Why do wedding photographers cost so much?

The cost of a wedding may quickly add up between the reception location, catering, guests' attire, decorations, and entertainment. When you factor in the pay for a photographer, the total can quickly become prohibitive, leaving you to question why wedding photography is so expensive. Here, we'll explain everything that goes into making an image from the photographer's point of view.

Most couples will hire a professional photographer instead of using a camera phone or home video to capture their wedding day because they want to have a tangible memento of their big day. Many people, however, wonder why the cost of a wedding photographer is so high.

This is the kind of day you'll want to remember and relive again and again. You are looking for a valuable relic that can be passed down through the family. For your own sake, choose a professional photography crew and rest easy. On your wedding day, you cannot afford to have any photographic mishaps. Wedding pictures are irreproducible.

Hiring a less skilled or "cheaper" photographer might have a negative impact on how well your wedding memories are captured and stored. Photos may not be taken properly, the work may be poorly produced, or the print items provided may be of low quality. Plus, there's always the risk of a piece of equipment breaking down. A photographer who doesn't have backup equipment won't be able to take images during your wedding if this happens. Can you imagine taking such chances on your wedding day?

You might be wondering why wedding photographers charge so much when they only spend, like, eight or twelve hours with you on your wedding day. Fortunately, we are fully apprised of the reasons photographers demand higher rates. Even more so if this is your first time ever hiring a professional photographer and your wedding day! Some of the reasons a photographer may give you an unexpectedly high estimate are as follows:


Wedding photography is so expensive because of the amount of time a photographer must dedicate to each event. Client consultations, rehearsals, the big day itself, and post-wedding editing all account for chunks of the time invested.

Conferences with Customers

The initial consultation between the couple and the photographer is only the beginning of the client meeting. In future meetings, the photographer will be kept abreast of developments and the day-of schedule will be discussed. A skilled photographer will keep in touch with the happy couple throughout the day to see how things are going and if they have any queries or concerns. Photographers sometimes have to travel to meet with their clients, but in other cases, a video call might do the trick. It will take a few hours to complete this procedure.

The Steps Taken Before the WeddingDay

Reasons for the high cost of wedding photography include the time and effort required to capture all the special moments leading up to the big day. Photographers should factor in travel time, time spent photographing the couple, and time spent processing images if an engagement session is included as part of a wedding package. If the photographer is not familiar with the wedding site, they will need to do some preliminary scouting to determine the best area for the bridal party shots. As a photographer, you can be invited to a dress rehearsal. Even if they have shot the same subject thousands of times, your photographer may be seeking for fresh ideas for how to capture it online. It's important that they check and double-check their equipment, and mentally rehearse the photos they intend to take. Depending on how long your engagement shot is, this could take your photographer an additional seven to ten hours.

Wedding Day

Add the time it takes the photographer to get to and from the wedding, and the wedding day could last anywhere from seven to ten hours. The photographer may have to travel quite a ways to cover certain weddings. Photographers frequently travel two to three hours one way to cover a wedding outside of their normal working area. Photographers often spend two days travelling to and photographing a wedding if it is across the nation or even overseas. An integral part of a photographer's overhead is the time spent travelling between shoot locations. This also applies if you hire a second photographer to assist you. When you add two photographers to your 8-hour wedding package, you're effectively getting 16.


The last and most time-consuming step in preparing for a wedding is editing. Wedding photographers charge so much because of the time spent editing the photos. To ensure they don't miss anything, your photographer can either snap dozens of images at regular intervals or be very picky about the ones to use. In this case, the photographer has the option of anything from fifty to three hundred shots every hour. For a wedding that lasts 8 hours, that may amount to around 2400 pictures. Now it's up to your photographer to sift through all of these shots and choose the best ones out. For an 8-hour wedding, it could take anywhere from three to four hours to sort through the photos, depending on the photographer.

Reasons for the high expense of wedding photos include the time-consuming editing process. Sometimes a photographer can edit several images at once by using a preset. Even so, they will then examine each image separately to fine-tune these default settings to achieve the desired effect. It will likely take another 8-24 hours for this to finish. Plus, your photographer will likely wait a few days before returning to your images with a new set of eyes and making any necessary adjustments before giving them to you.

If we're keeping track of time, your wedding photographer has spent at least twenty-four of them on various tasks related to your big day. To make matters worse, this doesn't account for the time required to compile a wedding album. You might be wondering why it takes your photographer so long to deliver the wedding images. Keep in mind that your photographer likely has other weddings to cover, as well as further photo shoots, client meetings, edited client photographs, and perhaps even a family life.

The Cost of a Photographer for the Wedding Day

Wedding photographers are an essential element of any wedding, but their fees may run into the thousands for a full day of coverage. Many people's "big day" is their wedding, and without a professional photographer, there's a good chance they won't get the pictures they envisioned.

Many wedding photographers offer a whole day of shooting, beginning with shots of the bride getting her hair and makeup done and continuing until the last guest departs the reception. Further, photographers' duties do not end when the day does because they must select the best shots and make any necessary adjustments to the others.

The high cost of hiring a professional wedding photographer can be partially explained by the extensive tools they need to use to ensure every shot is great.

Camera equipment is not always cheap, with many wedding photographers' kit costing well into the hundreds of pounds. They need not only one camera, but also lenses, tripods, memory cards, batteries, and multiple cameras for this and that. In addition to all this costly equipment, most venues would not allow you to work there without purchasing public liability insurance, which is itself a significant outlay.

You still have to edit your images after taking them. A high-powered laptop or desktop computer, photo-editing software, backup hard drives to ensure data integrity, USB flash drives, and cloud storage to store your images all add up.

You're not just paying the photographer to show up for the wedding and take pictures for six to twelve hours; they also have to prepare for the wedding by making sure all their equipment is ready to go, by possibly visiting the venue beforehand to scout out the best spots for photos, and by spending time afterwards transferring images, backing them all up, editing them, and creating albums that you fall in love with.

Furthermore, wedding photographers are under a lot of strain because if they make a mistake or their equipment breaks down, all of the wedding photos their clients have been waiting for could be lost forever.

Why Do Wedding Photographers Charge So Much?

They don't, right? Who are you to claim they don't? In the same way that there are always more expensive and more affordable options for every given good or service, prices for similar goods and services can also vary widely. It's crucial to know exactly what your money is going towards. Why does dining at a Michelin-starred establishment cost more than ordering takeout from a fast food joint?

Having the proper instruments for the job is a significant investment of time and money, but there is more to the job and to capturing your perfect wedding day than simply the camera and all the gadgets, these are just tools.

While someone with minimal professional experience may potentially shoot a few decent photos if given the same equipment as a photographer with decades of expertise, the photographer's talent and art are best developed via practise and experience. Nonetheless, a seasoned pro will get plenty of jaw-dropping photos that really tell a tale for a whole album. You're getting exactly what you paid for. Someone seasoned in the field, someone reliable.

Your wedding photography is more of an investment than a simple purchase. Your wedding dress is a purchase; you'll wear it once, and that's it. Your wedding flowers are a purchase; they'll wilt in a few days.

Your wedding images will tell the tale of your special day, from the anticipation leading up to the ceremony to the joy you felt as you saw your loved ones and friends for the first time in your lovely white dress and fresh flowers.

What Factors Into The High Cost Of Wedding Photos?


That was a lot of information to take in, so I guarantee this one will be a lot shorter. The equipment used by your wedding photographer is the second biggest factor in the overall cost of wedding photography.

A professional wedding photographer usually uses two cameras. This is so they don't have to spend as much time fumbling with their lenses, which could be a problem during a pivotal moment like their first kiss. Furthermore, this ensures they have a spare camera in the event the primary one fails. For a variety of shots and perspectives, they will carry no fewer than three lenses. You'll need a telephoto lens, a macro lens, and a wide-angle lens to capture any scene. A professional photographer will have a wide variety of lenses at their disposal to accommodate a wide variety of shooting conditions that may arise on the big day.

The photographer for your wedding will also carry equipment like flashes, backup batteries and memory cards, and lens filters. The total price tag for all of these products is in the tens of thousands.


In my opinion, this is the primary factor that contributes to the high cost of wedding photography. The look and quality of the photographer's previous work are major factors in your decision to select them for your wedding. It takes a photographer a long time to hone their skills as a shooter, to establish their ideal editing style, and to figure out how to engage with their subjects to elicit the finest possible reactions and expressions in their photographs. This requires not only raw talent but also a great deal of hard work and dedication in order to accomplish the unattainable goal of mastery. Finding new stances to experiment with and improved techniques to achieve the desired outcomes is an ongoing process for every photographer worth their salt. If you want the highest possible quality, they'll keep an eye on which tools are currently in use.

Talent and experience are what you're paying for. If something goes wrong on this day, it will never happen again. You should expect to pay more for the peace of mind that comes with hiring a professional wedding photographer who has experience working in a variety of lighting conditions, working with difficult subjects, and staying calm under pressure.

The Costs of Doing Business

Last but not least, the photographer's own business overhead contributes to the high price of wedding photography. Insurance for photographers, bookkeepers or bookkeeping software, client management tools for staying on top of things, and online gallery services will all be available. Photographers will incur yet additional cost for any actual goods they provide to their clients. Computers and image processing programmes are indispensable to any professional photographer, but they don't come cheap.

Photography is Expensive

To save this essay from getting too long, I've left out details about a number of minor costs. You should now have a better understanding of the factors that go into determining the final price of a wedding photographer's services. In the beginning, many wedding photographers will eat these expenses in order to gain a foothold in the market. They should be given a shot to get their money back from the investments they've already made in the company. Furthermore, they should be given the opportunity to earn a living wage that would allow them to provide for their families and set some money aside for their golden years.

As a last note, keep in mind that the weekend is typically reserved for weddings. As a result, wedding photographers typically take fewer assignments than other types of photographers. Photographers that command high rates almost certainly excel at what they do and devote a great deal of time and energy to perfecting their trade.

What Are Some Ways To Get Great Wedding Pictures Without Breaking The Bank?

Quite simply, you'll have to track them down in some fashion. Use the advice I've given above to select a wedding photographer who fits within your budget without sacrificing quality. One way to cut costs on a photographer is to hire a sole proprietor. If you want a second shooter, you'll have to abandon that hope. Find a competent photographer who does not maintain a studio or office but who does have all the necessary professional equipment, including backup gear, and who is willing to work from your location. If you're trying to save money on your wedding, don't bother attending the massive bridal expos. Exhibitors' costs at wedding exhibitions are usually high, thus the likelihood of finding a vendor willing to work within your budget is slim. Use social media; that's what I recommend. Check out the Facebook Groups and conduct some general Facebook searches. They can help you identify reliable service providers who are also cost-effective. At last, if you can find a photographer who only does weddings occasionally, you can save a lot of money. Your wedding photos may take a little longer to arrive, but the time and money you save is well worth it.

Here's one last thing to consider. "You get what you pay for" is a well-known adage. Keep in mind that a "professional" photographer who is willing to shoot your entire wedding for a few hundred pounds may merely be doing so to develop their portfolio, may not have the necessary equipment to capture the images you envision, or may not have the necessary insurance or legal software. You must realise this.

The lesson here is that we wedding photographers don't just pick arbitrary numbers when establishing our rates. But the price of a photographer doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of their work; they may just be running a very expensive business that you'll be paying for, and these are the exceptions to the rule. Some of us set it up so that we have the same salary as an average person, while others pay off their Aston Martin. Which is why it's so important to meet with prospective wedding photographers and pick the one with whom you click creatively and feel comfortable before making a final decision.


Wedding photography is so expensive because of the amount of time a photographer must dedicate to each event. Hiring a less skilled or "cheaper" photographer might have a negative impact on how well your wedding memories are captured. Photos may not be taken properly, the work may be poorly produced, or print items provided may be of low quality. A skilled photographer will keep in touch with the happy couple throughout the day to see how things are going and if they have any queries or concerns. Photographers often spend two days travelling to and photographing a wedding if it is across the nation or even overseas.

Wedding photographers charge so much because of the time spent editing photos. For an 8-hour wedding, it could take anywhere from three to four hours to sort through the photos. Photographers can snap dozens of images at regular intervals or be very picky about the ones to use. Many wedding photographers' kit can cost well into the hundreds of pounds. Equipment includes lenses, tripods, memory cards, batteries, and multiple cameras for this and that.

Photographers are under a lot of strain because if they make a mistake or their equipment breaks down, all of their wedding photos could be lost forever. The equipment used by your wedding photographer is the second biggest factor in the overall cost of wedding photography. A professional will have a wide variety of lenses at their disposal to accommodate a wide range of shooting conditions. The photographer for your wedding will also carry equipment like flashes, memory cards, and lens filters. Talent and experience are what you're paying for.

You should expect to pay more for the peace of mind that comes with hiring a professional wedding photographer. Computers and image processing programmes are indispensable to any professional photographer, but they don't come cheap. The photographer's own business overhead contributes to the high price of wedding photography. What are some ways to get great wedding pictures without breaking the bank? One way to cut costs on a photographer is to hire a sole proprietor.

If you're trying to save money on your wedding, don't bother attending the massive bridal expos. Meet with prospective wedding photographers and feel comfortable before making a final decision. They can help you identify reliable service providers who are also cost-effective. Your photos may take a little longer to arrive, but the time and money you save is well worth it. The price of a photographer doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of their work.

Content Summary

  1. The cost of a wedding may quickly add up between the reception location, catering, guests' attire, decorations, and entertainment.
  2. When you factor in the pay for a photographer, the total can quickly become prohibitive, leaving you to question why wedding photography is so expensive.
  3. Here, we'll explain everything that goes into making an image from the photographer's point of view.
  4. Most couples will hire a professional photographer instead of using a camera phone or home video to capture their wedding day because they want to have a tangible memento of their big day.
  5. Many people, however, wonder why the cost of a wedding photographer is so high.
  6. For your own sake, choose a professional photography crew and rest easy.
  7. On your wedding day, you cannot afford to have any photographic mishaps.
  8. Hiring a less skilled or "cheaper" photographer might have a negative impact on how well your wedding memories are captured and stored.
  9. Can you imagine taking such chances on your wedding day?You might be wondering why wedding photographers charge so much when they only spend, like, eight or twelve hours with you on your wedding day.
  10. Fortunately, we are fully apprised of the reasons photographers demand higher rates.
  11. Even more so if this is your first time ever hiring a professional photographer and your wedding day!
  12. Some of the reasons a photographer may give you an unexpectedly high estimate are as follows:TimeWedding photography is so expensive because of the amount of time a photographer must dedicate to each event.
  13. The initial consultation between the couple and the photographer is only the beginning of the client meeting.
  14. In future meetings, the photographer will be kept abreast of developments and the day-of schedule will be discussed.
  15. The Steps Taken Before the WeddingDayReasons for the high cost of wedding photography include the time and effort required to capture all the special moments leading up to the big day.
  16. Photographers should factor in travel time, time spent photographing the couple, and time spent processing images if an engagement session is included as part of a wedding package.
  17. If the photographer is not familiar with the wedding site, they will need to do some preliminary scouting to determine the best area for the bridal party shots.
  18. As a photographer, you can be invited to a dress rehearsal.
  19. Depending on how long your engagement shot is, this could take your photographer an additional seven to ten hours.
  20. Wedding DayAdd the time it takes the photographer to get to and from the wedding, and the wedding day could last anywhere from seven to ten hours.
  21. The photographer may have to travel quite a ways to cover certain weddings.
  22. An integral part of a photographer's overhead is the time spent travelling between shoot locations.
  23. This also applies if you hire a second photographer to assist you.
  24. When you add two photographers to your 8-hour wedding package, you're effectively getting 16.Editing
  25. The last and most time-consuming step in preparing for a wedding is editing.
  26. Wedding photographers charge so much because of the time spent editing the photos.
  27. Now it's up to your photographer to sift through all of these shots and choose the best ones out.
  28. For an 8-hour wedding, it could take anywhere from three to four hours to sort through the photos, depending on the photographer.
  29. Reasons for the high expense of wedding photos include the time-consuming editing process.
  30. It will likely take another 8-24 hours for this to finish.
  31. If we're keeping track of time, your wedding photographer has spent at least twenty-four of them on various tasks related to your big day.
  32. To make matters worse, this doesn't account for the time required to compile a wedding album.
  33. You might be wondering why it takes your photographer so long to deliver the wedding images.
  34. The Cost of a Photographer for the Wedding DayWedding photographers are an essential element of any wedding, but their fees may run into the thousands for a full day of coverage.
  35. The high cost of hiring a professional wedding photographer can be partially explained by the extensive tools they need to use to ensure every shot is great.
  36. Camera equipment is not always cheap, with many wedding photographers' kit costing well into the hundreds of pounds.
  37. You still have to edit your images after taking them.
  38. You're not just paying the photographer to show up for the wedding and take pictures for six to twelve hours; they also have to prepare for the wedding by making sure all their equipment is ready to go, by possibly visiting the venue beforehand to scout out the best spots for photos, and by spending time afterwards transferring images, backing them all up, editing them, and creating albums that you fall in love with.
  39. Furthermore, wedding photographers are under a lot of strain because if they make a mistake or their equipment breaks down, all of the wedding photos their clients have been waiting for could be lost forever.
  40. Why Do Wedding Photographers Charge So Much?They don't, right?
  41. Who are you to claim they don't?
  42. In the same way that there are always more expensive and more affordable options for every given good or service, prices for similar goods and services can also vary widely.
  43. It's crucial to know exactly what your money is going towards.
  44. Why does dining at a Michelin-starred establishment cost more than ordering takeout from a fast food joint?
  45. Having the proper instruments for the job is a significant investment of time and money, but there is more to the job and to capturing your perfect wedding day than simply the camera and all the gadgets, these are just tools.
  46. While someone with minimal professional experience may potentially shoot a few decent photos if given the same equipment as a photographer with decades of expertise, the photographer's talent and art are best developed via practise and experience.
  47. Nonetheless, a seasoned pro will get plenty of jaw-dropping photos that really tell a tale for a whole album.
  48. Someone seasoned in the field, someone reliable.
  49. Your wedding photography is more of an investment than a simple purchase.
  50. The equipment used by your wedding photographer is the second biggest factor in the overall cost of wedding photography.
  51. A professional wedding photographer usually uses two cameras.
  52. A professional photographer will have a wide variety of lenses at their disposal to accommodate a wide variety of shooting conditions that may arise on the big day.
  53. The photographer for your wedding will also carry equipment like flashes, backup batteries and memory cards, and lens filters.
  54. The total price tag for all of these products is in the tens of thousands.
  55. In my opinion, this is the primary factor that contributes to the high cost of wedding photography.
  56. The look and quality of the photographer's previous work are major factors in your decision to select them for your wedding.
  57. Talent and experience are what you're paying for.
  58. The Costs of Doing BusinessLast but not least, the photographer's own business overhead contributes to the high price of wedding photography.
  59. You should now have a better understanding of the factors that go into determining the final price of a wedding photographer's services.
  60. As a last note, keep in mind that the weekend is typically reserved for weddings.
  61. As a result, wedding photographers typically take fewer assignments than other types of photographers.
  62. Use the advice I've given above to select a wedding photographer who fits within your budget without sacrificing quality.
  63. One way to cut costs on a photographer is to hire a sole proprietor.
  64. If you want a second shooter, you'll have to abandon that hope.
  65. Find a competent photographer who does not maintain a studio or office but who does have all the necessary professional equipment, including backup gear, and who is willing to work from your location.
  66. If you're trying to save money on your wedding, don't bother attending the massive bridal expos.
  67. Exhibitors' costs at wedding exhibitions are usually high, thus the likelihood of finding a vendor willing to work within your budget is slim.
  68. Use social media; that's what I recommend.
  69. They can help you identify reliable service providers who are also cost-effective.
  70. At last, if you can find a photographer who only does weddings occasionally, you can save a lot of money.
  71. Your wedding photos may take a little longer to arrive, but the time and money you save is well worth it.
  72. You get what you pay for" is a well-known adage.
  73. Keep in mind that a "professional" photographer who is willing to shoot your entire wedding for a few hundred pounds may merely be doing so to develop their portfolio, may not have the necessary equipment to capture the images you envision, or may not have the necessary insurance or legal software.
  74. You must realise this.
  75. The lesson here is that we wedding photographers don't just pick arbitrary numbers when establishing our rates.
  76. But the price of a photographer doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of their work; they may just be running a very expensive business that you'll be paying for, and these are the exceptions to the rule.
  77. Which is why it's so important to meet with prospective wedding photographers and pick the one with whom you click creatively and feel comfortable before making a final decision.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wedding Photographers

If you're happy with the photographer's work, etiquette experts say a 15-20% gratuity is generally appropriate. Regardless of the amount you decide to tip, it is always appreciated and above your responsibilities as a wedding client to tip your wedding photographer.

The short answer? In most cases, yes, you should feed your photographer. Your photographer will spend hours with you, capturing all of those beautiful moments and giving you memories that will last a lifetime. Typically, part of hiring a photographer is offering them a meal as a show of your appreciation

To give you an idea, the average number of pictures delivered by a wedding photographer for one hour is between 50 up to 100 wedding photos.

You can typically expect to receive around 60-80 final photographs per hour of wedding coverage.

Do wedding photographers edit every photo? Most wedding photographers edit every single photo that will be delivered to the couple. This is normally included with your photography package. Keep in mind that the word “editing” can mean different things to different people

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