard of the bride's parents?

List of Potential Expenses to Reduce at Wedding.

  • Rather than a large, elaborate cake, we had a delicious dessert that was served alongside the dinner.
  • Today, it's common for weddings to include not one but two meals for guests. If the ceremony is delayed until later in the day, no one will be late.
  • What's the point of giving everyone a bag of sugared almonds as party favours?
  • The grand wedding celebration: Single maid of honour and one best man. Done.
  • I don't see the point in traditions like tossing the bouquet or the garter. You shouldn't single off your female friends.

Minimize It

This is where a lot of people run into trouble, but it's crucial if you're working with a limited budget. Even if you don't have to change your plans considerably, you'll have had to spend additional money, send out more invites and thank-you notes, and make more small conversation with your guests at the party.

Minimize the number of people who can attend your event (and by no means should you allow your parents to get their hands on it). It is possible to reduce the number of invited guests without upsetting anyone by having a destination wedding. Some guests may be put off if your celebration is even a hours out of town.

Wedding Planner

Rely on Tried and True Methods Instead of Trying to Create Something Completely New.

Learn from the mistakes of others. If you know someone who has recently planned a large event, such as a wedding or party, you might ask them for vendor recommendations. If you enjoy the recommended providers and their quotes are reasonable, it can save your a lot of time and effort.

Get ideas for your own wedding by talking to your married family and friends about what they liked about their big day and what they would change. The best portions of other weddings we attended served as inspiration for our own.

Employ a Planner

Although we appreciate your desire to plan every detail of your marriage with your family members, we warn that your hectic schedule may make it impossible to do so. You might think about getting help from pros or wedding planners, since they will know all the ins and outs.

They would organise everything to ensure that your wedding day goes off without a hitch. Looking for the Top Wedding Planner in Melbourne? Look no further and check out our ultimate list of Wedding Planners here.


It was the first and most important step in arranging your wedding. Invest in a wedding planner diary to keep track of all the details. Make a schedule detailing what must be done and by when.

Keeping track of all the things that need to be done for the wedding is much easier if you have a calendar, a list of vendors and their contact information, and an A-Z of the event. Make the most of your respite by methodically arranging every aspect of the trip with help from your teammates.

It's Important to Assign Responsibilities and Roles.

Know that there is simply too much work for you to handle on your own. Once you've decided on a theme, location, and other aspects of the wedding, you can assign responsibilities to the appropriate people.

Involve everyone you know, from neighbours to distant cousins, in the project by giving each person specific tasks to do and keeping yourself informed of progress.

Take Care of Yourself First

Concern over the actions and reactions of others is a common source of stress for many guests before, during, and after a wedding. You already have your plate full, without having to fret over the actions of others.

As long as you take care of yourself, you won't have any problems. Realize that no matter how hard you try, your wedding day will fall short of your ideal. Your level of contentment is entirely up to you.

Make the Most of Your Time Off from Work

Rather than waiting until the day of, plan each day off in advance. Everything you need to do—shopping, salon appointments, vendor meetings, market research, etc.—should be scheduled for your days off.

Wedding Planner

Make Sure You Stick To Your Beauty Routine

You should always find time for your beauty treatments, whether they are salon visits, pre-wedding preparations, or at-home procedures. A bride's natural wedding glow is what makes her most stunning, so make sure to give yourself plenty of TLC even in the midst of all your preparations.

Staying Hydrated Is a Must.

Staying hydrated is great for your skin & body as a whole but it also helps you keep up your energy levels, ensuring that you don't fade too rapidly from dehydration. Fruit juices, sodas, and coconut water are healthful alternatives to soda and other carbonated drinks.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Your hectic schedule of work and wedding preparations may cause you to neglect healthy nutrition in favour of bingeing on sweets. Everyone knows this is how stress manifests itself physically in the body.

Although indulging in junk food and sweets on occasion is fine, you shouldn't rely on them as a means of relieving stress. Not eating because you're too busy is not a good idea, either. Makhanas, trail mixes, fresh fruit, granola bars, oatmeal biscuits, diet chips, and other nutritious snacks should always be on hand.

Invest on Your Interpersonal Relationships.

Although there will inevitably be some stressful moments, preparing a wedding should be more fun than difficult. The time you spend with your loved ones is precious, so don't waste it.

Make the best of the time you have left with your loved ones, whether that's through doing something you both enjoy, eating out, or just hanging out and chatting. Don't forget to make time for your soon-to-be-spouse, either.

Separate Yourself for a While

Don't forget to schedule some time for yourself among the wedding preparations, work, and social obligations. Do whatever helps you relax and unwind, whether it's a trip to the spa, a bubble bath, a workout, or just some quiet time alone with your thoughts and feelings.

Getting a Good Night's Rest Is Important.

And of course, you need to start getting enough sleep. So go that vacation 20 days early to make sure you have time to check on everything and yet have time to relax. No matter how busy you are or how much you have on your plate, you should never sacrifice sleep.

Do not forget to take a brief shower, turn off all electronic devices, and get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. If you want to have a very restful night's sleep, try lighting some scented candles or putting some essential oil on your mattress and linens. 


We know you're probably busy, but if you can, try to sneak away for a little while, whether it's with your partner, your family, your friends, or just by yourself. Join a yoga or hobby class that doubles as a stress reliever if it works with your schedule and plans. Discover your source of joy and make time for it.

Remember the Word "Simple."

You'll have a lot less trouble if you don't go overboard with the extravagance and instead keep things straightforward. Don't forget this when picking up the perfect location, gown, or bouquet for your big day.

There is a good chance that you don't require as many materials as you believe you do. The secret to a stress-free wedding is keeping things simple.

Consider Your Spouse

A wedding's true meaning only becomes apparent when the couple has committed to one another for the rest of their lives, yet this is something that far too few people actually do.

Neither your pricey furnishings nor your flower arrangements demonstrate your devotion to one another. Nothing else should be as important as the two of you. Keep this in mind if you ever find yourself wishing you could turn into a Bridezilla.

A bridezilla should be able to control herself only by thinking about her handsome groom, therefore if that isn't the case, perhaps you should reconsider your choice in spouse.

Do Not Become Over Sensitive

You probably already have some plans in mind for your "big day." Nonetheless, you must not become overly possessive. Try to get beyond your attachment to outcomes. Don't stress if your can't have had it your way.

Even if you are unable to get your first choice, there are many additional locations suitable for a wedding. It's possible that there's a greater power at play, and that things will improve even further as a result. Master the art of letting go. Breathe.

Get Assistance if You Ever Need It

Don't be shy about asking for assistance from loved ones. You'll feel better overall and be able to move on with confidence after following their advice.

It's possible that someone you know can bake you a cake, or that a buddy can fill in as a temporary photographer. The less people you have to contact to plan your wedding, the less stressful it will be. Including your loved ones may make the day even more special.

Remember that while you shouldn't let anybody else run the show during your wedding, that's not the same thing as refusing assistance.

The groom and bride should both contribute to the wedding's preparations, but you may require assistance at some point. Asking for assistance from close friends and family members is a great way to get things done around the house and save time.

You and your future spouse will get a lot on your plates on the actual wedding day, so enlisting aid is crucial. A wedding planner or coordinator could be worth the investment if you need extensive assistance.

The average wedding now takes between six and eight months to plan. Keep in mind that if that's not how you want yours to be, it doesn't need to be that way.

A wedding is a celebration of a couple's love and commitment to one another, and it's also typically the largest party the happy couple has ever thrown for their loved ones.

Your wedding will proceed without a hitch if you just remember this, keep things as simple as possible, and take it easy on yourself. Wishing you the best of luck.

Keep In Mind That Despite Your Best Efforts, Nothing Ever Works Out

Nothing ever goes as expected. We doubt you'd find a single bride whose big day went completely as she had imagined. Get ready to make some blunders and get ready to get them out.

There's a zero percent chance that anyone will notice the mistake, whatever it is. There is a wealth of further advice available to help you have a worry-free day. You can only let planning overwhelm you if you give in to it.

Are you ready for a hassle-free wedding day? Remember to breathe and let things go. Keep in mind what's important. You'll be fine! Need help planning your wedding? Check out our list of Wedding Event Planners here.


Hold up, bride-to-be, and read this list, making notes as you go so that you can be well prepared for your journey. Spending too much on a wedding can be avoided with some forwards planning and a budget that allows for unexpected expenses (at least 5 per cent).

Don't let the abundance of information available online paralyse you in your wedding planning efforts. What follows is a rundown of the most important things to do and when they need to be done in order to have a low-key wedding. Location and officiant arrangements should be made at least a year in advance of the wedding.

You need not conform to the customs of the bridal industry. The significance of your wedding will increase if you include rituals that are important to you and your partner. Restrict participation to as few people as possible.

Some of your guests may be put off if your celebration is more than a couple of hours away from where they live. Talk to your friends and family who have already tied the knot to find out what they loved and what they would change if they could do it all over again.

Whether they are salon visits, wedding day prep, or at-home treatments, you should always make time for them. Even in the midst of all the planning, the bride should take time to pamper herself so that she can have that radiant look on her wedding day.

Do not, under any circumstances, skip out on sleep because you are too busy. It has been suggested that using scented candles or applying essential oil to your bed and sheets can help you get a good night's sleep.

A wedding that doesn't put everyone in attendance through their paces is possible if you follow one simple rule: keep things as simple as possible.

It will be less stressful to organise your wedding if you don't have to coordinate with a large number of people. One of the best ways to get chores done is to enlist the help of loved ones.

After taking their advice to heart, you'll have a renewed sense of optimism and optimism about the future. These days, couples typically spend between six and eight months in advance of the wedding making preparations.

The two of you will have a lot on your plates on the wedding day itself, so it's important to enlist the help of family and friends.

In need of some assistance in wedding preparation? Check out the Wedding Event Planners that we recommend.

Content Summary

  • The work that goes into planning a wedding is tedious, time-consuming, and labor-intensive.
  • The wedding planning process can be made much easier and more streamlined if certain "dos and don'ts" are addressed from the very beginning.
  • Today, we present you with a list of just such recommendations.
  • Just too hectic to devote much time to the wedding's finer details, huh?
  • Get your finances in order.
  • It's important to plan ahead of time and establish a reasonable budget that allows for any unexpected costs to ensure that your wedding is not ruined by financial stress.
  • The ceremony and reception should be planned at least a year in advance, including the venue(s) and the officiant (if necessary).
  • Someone needs to be in charge of making sure everything is ready for the big event.
  • You and your future spouse should be the focus of the wedding, so be sure to stress this.
  • By incorporating meaningful rituals into your wedding, you can make the day more meaningful and memorable while also easing stress and enjoying yourself.
  • Do it.
  • Talk to your married friends and family members about the highlights and lowlights of their wedding days to get ideas for your own special day.
  • Get a wedding planner diary to write down all the important information.
  • Assigning tasks to the right people is much easier after major decisions like the wedding's theme, location, and date have already been made.
  • Keep yourself in good health and you won't have any issues.
  • Avoid last-minute scrambling and make preparations for each day of vacation in advance.
  • Plan to do all of your errands, such as grocery shopping, hair appointments, vendor meetings, market research, etc., on your days off.
  • Don't squander the time you have to be with the people who matter to you.
  • Don't neglect your future spouse's needs in favour of your own.
  • Get Some Space, You Need It
  • As you juggle wedding planning, work, and social obligations, don't forget to make time for yourself.
  • You also need to make sure you're getting enough sleep.
  • Planning ahead by 20 days will allow you to check in on everything and still have plenty of downtime during your trip.
  • You should take a quick shower, put away your electronics, and get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.
  • Find what makes you happy, and devote some time to doing it.
  • Keep this in mind as you make your wedding-related decisions, such as where to have the ceremony, what to wear, and what flowers to use.
  • A wedding that doesn't put everyone in attendance through their paces is possible if you follow one simple rule: keep things as simple as possible.
  • Learn to let go with ease.
  • If you find yourself in need, don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • Don't be reluctant to enlist the help of those you care about.
  • Having your loved ones there with you can make any occasion more memorable.
  • The best way to get things done around the house and save time is to enlist the help of close friends and family.
  • If you need a lot of help, it may be worthwhile to hire a wedding planner or coordinator.
  • These days, couples typically spend between six and eight months in advance of the wedding making preparations.
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