What Should A Bride Do The Night Before The Wedding?

Is there anything special planned on the eve of your wedding? If you're walking back and forth, trying to remember if you re-centered the welcome sign, perhaps you should spend the evening unwinding with friends.

We've compiled a list of things you should do the night before the wedding to make sure you don't get too overwhelmed by the anticipation.

Having a system in place to manage all the details of the big day is essential. Make a list of everything you need to bring to the event and cross everything off as you load the car. To avoid missing anything crucial, it's recommended that you double-check your list or enlist the aid of a colleague. Check out our ultimate list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help you organise a stress-free wedding.

Things To Do Before the Wedding Day

Check-In with Your Suppliers

Calling your crew the night before the wedding will alleviate any concerns about anyone missing the big day. Verify travel times and any other specifics. Prepare any questions you may have for the vendors you'll be working with in the final stages. Such as, "When can we expect the photographer to arrive and set up?" When should you apply your makeup and get your hair done? The flowers are supposed to be delivered at .

Prepare any final payments or tips, whether you'll be sending them via PayPal or a real check, once you've checked in with each seller. They need to be handwritten and sent in envelopes with clear addresses. As soon as these are delivered to the site, you should start delivering them.

Nothing is more frustrating than having a supplier come up late because they misread your instructions. Get on the phone and double-check everything with your vendors, from start and end hours to venue addresses and parking information. In case it comes up, you should also clear any outstanding bills and double-check their overtime rates. Provide them with the contact details for your appointed representative so that they may reach you easily on the big day. It would be a disaster if you forgot to pay the caterer, photographer, videographer, cosmetic artist, hairstylist, limo driver, or venue.

Name A Leader And Stick To Them

On the morning of the wedding, she and her attendants and family members should spend time getting dressed. A person who is not a part of the wedding party should be designated to deal with any queries or concerns that may arise in the last hours before the ceremony. In the event that your caterer or photographer is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, this person can act as a peacemaker. This individual can also assist guests in locating their seating areas and collecting any gifts they may have brought.

Double-Check Your Wedding Footwear And Clothing

Your dress is one of the few things at your wedding that will be remembered long after the day itself has over. Make sure the size and shape are still what you need and there are no flaws in the design. Collectively trying on wedding day attire the day before the event will allow for any necessary adjustments.

You should walk around in your new shoes on various surfaces including hardwood and carpet to help break them in. If they cause you pain or slip while you walk, invest in some shoe insoles and traction cushions.

Emergency Survival Kit

Not everything may go as to plan. Unfortunately, there are too many unknowns to ensure that your big day goes off with a hitch. In case of a fashion or hygiene emergency, be prepared with a go-to survival pack stashed in your closet. Keep in mind the basics like as cosmetics , footwear, medicine, and first aid supplies. You and the members of the bridal party can do this together.

Whether it's kirby grips and safety pins for quick hair repairs or your favorite lip gloss for a quick touch-up before the photographer arrives, get all of these things ready the night before the big event. Now if your hair ever gets out of control, you won't have to toss and turn wondering what to do. Don't lose the best quality of sleep (bridal beauty sleep) by worrying the night away.

Last-Minute Beauty Prep

Let's put the finishing touches on this thing tonight! The manicure is complete. The pedicure is done. Prepare for the big day by indulging in a pampering beauty session with your bridesmaids. Soak in a bubble bath while listening to soothing music and catching up with your girlfriends. To be clear, a facial is not the appropriate treatment at this time. You shouldn't experiment with your beauty routine the night before your wedding, otherwise you can wake up with a real corker on your nose.

Don't Forget To Shampoo Your Hair

Even if you're going to have a professional hairstylist do your style or if you and your bridesmaids are going to do it yourselves (with the help of one of your bridesmaids who is sure to bring her curlers and clips), washing your hair the night before the wedding will make it easier to deal with in the morning. Hair that has been conditioned to a silky smoothness may be too smooth for your hair styling equipment, but freshly showered hair still smell like your apple shampoo and conditioner and sparkles like the sun.

Get Ready For The Next Day By Setting Out All Of Your Items

Because of the many individuals there and the intensity of the day's events, wedding days might feel like a blur. If you prepare the night before, you can start working as soon as you get up. The bride and her attendants must have all the necessary attire and accessories for the wedding day. So that you can maintain your focus and energy, I recommend ordering some food and caffeine in advance.

Pack all of your things because you'll be leaving for your honeymoon right after the wedding ends. This will save you time in the morning when you normally would have to scramble about trying to find them.

Honeymoon Packing

You should, first, pack in advance if you're going on a honeymoon or minimoon immediately after the wedding, and second, double-check your bags the night before you leave. This way, you won't have to suffer through the humiliation of realising, midway through the wedding celebration, that you forgot to bring underpants. Create a packing list to use with your future spouse in the days leading up to the wedding, and then use it again the night before to double-check that you have everything you'll need to get away as soon as possible.

Pack Your Personal Items (and Some Extras!)

It's not a good idea to overpack, but you also don't want to be unprepared on the big day. Get your gifts, bags, and any last-minute decorations ready to transport to the ceremony or reception location. The night before the wedding, if you can, have your bags delivered to the hotel or put them in the car.

Make sure to have a first aid kit to any event where you will be serving as the receptionist.

Resist The Drink

Even though you have a lot to celebrate because you're getting married in the morning, you should definitely reserve the Champagne for Buck's Fizz in the morning rather than drinking it now. We doubt anyone welcomes the thought of waking up on their wedding day with a throbbing headache or a little distended stomach. Like we stated, we have no doubt that you will make amends once the big day finally arrives.

Mind Your Own Business

Although there is a lot to do on the bride and groom's wedding day, it is important to take some time for relaxation and celebration. Relax and focus completely on your own needs by treating yourself to a massage or spa visit while listening to peaceful music. Simply said, you should make the most of tomorrow because it is the most significant day of your life. Have a good night's sleep and prepare for a fantastic morning.

Charge Your Tech

The ability to record special moments is a wonderful benefit of modern technology. However, technology has a funny habit of failing when we really need it. Make sure your camera and phone are fully charged and have plenty of memory space (I'm always running out of room on my camera and phone!). This applies whether you plan to use a camera for photographing moments before the wedding or a tripod for a DIY photo booth station. Keep an extra battery pack, USB cable, and memory cards in your bag just in case.

Since you'll be too preoccupied with other matters to snap pictures yourself during the day, it's probably a good idea to entrust one of your maids with your cell phone or other personal camera.

Practice Your Vows or Speech

As you and your future spouse exchange vows, everyone will be listening closely. Be sure to practise if you're worried about blanking or stumbling over crucial terms like "to have and to hold." Get some practise in saying your vows to your friends as you sleep. They can prepare you with suggestions and make sure you're relaxed before the event. Rehearse your "thank you" speech as well if you intend to deliver one at the reception.

Be Sure To Wake Up To Your Alarm

Put your feet up, chill out, and get some shut-eye Even though the nervousness and excitement of the days leading up to the wedding are making it hard to focus on anything other than sleep, you should try to do so. Establish a regular night when you can get good sleep and wake up feeling ready to take on the day. It's going to be a long day, so you'll be relieved you got enough sleep the night before the ceremony. Your wedding day will stretch late into the night due to the morning of preparation, the ceremony, the reception, and the after party. Not to mention, set your alarms!

Even though it's probably obvious that you need to set an alarm so that you can go to work on time in the morning, it's easy to forget such obvious things while you're caught up in the stress and elation of preparing your wedding. Don't expect your bridesmaids to burst into your room and jump on your bed to wake you up, as this is not the most comfortable way to be roused from sleep. You should get some rest, set an alarm, and be ready for your bridesmaids to rush in early in the morning. Incomparably superior.

Gather The Maids Of Honour

Your bridesmaids will be your rock on the big day, so it's important to have a pre-wedding get together with them to smooth over any last-minute details and make sure everybody is on the same page. Wedding day logistics include finalizing the sequence of the bridesmaids' arrival down the aisle, trying on wedding apparel, and reviewing the entire day's itinerary from preparation to clean-up. After the serious business is taken care of, you and your bridesmaids should do something fun and unconnected to the wedding to de-stress before the big day.

Be With Your Loved Ones

As essential as it is to spend time with your bridesmaids, it is equally crucial to spend time with your family. There is no doubt that this is a momentous time for you and the people closest to you. Please celebrate this season of love by getting together with family and friends. Plan to spend an hour or two with your closest relatives the day before the wedding, sharing memories and toasting to your future together.

Talk to your folks and your siblings now so that everyone is on the same page about what's expected of them on the big day and beyond.

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Because of the stress of planning a wedding, it's possible that your mind is racing with too many ideas to let you rest comfortably. Getting enough shut-eye is important in so many ways! Your wedding day, from the ceremony through the celebration and the first night of your marriage, will be a long one. To avoid dozing off before the end of your wedding night, familiarise yourself with these proven methods of reducing insomnia.

Also, here’s a few more reminders…

Don't let these things slip your mind when you're having a good time!

The importance of staying hydrated cannot be overstated. The morning of the wedding, the bride and her attendants may have mixed emotions. But you must take care of yourself, so make a plan! Make a point to get up early and have a healthy breakfast every day. It's important to maintain your energy and mood throughout the day by having access to nourishing snacks and a steady supply of water.

Put on your dresses once you've used the restroom. Get cleaned up before putting on your dresses, and perhaps you won't have to stop again until the after-party! Consider this to be of paramount importance for the bride and her wedding dress.

Don't overlook the details. Whether it's jewellery, shoes, handwritten notes, wedding toasts, or anything else, make a list of the "little" things you need to remember. The smallest details are frequently overlooked. You should inform your wedding planner, maid of honour, and bridesmaids of the items you want them to remember on your wedding day so that they can help you stay on track.

Don't be hesitant to enlist the support of your bridal party in completing small duties like preparing the flower girls or informing the makeup artist and wedding photographer of the location of the bridal suite. Worrying needlessly over inconsequential matters is counterproductive. As much as possible, today should be a stress-free, tranquil experience. Despite your best efforts, the day is unlikely to go off without a hitch. You'll want to preserve these moments in your heart forever.

Whatever you do the night before the wedding, make sure you have a good time and enjoy one other's company. Take a tonne of pictures the night before the event to remember all the good times you had with your pals.

Our goal with these suggestions is to make you feel less stressed the day of your wedding. Prepare ahead of time because wedding preparations can be stressful. You should not be finalising details on your last day, but rather confirming, double-checking, and chilling out. Don't put off getting ready for the wedding if you want everything to go off without a hitch on the big day.


We've compiled a list of things you should do the night before the wedding to make sure you don't get too overwhelmed by the anticipation. Double-check everything with your vendors, from start and end hours to venue addresses and parking information. It would be a disaster if you forgot to pay the caterer, photographer, videographer, cosmetic artist, hairstylist or limo driver. Double-check your wedding footwear and clothing. A person who is not a part of the wedding party should be designated to deal with any queries or concerns that may arise in the last hours before the ceremony.

In case of a fashion or hygiene emergency, be prepared with a go-to survival pack stashed in your closet. The night before your wedding, indulge in a pampering beauty session with your bridesmaids. Soak in a bubble bath while listening to soothing music and catching up with your girlfriends. Pack all of your things because you'll be leaving for your honeymoon right after the wedding ends. If you prepare the night before, you can start working as soon as you get up.

It's not a good idea to overpack, but you don't want to be unprepared on the big day. Create a packing list to use with your future spouse in the days leading up to the wedding. The night before the wedding, if you can, have your bags delivered to the hotel or put them in the car. Make sure to have a first aid kit to any event where you will be serving as the receptionist. Make sure your camera and phone are fully charged and have plenty of memory space.

It's probably a good idea to entrust one of your maids with your cell phone or other personal camera. Get some practise in saying your vows to your friends as you sleep. Establish a regular night when you can get good sleep and wake up feeling ready to take on the day. Bridesmaids will be your rock on the big day, so it's important to have a pre-wedding get together with them to smooth over any last-minute details and make sure everybody is on the same page. The day before the wedding, spend time with your family and friends to de-stress and celebrate this season of love.

Getting enough shut-eye is important in so many ways. To avoid dozing off before the end of your wedding night, familiarise yourself with these proven methods of reducing insomnia. Make a point to get up early and have a healthy breakfast every day. It's important to maintain your energy and mood throughout the day by having access to nourishing snacks and a steady supply of water.

Content Summary:

  • Is there anything special planned on the eve of your wedding?
  • If you're walking back and forth, trying to remember if you re-centered the welcome sign, perhaps you should spend the evening unwinding with friends.
  • We've compiled a list of things you should do the night before the wedding to make sure you don't get too overwhelmed by the anticipation.
  • Having a system in place to manage all the details of the big day is essential.
  • Make a list of everything you need to bring to the event and cross everything off as you load the car.
  • Calling your crew the night before the wedding will alleviate any concerns about anyone missing the big day.
  • Verify travel times and any other specifics.
  • Prepare any questions you may have for the vendors you'll be working with in the final stages.
  • The flowers are supposed to be delivered at .
  • Get on the phone and double-check everything with your vendors, from start and end hours to venue addresses and parking information.
  • Provide them with the contact details for your appointed representative so that they may reach you easily on the big day.
  • It would be a disaster if you forgot to pay the caterer, photographer, videographer, cosmetic artist, hairstylist, limo driver, or venue.
  • A person who is not a part of the wedding party should be designated to deal with any queries or concerns that may arise in the last hours before the ceremony.
  • In the event that your caterer or photographer is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, this person can act as a peacemaker.
  • Double-check your wedding footwear and clothing.
  • Collectively trying on wedding day attire the day before the event will allow for any necessary adjustments.
  • Not everything may go as to plan.
  • In case of a fashion or hygiene emergency, be prepared with a go-to survival pack stashed in your closet.
  • Keep in mind the basics like as cosmetics , footwear, medicine, and first aid supplies.
  • You and the members of the bridal party can do this together.
  • Whether it's kirby grips and safety pins for quick hair repairs or your favorite lip gloss for a quick touch-up before the photographer arrives, get all of these things ready the night before the big event.
  • Don't lose the best quality of sleep (bridal beauty sleep) by worrying the night away.
  • Let's put the finishing touches on this thing tonight!
  • The manicure is complete.
  • The pedicure is done.
  • Prepare for the big day by indulging in a pampering beauty session with your bridesmaids.
  • Soak in a bubble bath while listening to soothing music and catching up with your girlfriends.
  • You shouldn't experiment with your beauty routine the night before your wedding, otherwise you can wake up with a real corker on your nose.
  • Even if you're going to have a professional hairstylist do your style or if you and your bridesmaids are going to do it yourselves (with the help of one of your bridesmaids who is sure to bring her curlers and clips), washing your hair the night before the wedding will make it easier to deal with in the morning.
  • Get ready for the next day by setting out all of your items.
  • If you prepare the night before, you can start working as soon as you get up.
  • The bride and her attendants must have all the necessary attire and accessories for the wedding day.
  • So that you can maintain your focus and energy, I recommend ordering some food and caffeine in advance.
  • Pack all of your things because you'll be leaving for your honeymoon right after the wedding ends.
  • You should, first, pack in advance if you're going on a honeymoon or minimoon immediately after the wedding, and second, double-check your bags the night before you leave.
  • Create a packing list to use with your future spouse in the days leading up to the wedding, and then use it again the night before to double-check that you have everything you'll need to get away as soon as possible.
  • It's not a good idea to overpack, but you also don't want to be unprepared on the big day.
  • Get your gifts, bags, and any last-minute decorations ready to transport to the ceremony or reception location.
  • The night before the wedding, if you can, have your bags delivered to the hotel or put them in the car.
  • Make sure to have a first aid kit to any event where you will be serving as the receptionist.
  • Resist the drink even though you have a lot to celebrate because you're getting married in the morning, you should definitely reserve the Champagne for Buck's Fizz in the morning rather than drinking it now.
  • Mind your own businessAlthough there is a lot to do on the bride and groom's wedding day, it is important to take some time for relaxation and celebration.
  • Relax and focus completely on your own needs by treating yourself to a massage or spa visit while listening to peaceful music.
  • Simply said, you should make the most of tomorrow because it is the most significant day of your life.
  • Have a good night's sleep and prepare for a fantastic morning.
  • The ability to record special moments is a wonderful benefit of modern technology.
  • Make sure your camera and phone are fully charged and have plenty of memory space (I'm always running out of room on my camera and phone!).
  • This applies whether you plan to use a camera for photographing moments before the wedding or a tripod for a DIY photo booth station.
  • Keep an extra battery pack, USB cable, and memory cards in your bag just in case.
  • Since you'll be too preoccupied with other matters to snap pictures yourself during the day, it's probably a good idea to entrust one of your maids with your cell phone or other personal camera.
  • As you and your future spouse exchange vows, everyone will be listening closely.
  • Get some practise in saying your vows to your friends as you sleep.
  • Rehearse your "thank you" speech as well if you intend to deliver one at the reception.
  • Establish a regular night when you can get good sleep and wake up feeling ready to take on the day.
  • It's going to be a long day, so you'll be relieved you got enough sleep the night before the ceremony.
  • Your wedding day will stretch late into the night due to the morning of preparation, the ceremony, the reception, and the after party.
  • Not to mention, set your alarms!
  • Even though it's probably obvious that you need to set an alarm so that you can go to work on time in the morning, it's easy to forget such obvious things while you're caught up in the stress and elation of preparing your wedding.
  • Don't expect your bridesmaids to burst into your room and jump on your bed to wake you up, as this is not the most comfortable way to be roused from sleep.
  • You should get some rest, set an alarm, and be ready for your bridesmaids to rush in early in the morning.
  • Gather the maids of honor.
  • Your bridesmaids will be your rock on the big day, so it's important to have a pre-wedding get together with them to smooth over any last-minute details and make sure everybody is on the same page.
  • After the serious business is taken care of, you and your bridesmaids should do something fun and unconnected to the wedding to de-stress before the big day.
  • Be with your loved onesAs essential as it is to spend time with your bridesmaids, it is equally crucial to spend time with your family.
  • Please celebrate this season of love by getting together with family and friends.
  • Plan to spend an hour or two with your closest relatives the day before the wedding, sharing memories and toasting to your future together.
  • Getting enough shut-eye is important in so many ways!
  • Your wedding day, from the ceremony through the celebration and the first night of your marriage, will be a long one.
  • To avoid dozing off before the end of your wedding night, familiarise yourself with these proven methods of reducing insomnia.
  • Don't let these things slip your mind when you're having a good time!
  • The importance of staying hydrated cannot be overstated.
  • But you must take care of yourself, so make a plan!
  • Make a point to get up early and have a healthy breakfast every day.
  • It's important to maintain your energy and mood throughout the day by having access to nourishing snacks and a steady supply of water.
  • Consider this to be of paramount importance for the bride and her wedding dress.
  • Don't overlook the details.
  • Whether it's jewellery, shoes, handwritten notes, wedding toasts, or anything else, make a list of the "little" things you need to remember.
  • The smallest details are frequently overlooked.
  • You should inform your wedding planner, maid of honour, and bridesmaids of the items you want them to remember on your wedding day so that they can help you stay on track.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wedding

Having a rehearsal dinner is a great way to celebrate some of those memories the night before your wedding. This might be when you give your parents and bridal party their gifts or a perfect time to give a speech and toast those who've helped the most in your planning process.

A Hotel. Booking a hotel room for bridesmaids to stay the night is the most often sought-out option because it works well for every wedding type. The wedding may be taking place in your hometown or current city. And in both scenarios, you may have out-of-town bridal party members.

The rehearsal dinner occurs the night before the wedding, typically after the ceremony.

Superstitious beliefs have kept many couples separated until the ceremony, protecting their matrimonial fate from being doomed from the start. The tradition of spending the wedding eve apart is when to-be-weds refrain from seeing one another the night before their wedding, often until the ceremony.

The night before your wedding is different because it's the night before your wedding. The big decision lots of couples are asking themselves is whether to spend it together or stick to tradition and sleep apart. It is entirely up to you.

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