What Are The Pros And Cons Of Brunch Weddings?

Brunch weddings are a great alternative to the standard sit-down dinner reception.

There has been a recent uptick in the use of this weekend golden hour as future spouses seek out methods to personalise their nuptials.

It's also a clever answer to the problem of how to organise a wedding on a limited budget and short notice. Looking for the ultimate Wedding Reception Venue in Melbourne? Look no further, Vogue Ballroom is here.

It is important to go back to the beginning before settling on a good time to be married. When organising your wedding, brunch, or other special event, keep the following in mind:

  • Several guests: Which would you choose, a large wedding or an intimate one? In other words, how many people do you hope to have there at most?
  • Formality: What's the dress code? Cost-effective or over the top? This choice will play a role in determining the location you ultimately pick.
  • Location: In the city or out in the country? Which would you rather, a garden or a ballroom? In-town or out-of-town? The wedding you can have is heavily dependent on the location.
  • Preferred venue space: Do you like the interior or the outside? Which is better, a hotel or your own house? Think of the perfect setting for your wedding and look for one that fits your vision.
  • Season: The time of year: When that time of year generally occurs, how is the weather?

In light of these considerations, we present the benefits and drawbacks of organising a wedding brunch.

Brunch Weddings: Pros And Cons

Choosing the wedding's start time is likely the last major decision you've had to make. Guests can party the night away at an evening reception following an afternoon ceremony. A wedding during the daytime is less expensive and offers a more casual atmosphere. But now what? Which should it be? The advantages and disadvantages of wedding brunches are listed below.

Pro: There Will Be Plenty Of Breakfast Food! 

The wedding season is perfect if you and your future spouse enjoy breakfast foods like pancakes, eggs, and crispy bacon. Breakfast can be served in a variety of ways, including the traditional buffet or even as a sit-down meal.

Keep in mind that the absence of an evening time frame does not preclude the event from being the epitome of refinement. Check out one of our favourite brunch parties.

Con: Your Reception May Not Be The Party You Expected.

Guests may be more reserved throughout the day than they are later in the evening. Brunch weddings aren't the best choice if you're hoping for a lively dance party. To be fair, you are the best judge of whether or not your guests will be willing to party hard in the middle of the day. Attendees may be less engaged if they have other plans for the afternoon or if your programme ends before dinner time.

Pro: After That, You And Your Sweetheart Will Have Plenty Of Downtime.

You and your new husband may take your sweet time getting home from the ceremony and celebrating the rest of the day together without feeling rushed.

This is the ideal plan for the newlyweds who would rather spend their time together lounging at home or taking romantic strolls around town than attending a loud party.

Con: The Dance Floor Will Be Difficult To Fill.

Visitors may not feel like dancing in the early afternoon even if mimosas are being served. Perhaps a nighttime reception is more your speed if you've always seen yourself dancing the night away with your college pals to your favourite track.

Pro: Your Wedding Expenses Will Be Reduced.

This may be contingent on the location, and some channels have only a single VIP show per day. However, because they are able to book two weddings in one day, some venues are able to provide discounts for morning nuptials.

Breakfast catering, such as a waffle station or a buffet, might save you money compared to supper catering, especially when you include in labour costs. Guests are less likely to go wild at the bar in the morning if they know they have to go home in the early afternoon.

Brunch weddings are often less expensive to plan than evening receptions. It's less probable for a brunch to grow into an all-night bash as a wedding would if it were held in the evening. As a result, you may be able to save money by not having a reception at night, which typically incurs over-hour fees and other costs.

You can save money on labour costs by not keeping your wedding's help on duty as late as you would for an evening ceremony. You can save money on catering by skipping the fancy dinner course or the large main dish.

Also, unless the whole wedding party decides to go crazy during the day (which they might), you can expect to spend less money on alcohol.

Couples who are willing to get married at certain times of the day can save money on their ceremony location. Put the question of cost savings to work for you by rearranging the calendar to all of your prospective suppliers. Let Vogue Ballroom Wedding Venue help you create the most magical day of your life. 

Some venues provide discounts if your event is in the morning. If you save a little money, you may put more into the venue, the meal, and even the honeymoon. Determine what will mean the most to you and your guests, then use the money you save to throw a party no one will ever forget.

Con: Spending Less Time With Friends And Family.

After the wedding, guests will either return home or engage in post-wedding events in the area. Wedding receptions held in the morning usually end around 2 in the afternoon, while those held in the evening often go on until dawn.

Pro: That Ideal Place Might Become Available.

As a bride-to-be, there is nothing more stressful than realising your ideal wedding venue is already booked because you put off planning or were working with a tight schedule. Consider having a breakfast or brunch wedding as an alternative.

If evening and nighttime bookings are full, many venues will be ready to work with you and be flexible. They might even throw in a lunchtime or early bird special as a bonus.

Con: There Could Be A Time Limit.

Venues that are available in the morning may also host another wedding in the afternoon if you choose this option.

This means that there will be a strict time limit for clearing the site of your guests, decorations, personal belongings, etc., before the next event arrives. A potential downside to having a brunch wedding is that you may have less time to celebrate.

It's possible that there will be another function that day, or perhaps another wedding that evening, and you'll be asked to vacate the premises. Even weddings that take place in the evening typically have this limitation, so it's not a huge deal.

On the other hand, it might make everything feel a bit hurried. If you communicate with the venue and the suppliers, they should be able to accommodate your needs. Be sure you, your vendors, and the venue are all on the same page with regards to timing and other logistics.

Pro: There Will Be More Guests Who Can Attend.

This is especially the case if your wedding is scheduled during the busiest time of year for weddings. Due to conflicting commitments and invitations, guests frequently find themselves choosing between friends and family.

Although there will inevitably be some people who can't attend your wedding for various reasons, you may improve the likelihood that everyone who matters will be there by taking steps to avoid or resolve potential scheduling problems.

By holding the ceremony and reception during brunch time, you give your guests additional options for how they want to spend their day.

Con: More of Your Guests Will Be Able to Attend.

The widening of your social circle at brunch can have both beneficial and bad consequences. Remember that the cost of the wedding will increase with each additional attendee (whether they RSVP or not). Brunch weddings might save you money, but they also come with the possibility of adding stress to your budget.

Sit down with your fiance and figure out how many guests you can afford (and fit) for your wedding, keeping in mind that more will likely be able to attend brunch.

Pro: The Rest Of The Day Is Yours To Spend With Your Special Someone!

Picture a wedding ceremony held early in the day in a park. Celebrating your love with friends and family takes up the better part of the morning and early afternoon.

Around 2:00, the festivities wind down, and you and your significant other make your way back to the rustic cabin you've been staying in.

One possible option is to spend some time unwinding in a hot tub, while another is to visit a spa for the afternoon. That knows, maybe you guys are the daredevils who wish to go hiking in a rugged national park.

Another option is to spend the afternoon and early evening basking in your married bliss before heading into town for a little meal with your nearest and dearest. When the wedding is expected to last late into the night, guests may be tempted to sleep in till the next day.

Con: You'll Be Awake At The Break Of Dawn.

Most brides have to wake up rather early on their wedding day for hair and makeup, as well as "first look" and other portrait photographs. You won't have much time to get your beauty rest if your ceremony is six hours sooner than usual.

Pro: A Greater Availability Of Venues Is A Possibility.

Is the perfect location unavailable on the day you need it? Inquire about morning availability if the location hosts numerous weddings every day. The brunch wedding just might help you land your ideal wedding location.

Con: If You're Not A Morning Person, This Could Be Difficult.

If the ceremony is in the morning, you will probably have to get up really early to get ready.

Say, for the sake of argument, that you've decided to hold the ceremony at 10 a.m. You should set your alarm for 4:00 am if you plan on doing a first look for your photos, which means getting up early to take care of basic hygiene needs like eating and getting dressed. Few people we know are able to sleep in on their wedding morning due to nervousness.

Pro: You'll Have More Time To Enjoy Your Special Day.

A wedding and reception held around lunch time will leave you with the rest of the afternoon and evening to do whatever else you want to do to make your special day truly unforgettable.

Preparing for the typical wedding's afternoon and nighttime events can take an entire day, adding further stress to an already difficult situation. Instead, you can avoid the rush and stress of the day by spending more time with your partner during brunch.

After the ceremony and reception, you and your new spouse can enjoy some well-deserved downtime together or take a group of friends out for a night on the town or a romantic getaway.

There is no shortage of ways to make your wedding day unique and special.

Whether you choose a brunch wedding or a late-night extravaganza, keep in mind that the day is meant to celebrate the love between you and your partner.

Together, you should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of holding the wedding at various times of the year, pick the best option, and have a memorable ceremony.

Other Advantages Of Brunch Weddings

Having the ceremony during the day has several benefits.

  • You'll find, for example, that the location is more reasonably priced, and that you have more leeway to organise a one-of-a-kind party that nobody else would dream of throwing.
  • There's also a chance that if you have your event during the day, your vendors will give you a price break. As an added bonus, brunches are often more affordable to prepare and serve than dinners.
  • Daytime weddings are less prevalent, so venues may have more availability on their schedules, which could make it easier for you to plan your big day.
  • Furthermore, if your venue is particularly beautiful, hosting the ceremony and reception during the day will provide your guests the best opportunity to take photographs.
  • At daytime receptions, guests are less likely to imbibe than they would be at an evening event. Since alcoholic beverages tend to be expensive, this can result in considerable cost reductions.
  • Your guests may feel more at ease if they know they have time to get home from the ceremony and relax before they have to go back to work on Monday if your wedding is on a Sunday. Guests from out of town can fly in on Saturday, spend time sight-seeing, and then celebrate the wedding with you on Sunday.
  • You, the bride, may prefer an earlier wedding because it will give you less time to dwell on the ceremony itself, which might help calm your anxiety. You get up early, prepare for the ceremony, and then head off to spend the evening alone with your new spouse.

Generally, the atmosphere during an afternoon event is more casual and reminiscent of a cocktail party. There is plenty of time to plan an after-reception party with just your closest friends and family. Vogue Ballroom is your perfect wedding venue in Melbourne delivering fairytale weddings for the bride and groom.

Other Disadvantages Of Brunch Weddings

  • One of the major drawbacks of a brunch wedding is that it may be more difficult to convince people to dance than during an evening wedding. There may also be less daytime revelry since people are less likely to drink heavily.
  • You may not like doing your hair and makeup first thing in the morning if you are not a morning person.
  • Some ladies find it calming to spend time with loved ones in the hours leading up to their wedding, but this can be difficult to pull off with a morning ceremony.
  • It's possible that the casual vibe of an afternoon celebration is not to your liking, and that the colours you've chosen won't go together. Sunlight isn't as complementary to dark, dramatic topics.

Things To Think About When Planning A Brunch Wedding Reception

Truth: Brunch is quickly becoming as popular as weddings among the general public. It was inevitable that at some point, engaged couples would decide to combine the two events in order to throw the best possible wedding celebration.

Brunch weddings are becoming increasingly popular, and if you're leaning towards planning one, you might want to give some thought to the following before making any final decisions.

Your Day Will Begin Early.

Wedding day preparations are no laughing matter: No matter what time of day you want to walk down the aisle, hair, makeup, and finishing touches will take hours. Talk to your potential service providers early on to get an idea of how long a brunch wedding would take:

How long will it take your hairstylist to do your hair and the hair of your bridesmaids, all of whom have quite varied hair textures? Is it necessary to get everyone's hair done before meeting with the makeup artist? Besides the food and flowers, is it possible for the location (including the church, if that's part of your plans) to put up everything the night before?

What kind of manpower and time commitment would be needed to get things going before noon if that's not possible? Depending on how you've planned your special day, you may be up and at 'em before the crack of dawn.

The Reception Will Be Less Formal.

Brunch weddings are distinct from evening ceremonies in more ways than one. Certainly, you won't see somebody in sequins at 10 in the morning. It's possible that your guests will like the fact that a brunch wedding is more akin to a garden party or a coed bridal shower.

Making a brunch party into a mini fashion show is a lot of fun. Men can wear the seersucker suits, vibrant slacks, and fun bow ties they've been saving for a special occasion.

Your Décor Should Be Appropriate For A Brunch Wedding.

It can be challenging to rethink colour palettes, flower arrangements, and the placement of gold accents on the flatware for those of us who have kept a mental wedding inspiration board since before Pinterest existed (you know who you are). Brunch weddings are typically more relaxed, so it's important to incorporate elements of that into the decor.

To save money, try using wildflowers in mason jars as centrepieces or having a food bar set up by the caterer instead of a sit-down meal or typical buffet. The possibilities for informal decoration are distinct from, but no less extensive than, those for more formal settings.

You'll Need To Plan For What Comes Next.

Your guests should not be left wondering what to do when the reception ends. You can go one of two ways: To begin, the festivities might continue as guests move from breakfast to another event, such as lounging in cabanas by the pool. You might even conclude the festivities by leaving immediately for your honeymoon, leaving your guests free to do as they want.

Organise a tour of the city, or at least include some ideas for things to do in the area, in the welcome bags. Attendees at the wedding who were happy to hear the news were informed by other guests. They'll be OK and have fun as long as they know what's going on.


When compared to the traditional wedding reception, a brunch is a far more enjoyable and relaxed option. It's also an astute solution for those who need to plan a wedding on short notice and with a small budget. There are benefits and drawbacks to planning a lavish bridal celebration. If you want your wedding reception to include a lot of dancing, a brunch ceremony is probably not the greatest option. If participants have other obligations that afternoon, their attention could be diverted.

The costs associated with hosting a wedding brunch are typically far lower than those of an evening celebration. There are several ceremony locations that might offer deals if the ceremony is held early in the day. Morning events often receive discounts from some locations. You can use the money you've saved for the location, the meal, and your honeymoon. If you can't get your dream wedding date in the evening or during the day, consider having a brunch or breakfast instead.

Guests have more freedom to choose how they wish to spend the day at a wedding with a brunch reception. However, it could add an air of urgency to the proceedings. It's important that you, your suppliers, and the venue all have the same understanding of the event's schedule and other issues. If the ceremony can be moved to the morning, you and your guests will have more of the day to relax and celebrate. You'll have to wake up extremely early to get ready, which is a bummer if mornings aren't your thing.

Brunch weddings tend to be less expensive to host than dinner receptions. Venues may have more openings throughout the day because there are less people getting married then. If you are looking for a wedding location in Melbourne for a turn of the millennium celebration, look no further than Vogue Ballroom. The general public now enjoys brunch as much as they do weddings. Weddings held during the daytime, at brunch, are different in more ways than one from those held at night.

A brunch wedding could appeal to your guests because it resembles a garden party or coed bridal shower. It's crucial to reflect the casual atmosphere of a brunch wedding in the decorations. Wildflowers in mason jars can serve as inexpensive centrepieces, and a buffet can replace an expensive sit-down lunch. After the party is over, you'll need a plan B.

Content Summary

  1. Before deciding when is a suitable time to get married, it is vital to review the basics.
  2. A wedding's potential style is greatly affected by its setting.
  3. Create a mental picture of the ideal wedding location, and then go out and find it.
  4. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Brunch Receptions
  5. Perhaps the last important choice you'll have to make is what time the wedding will begin.
  6. Listed below are some of the benefits and drawbacks of hosting a wedding brunch.
  7. Visitors could be more shy during the day than they are in the evening.
  8. If you want your wedding reception to include a lot of dancing, a brunch ceremony is probably not the greatest option.
  9. You know your guests best, so you can make the call on whether or not they will be up for a raucous celebration in the middle of the day.
  10. The costs associated with hosting a wedding brunch are typically far lower than those of an evening celebration.
  11. Because of this, you could potentially save money by forgoing the usual over-hour fees and other expenditures associated with hosting a reception late at night.
  12. Spending less on labour is possible by not keeping your wedding's help on the clock as late as you would for an evening ceremony.
  13. You might also anticipate spending less money on booze, unless the entire wedding party decides to go crazy during the day.
  14. Couples can save money on their wedding venue by being flexible about when they hold the ceremony.
  15. By rescheduling your appointments with potential vendors, you may put the matter of savings to work for you.
  16. Morning events often receive discounts from some locations.
  17. Guests have the option of either returning home or staying in the region for post-wedding activities.
  18. Instead, you may have a wedding during breakfast or brunch.
  19. You may not have as much time to party if you choose for a brunch wedding.
  20. The venue and the vendors should be able to meet your requirements if you convey them to them in advance.
  21. It's important that you, your suppliers, and the venue all have the same understanding of the event's schedule and other issues.
  22. This is particularly true if your wedding date falls during the peak season for weddings.
  23. Your guests will have more freedom to choose how they want to spend their day if the ceremony and reception are held during brunch.
  24. Talk to your future spouse about how many people you can comfortably accommodate at the wedding and how much money you may expect to spend, bearing in mind that more people will likely be able to attend the brunch.
  25. You will likely have to rise really early in the morning if the ceremony is scheduled for then.
  26. If you plan your wedding and reception for the afternoon or evening, you'll have the remainder of the day to do whatever else you want to make the day special.
  27. Spending extra time with your significant other during brunch is a great way to de-stress and reconnect after a hectic day.
  28. There is an abundance of creative options available to add personal touches to your wedding.
  29. Keep in mind that the day is designed to celebrate the love between you and your spouse, whether you opt for a brunch wedding or a late-night extravaganza.
  30. It's possible that your vendors will provide you a discount if you have your event during the day.
  31. The greatest time for visitors to take pictures at the ceremony and reception is during the day, so plan accordingly if your setting is particularly stunning.
  32. If your wedding is on a Sunday, your guests may be more at ease if they know they have time to return home following the ceremony and rest before they have to go back to work on Monday.
  33. The mood for most afternoon events is more relaxed and informal, like a cocktail party.
  34. There is still time to organise a little party for your closest friends and family members to celebrate following the reception.
  35. If you're not a morning person, getting ready for the day may not be a pleasant experience: applying your hair and makeup.
  36. Hair, makeup, and the finishing touches on the big day will take hours no matter what time of day you want to walk down the aisle, so don't joke about the stress they cause.
  37. Depending on your plans for the big day, you might have to get up super early.
  38. It's a lot of fun to turn a brunch party into a tiny fashion show.
  39. If you're having a brunch wedding, your decorations should reflect that.
  40. It's crucial to reflect the casual atmosphere of a brunch wedding in the decorations.
  41. Different from more formal settings, the informal ones include a wide range of decorating options.
  42. Guests at your event shouldn't be at a loss for what to do when the celebration has ended.
  43. You may end the party by immediately jetting off on your honeymoon, leaving your guests free to do as they want.
  44. Plan a tour of the city or, at the very least, provide suggestions for local attractions in the welcome packets.
  45. Those who were attending the wedding and were pleased to learn the news did so by word of mouth.
  46. As long as they know what's going on, they'll be OK and can enjoy themselves.

FAQs About Brunch Wedding

Day-of wedding prep is no joke: No matter when you want to walk down the aisle, having your hair done, applying makeup, and finishing touches will take hours. So if you are considering having a brunch wedding, you should talk to the vendors well in advance to have an idea of how long the event will take.

A wedding in the morning is an easy way to stay within your financial means while making the occasion an occasion to remember. Compared to serving multiple courses for dinner, serving a traditional brunch menu that doesn't require much preparation should result in significant cost savings.

You can continue the celebration by moving on to another activity after breakfast, such as lounging in cabanas by the pool, or you can choose to do neither. Alternatively, you can let your guests know that the celebration is finished by leaving immediately for your honeymoon, at which point they are free to spend the rest of the day however they like.

On the day of a brunch wedding, the only thing you will have time for is the wedding event; therefore, make sure that everything else that has to be done is taken care of the day before. When it comes to weddings that take place during brunch, the cocktail hour doesn't usually last for an hour, which could imply that there is less time for photography.

Most people won't be interested in that towards the end of brunch, especially if they've just had three plates of chicken and waffles, even though layers of fondant and frosting are lovely and great for the evening.

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