Wedding Planner

How Do You Avoid Stress When Planning a Wedding?

Almost all engaged couples experience some level of anxiety in the months leading up to the big day. As a result, it's easy to feel overwhelmed if you're also someone who routinely deals with anxiety. It's nice to have well-meaning friends and family tell you "don't worry, it'll all come together in the end", but it's difficult to see the forest for the trees when you're in the middle of organising your own wedding. Here, therefore, are some suggestions for calming your nerves about the wedding and the accompanying planning stress. Check out our ultimate list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help you organise a stress-free wedding.

What Is It About Wedding Planning That Causes the Most Anxiety for the Bride and the Planner?


The bride's biggest source of anxiety is whether or not she can put her faith in the person she's chosen to make her wedding day perfect. That's why it's so important to work with a planner you have complete faith in; only then can you be assured that they will only work with the most suitable vendors, according to your specifications and budget.


Implementing the design sans going over budget is the most nerve-wracking phase of wedding planning for the wedding planner and the bride. It's wonderful that many future brides have already been saving gorgeous Pinterest galleries for years prior to their engagement. The bride's ideal budget doesn't always coincide with her prefered style of decoration.

There is a common misconception that a smaller design budget will result in a less impressive wedding. While your planner wants to see your vision come to fruition as much as you do, he or she may have to remind you to stay within your means after understanding that doing so will cost significantly more than you had originally anticipated.

Being Overwhelmed

The sheer volume of chores expected of a partnership might be daunting. The best way to avoid this and have a successful planning experience is to break down activities into manageable chunks based on their importance. Make a point of tackling one significant choice per month. It'll be good for your bank account and your sanity if you do this.

Inconsistent client communication is the biggest source of anxiety for the planner. They are sympathetic to your hectic schedules outside of work, but cannot provide excellent service if you wait too long to respond to their decisions or questions.

Planners are already under a lot of pressure without having to deal with your constant preference changes. They will do their best to bring you what you've asked for or what they think is best based on what you've stated, but they can't predict the future. Follow your instincts and put together a plan. Don't forget to tell your planner when and how you like to make contact.

Family Dynamics

Managing family relationships might be one of a planner's most trying duties. Wedding day emotions can run high, and it's not uncommon for the planner to get pulled into personal matters.

Predictable Outcomes

Setting realistic expectations for the wedding's cost, style, and importance can be a source of tension for women and their families. In the early stages of wedding preparation, when everyone is still trying to find their voices and find common ground on important issues like themes and budgets, stress levels are often higher than they are in the final weeks or days before the big day. This is only one situation when an impartial person (a month-of coordinator) might step in to ease tension and provide priceless insight.

What Are the Most Important Details a Bride Should Be Aware Of?


The brides are going crazy over the smallest of things. Make up your mind now that you will be dissatisfied if you insist on finding fault in every aspect of the experience. Having a positive outlook on your wedding is crucial to enjoying the big day.

To avoid getting caught up in a never-ending cycle of DIY projects users saw on Pinterest or the urge to constantly upgrade your flower arrangements, make a list of the absolute necessities that must be met in order for this to be your dream wedding, and keep it close at hand as you plan the rest of the event. Maintaining focus and a reasonable spending plan can be achieved by regular reviews of your original objectives. You may save yourself a lot of trouble later on if you take the time at the beginning of the planning process to set things up properly. You won't waste money on items you already decided aren't that crucial to your success.


Parental figures can play a significant role in creating conflict. The in-laws are a potential stressor, but the parents are the primary source of tension. Keep in mind that the wedding is a celebration of the marriage and new life you are beginning with your future husband.

By chipping in financially, your parents will have a right to weigh in on wedding decisions. Have an early sit-down with them to discuss your plans for the big day and listen to their thoughts on what is most important to them; from there, you can work out a compromise so that everyone is satisfied. The easiest approach to avoid disagreements when you're in the middle of planning is to get everyone in your family on the same page from the very beginning.

Think of a Back-up Plan

Be ready for any "worst-case situations" that will assist you roll with the blows if and when something does go amiss, such as the weather, which is completely out of your control. You need to take a deep breath and relax about the mismatched fabric samples or whatever else may go wrong. All things considered, a successful wedding is the one that ends with the bride and groom exchanging vows.

Consult a Reliable Planner

Wedding Planner

We've done this a thousand times before! We are here to help make your wedding day perfect while also reducing the stress you're under. Have faith in the recommendations your planner makes for service providers and solutions.

Love the journey and put your faith in your team; you deserve a stress-free time like this. Nothing like this ever happens but once!

Prior to doing anything else, hire a planner.

The services provided by wedding planners come in a wide range of price points and complexity. Don't feel like you have to spring for the most expensive option; chances are, one of the bundles will do the trick for your planning needs. It's still in your best interest to seek out a reward. A wedding planner is a priceless asset because they can assist you with every step of the process, from finding and securing a great location at a reasonable price to directing the rehearsal the evening before the big day. Looking for the Top Wedding Planner in Melbourne? Look no further and check out our ultimate list of Wedding Planners here. 

Plan and Invest With a Sense of Realism

You can have a wonderful wedding without breaking the bank, so be sensible with your expectations and spending. It is not WORTH IT if your relationship is being put under unnecessary strain in order to make ends meet.

To have everything at once is impossible. You'll develop a taste for champagne if you spend too much time on Pinterest. You'll need to make fiscally responsible choices all during the planning phase. This could imply scrapping a proposal entirely, reducing the scope of a project, or omitting a desired component. And that happens on every budget, no matter how small! Prioritize the topics that are most essential to you and allocate your resources accordingly.

Everyone wants Pinterest-worthy wedding images, but it's important to go into the process with reasonable expectations about what you can spend and what's readily available in your area.

The wedding's aftermath will be lot more pleasant if you stick to a reasonable budget. If you don't overspend on the day, but still have a good time, you won't regret it as much later on. Given that she probably can't afford to hire her ideal vendor for every part of the wedding, the bride needs to prioritise her vendors. Spend most of the money on the two or three priorities for the bride.

The Day Belongs to You

Keep in mind that while something unfortunate is bound to occur on your special day, realise that there is only so much you can do to prevent mishaps and that in the end, it is the happy memories that will stick with you.

It's important for the bride to remember that she and her groom are the focus of the wedding. Opinions of others can become so numerous as to drown out those of the individual. You should not give up your preferences just because someone else is footing the bill or has more convincing arguments. If you and your fiancée stay true to your wishes, you won't be disappointed on your big day.

Do not forget that you are marrying your closest friend, and that is the most important thing even if you may experience a wide range of feelings during wedding preparations.

A bride may hold views that differ from those of her immediate family and best friends. The key here is for everyone to stay as positive and helpful as they can be.

Most Important Piece of Advice for Brides?

Establishing a Strategy

Pick a point person before the big day to handle all the cards, gifts, and other mementoes. If someone is responsible for keeping track of these goods, a lot of time and effort can be saved, especially towards the end of the day. Your organizer and his staff will usually help you pack these items or move them to the appropriate location. However, some families prefer to have a close relative serve as the head of the household. It's imperative that you prepare in advance.

Never Mind the Little Things

You aren't going to forget this very day, and if you take the time to plan out the finer points of your big day, you can ensure that it will remain a day that you'll never forget.

However, it is possible to miss the point of the celebration if you allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the myriad of little details that must be perfect. Think about what you'll value most in the next decade. Don't worry if you can't afford to follow current trends or if you feel pressured to follow a certain course of action. Don't feel like you have to follow trends to the letter; instead, use them to create something special for you and your fiance.

Always Stay Honest With Yourself

The focus of the day should be on the union between you and your fiance. Be true to your shared values as a pair as a guiding principle for all your choices. This helps block out any additional background noise which may come from well-meaning relatives or acquaintances. When you put in the effort to make decisions that are in line with who you really are, you'll have a day that is uniquely yours and is filled with genuine beauty and joy.

A Guide to Reducing Wedding-Related Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are natural human responses to unforeseen or demanding situations. However, professional help should be sought if the anxiety has become incapacitating or if panic attacks are occuring. No matter how anxious you are about the planning process, you will find helpful information in today's tutorial.

Prepare Yourself for Anxiety

However, if you frequently experience panic attacks, this will help alleviate some of your discomfort. Try to predict when you'll be feeling anxious during the day, and either avoid or find strategies to make those times more bearable. It's normal to feel anxious about certain aspects of your wedding day, such as walking down the aisle in front of a crowd, doing your first dance, or giving a speech. If you think these things will ruin your big day (or cause undue stress beforehand), look for alternatives to these traditional elements.

Act With Confidence

If you suffer from anxiety, it is even more important that you make snap decisions when arranging your wedding. Of course, it's always a good idea to weigh your options and make well-informed selections. However, when it comes to details like invitation phrasing, table layout, and menu selection, you might spend weeks running in circles and increasing your stress levels. Make a call, continue on to the next task on your list, and give yourself weekly decision deadlines.

It’s Important to Not Judge Your Wedding by Those of Others.

Even though it's tempting, try not to judge your wedding by the standards of others. Comparing your wedding to someone else's, whether it's a girl from college or a pair you saw on Instagram, is a waste of time. Don't let other people make small talk about your day, either. If Aunt Dolores starts raving about the delicious canapés at Cousin Jenny's wedding, ignore her or switch the conversation to anything else.

Establish a Broad Safety Net

When a couple is planning to get married, financial concerns may cause a great deal of tension. Keep in mind that the marriage registration cost is the only thing that is strictly required in order to tie the knot. Realizing this can be really liberating. Many pairs spend more than they have. Get rid of pre-event money anxiety by budgeting for an emergency fund of at least 15 percent more than you anticipate spending. Don't get your hopes up for a wedding that you can't afford.

Get Your Mind off of Planning for a While

Wedding Photography

Even if self-care is all the rage at the moment, there's a solid rationale behind this fad. Spend time apart from wedding planning by going on dates, taking long baths while listening to your favourite podcast, going to the gym, making homemade treats, or playing board games with friends. Shut down the part of your brain that is telling you wedding preparation is your full-time job, ignore the emails, and don't respond to any queries.

Act as if Your Wedding Is Happening a Month Early

Another tip to help you stay on top of your preparation if you tend to get overwhelmed easily. Your wedding should be planned as if it will take place one month from today. That meant that everything from the ceremony booklets to the table design to the Ikea candle run to the toilet basket could be prepared months in advance. You might relax and enjoy these final weeks to the fullest.

Explain Everything to Your Visitors

All engaged couples share a common complaint: guests who ask too many questions at their wedding. Obviously, you'd love to share details of your wedding day. Even so, it can be stressful to field questions about group hotel prices, ceremony start times, and whether or not children are welcome in the final week leading up to your wedding. Providing your guests with as many information and explanation as possible will assist, but it won't fix the problem. Possessing a wedding website is especially helpful for consolidating frequently asked questions and referring guests who may have them to that page.

Know You’re a Slammin’ Hottie!

Simply said, you're stunningly beautiful. You are attractive, with excellent hair and a charming face. You may now confidently call your upper arms, eyebrows, and teeth "wedding ready," okay?

The way the bride and groom will look on the wedding day is a major source of stress for both of them. Feel free to take care of your body, skin, and hair anyway you see fit; we fully support self-care and doing what works for you. All the couples we've seen heading down the aisle have looked absolutely stunning. Something about all the love in the air on a wedding day makes every guest look like a model.

If you don't think you're beautiful, gaze in the mirror ten times in a row and tell yourself, "I am gorgeous," and then you'll begin to believe it.

Avert Your Attention From the Drama

Both of your buddies who bought the same outfit are sticking to their guns and not giving it back. Your ladies of honour are divided on how to celebrate the hen. Your grandfather's brother is stalling attendance at the wedding until he's been given the opportunity to speak. And it seems like your future mother-in-law isn't too keen on the notion of an outside wedding. Instead of a marriage licence, newlyweds should leave the ceremony with the Nobel Peace Prize and a position at the United Nations.

Try not to get caught up in those other people's "things" around your wedding, as difficult as it may be. While it's important to be thoughtful, listen to advice graciously, and do all you can to meet the requirements of your guests, remember that you and your partner are being married anyway. While you wait for things to settle down, you can spare yourself a lot of stress by stepping back and letting people work through their problems in their own time.

Make the Choice to Have Fun

It's a common misconception that the bride or groom should feel stressed out about the wedding in order to be a "real" bride or "real" groom. Sometimes you have to make a conscious effort to savour the anticipation, excitement, and unpredictability that comes with planning. In the end, you'll have a better wedding day and wedding preparations!

Don’t Get Stumped by the Little Stuff

When others say, "Don't sweat the minor stuff,” we wholeheartedly agree. When you're in the thick of things, it can be difficult to see the forest for the napkins and the centrepieces. Attempt to maintain some sense of perspective. Try asking yourself, "Would I care about this if I was planning a birthday party?" whenever you start to feel the worry rising. Keep in mind that the morning after your wedding, when you and your new spouse are riding high from the celebration, none of the little things that went into planning the wedding will matter at all.

Keep In Mind That It Requires Two to Arrange a Wedding

There is a lot of stress and worry leading up to the wedding since one person feels responsible for everything. It's tiring dealing with the never-ending list of tasks, the emails with vendors, and the queries and feedback from customers. Jointly participate in the decision-making and planning processes with your partner.

Don't be a lazy manager and just hand them work. Create a list and divide up the tasks so that you may both feel like you're contributing from the beginning. Oh, and utilise Trello; you'll find it quite useful for dividing up tasks between you and your partner. You should engage pros like them if you do not have any time for joint planning.

A Breakdown Is Acceptable

Many brides and grooms have a nervous breakdown right before the big day. It could be an angry email, an outburst with pals, a tearful phone call to mum and dad, a fight with your significant other, or even a full-blown panic attack. Although unpleasant, at least you're not stuck inside! When you're feeling overwhelmed, it's important to have someone you can talk to, open up to about your feelings, and cry with. Oh, and please wait until tomorrow to send that stern email.

The Final Word:

The preparations for a wedding should be a joyful experience. While it's true that you'll face some difficulties, you've decided to host a big party, so the planning process should be fun. Consider whether or not you want to be married if the thought of organising a wedding stresses you out or if you don't find the process enjoyable. Recall this. There is always the option to call it quits or run away together; all you need for a legal marriage is indeed a registrar and 2 witnesses. Don't fret over upsetting a loved one or losing a security deposit. Your health should come first. Too busy with life to really plan your wedding in detail? Have someone else do it for you and check out our list of Wedding Planners in Melbourne to help take the stress away.


If you are someone who struggles with anxiety on a regular basis, you may find it easy to feel overwhelmed. Hopefully, the following advice will help ease your anxiety over the wedding and all of the preparations that must be made. The bride's biggest worry is whether or not she can have faith in the person she has chosen to ensure that her wedding day goes off without a hitch. Planners are already stretched thin; don't add to their stress by constantly switching up their requests. Reviewing your original goals on a regular basis can help you stay focused and on budget.

Having a good attitude about the wedding is essential if you want to enjoy it. Having disagreements with one's parents is usually the biggest source of stress when organising a wedding. Gather them early on to share your wedding day plans and hear their input. A wedding planner is someone who can help with every aspect of the wedding, from scouting out the perfect venue to running the rehearsal. So long as you don't expect or expect to spend a fortune, you can have a beautiful wedding.

Establish which issues are most important to you, and use that to determine how you should spend your time and energy. It's recommended that the majority of the budget be allocated towards the bride's top two or three wants. Determine in advance who will be in charge of collecting and distributing cards, gifts, and other mementoes. It's common practise in some communities to have a family member take on the role of primary breadwinner. The two of you should be each other's priority on this special day.

The stress and worry you feel leading up to your wedding is completely normal. Plan for times of the day when you know you'll feel anxious and prepare yourself accordingly. Set aside at least 15% more money each month than you plan to spend in case of an unexpected emergency. Date, soak in the tub, and play some board games to take your mind off the wedding preparations. Turn off the thought process that wedding planning is your life's work.

The best time to start making preparations for your wedding is right now, even though it won't actually happen for another month. As tempting as it may be, try not to let the "things" of others take away from your wedding. You can save yourself a lot of anxiety while waiting for things to calm down if you just stand back and let people sort out their issues amongst themselves. Your wedding day and planning will go more smoothly as a result. Before their weddings, many brides and grooms suffer nervous breakdowns.

If planning a wedding is too much pressure for you, maybe you shouldn't get married. Breaking up or eloping is always an option; all you need is a registrar and two witnesses.

Content Summary

  • Here, therefore, are some suggestions for calming your nerves about the wedding and the accompanying planning stress.
  • Inconsistent client communication is the biggest source of anxiety for the planner.
  • Follow your instincts and put together a plan.
  • Having a positive outlook on your wedding is crucial to enjoying the big day.
  • The in-laws are a potential stressor, but the parents are the primary source of tension.
  • The easiest approach to avoid disagreements when you're in the middle of planning is to get everyone in your family on the same page from the very beginning.
  • We've done this a thousand times before!
  • The wedding's aftermath will be lot more pleasant if you stick to a reasonable budget.
  • It's important for the bride to remember that she and her groom are the focus of the wedding.
  • Pick a point person before the big day to handle all the cards, gifts, and other mementoes.
  • It's imperative that you prepare in advance.
  • Prepare Yourself for Anxiety
  • Even though it's tempting, try not to judge your wedding by the standards of others.
  • Don't let other people make small talk about your day, either.
  • Another tip to help you stay on top of your preparation if you tend to get overwhelmed easily.
  • Providing your guests with as many information and explanation as possible will assist, but it won't fix the problem.
  • Feel free to take care of your body, skin, and hair anyway you see fit; we fully support self-care and doing what works for you.
  • Try not to get caught up in those other people's "things" around your wedding, as difficult as it may be.
  • Create a list and divide up the tasks so that you may both feel like you're contributing from the beginning.
  • The preparations for a wedding should be a joyful experience.
  • Consider whether or not you want to be married if the thought of organising a wedding stresses you out or if you don't find the process enjoyable.

FAQs About Wedding Planning

Planning a typical, local wedding with one year's notice is the accepted norm.
The couple will have plenty of time to plan the wedding, including booking the venue, finding the vendors they need, shopping for the dress, and more.

Visualize Your Big Day in Your Thoughts

Since this is your big day, feel free to plan whatever wild and wonderful celebration you can imagine. As you begin to imagine the details of your ideal wedding—the colours, the setting—a fairytale, the beach, spring, rustic, etc.—it's only fitting that you keep a special notebook for the occasion. Don't let yourself forget the brilliant ideas you've had; write them down!

However, the venue should be the first thing you reserve. This can help you confirm crucial details, such as the date, the available capacity, and whether or not you are required to use only approved vendors.

A wedding in 2021, including the ceremony and the reception, averaged A$43,385.

More over half of engaged couples used some form of debt financing, such as credit cards or loans from a bank, to pay for their nuptials, while 16% borrowed the money directly from a friend or relative.

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