Wedding Ring Tips

Why should you never take off your wedding ring?

In a society that values uniqueness and freedom of expression, how meaningful is it that spouses show their commitment to one another by wearing wedding bands? Certainly, the bride and her attendants will enjoy it, but is there any practical benefit? And for many others, does a wedding band not simply serve as an outdated symbol of ownership?

Although you may not be the type of man (or woman) to remove your wedding ring in order to flirt when going out, you may not understand the significance of keeping it on at all times. Each of you knows that your dedication to your marriage is unwavering. They can never reasonably doubt your unwavering commitment. To the love you already share, a ring would just serve to symbolise something superficial.

Assuming such a stance, there are a number of reasonable considerations to make. It's a common misconception that donning a wedding band can magically strengthen a weak union. The baker doesn't need to be told or reminded that he sells baked goods, nor does he want the sign outside his shop to draw attention to the activities going on inside. Because he has such a complete comprehension of what the sign represents, he is the sole person who doesn't need it.

The same is true for a married couple. The last people on Earth to need a sign from the outside world to tell them what has happened between them are a married couple. They remember making those commitments and joining as one on their wedding day.

That's right, you read that right: "The two will become one." The spiritual and physical fact that the couple is now one cannot be made more real to them by the couple wearing a gold and diamond band.

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You were probably pleased at the thought of finally getting to wear your wedding band after saying "I do." It's beautiful, yes, but it also acts as an impressive symbol of the commitment and affection you share. There are times when it's better to leave your ring at home, even if you may want to have the symbol of your love close at all times (and perhaps show it off a bit!).

To Remove Your Ring or Not?

Your wedding ring, like so many other aspects of married life, is a symbol, and symbols are more for guidance than for necessity. There are, however, circumstances where it's imperative that you ditch the ring. Taking off your band can range from being completely unnecessary to having extremely negative consequences, depending on the situation.

Yes: Doing Dishes

Standing in a cloud of bubbling foam, you scrub pots and pans over a drain which leads to who knows where (Hell, probably). You'll have to go through a lot of hoops to try to retrieve it if it falls off in the wash and goes into the drain. In addition to the astronomical price tag associated with calling a plumber, there's no guarantee that the issue will be resolved. Reattach it once you're finished, but first put it on the counter so it doesn't come off by accident. (If you look hard enough, you can find tiny dishes that are designed specifically for this.)

No: Going To A Bar

If you're going somewhere with lots of booze and available women, that's no reason to take off your wedding band. If you really believe you deserve that ring, you don't plan on acting on some of the ideas you've been tossing around in your head, do you? Keeping it on also signals that you are taken to any unattached females in the vicinity, which may paradoxically increase their interest in you. Putting it on increases the likelihood that you will misplace it, while placing it at home increases the likelihood that your wife will discover it. It is imperative that you not let your wife find out about this.

Yes: Going Into Surgery

You will hear terms like "blood flow" and see huge metal instruments used to detect potentially dangerous substances in someone body during surgery. If you're able to get to know in advance that you'll need surgery, you should remove your wedding band and store it somewhere safe. Don't make your surgeon do that while you're out cold. If the worst happens and you pass away during surgery, you would like your wife to inherit your gold, not just some lowlife morgue worker.

No: Gardening

It's best practise to remove jewellery before doing dishes, but rings can stay on while gardening. If it comes loose, it might fall right in front of you on the floor. After that, you can always polish the ring if it gets dirty or scratched.

Yes: Washing the Rings

Keep the ring on your finger until you feel the need to clean it. While worn, it is a symbol of your undying love; however, it must be removed before being cleaned. Yet, you shouldn't clean it while climbing over the sink; rings are sneaky little rascals. Put the cleaner or polish in a bowl or some other container that will prevent it from rolling off a table and into the depths of despair.

No: Short Housekeeping Session

As opposed to gardening, interior decorating doesn't require the removal of jewellery. The ring can be cleaned up in a variety of ways, such as by regrouting the tiles in your bathroom or by putting away the clothes that were hung above a chair. However, there are times when this is not the case, such as when you need to remove paint, clean your toilets, or instal insulation that dries rapidly.

Significance of the Wedding Ring

That Ring Is a Constant Reminder That Your Actions Will Have Consequences for Your Partner

A wedding ring symbolises the commitment to always include one's spouse in one's daily life and in all of one's future endeavours. The moment you say "I do," your lives become inextricably interwoven in every way. The Bible calls you "One," its most basic unit of identification. The ring is a simple reminder that your actions, words, and resources have the potential to affect your partner and the future of your marriage.

Check out our list of Wedding Ring Shops to help you find the perfect wedding band.

Putting on the Ring Shows Your Commitment to Your Partner

The degree to which we are appreciated in a marriage depends on several factors beyond just what we say. Oftentimes, the most significant message is communicated through actions that are taken with no fanfare or commentary. Maintaining mutual respect in a marriage requires regular expressions of that feeling (since marriage is a constant relationship). An engagement ring is a simple way to show your love and appreciation for your spouse, and it's extra meaningful if they've asked you to wear one or made it apparent how much they value it. If your significant other has repeatedly asked you to wear it and you have refused, you have shown that you do not value or respect their feelings.

Check out our post on Who buys the Man’s Wedding ring?

That Ring of Yours Is Your First Layer of Protection Against Cheating

To be sure, an engagement ring is not a failsafe safeguard against infidelity, but it is hard to deny how effective it is as a first line of defence. Subtle communication refers to the practise of subtly signalling one's marital status by wearing a ring. It's not a good idea to "marry underground" by trying to hide the fact that you're married from others. To the contrary, if you are doing this, you must cease immediately. While it's true that certain people with no respect for marriage may continue to make sexual advances even if you're wearing a ring, you can still avoid many unwanted advances just by putting one on your finger.

Children Can See That Your Marriage Is Important Because of Your Ring

One of the most important things you can teach your children is the proper way to conduct a marriage. As such, it is one of the most important lessons they may acquire. Get married in a way that compels others to take the plunge and settle down for themselves. Be a visible and private example of a loving and committed marriage to your children. There is a lot more to it than just a ring, but they will likely notice it and you can use it to start a conversation about why you wear it and what it means to you.

To Not Wear It Would Be Foolish

Although there are some exceptions to this rule based on practical concerns, there is no reason not to wear your ring when it is simply a matter of preference, as was noted at the beginning of this article. Your marriage will improve in countless ways, and you shouldn't worry about any drawbacks. If you set your thoughts to "I always want to do everything in my abilities to respect my husband/wife and protect my marriage," rather than "Well, I shouldn't have to," you will be on the road to happiness and success in your marriage.

In These Situations, You Should Not Wear Your Ring

When Entering the Water for a Swim

You probably won't be able to get your ring back if you lose it in a lake or the ocean. Swimming in saline or highly chlorinated water can also be damaging to jewellery, so you may want to leave it at home.

Even though you should be over the moon about your next deep-sea adventure, you should probably leave your engagement ring at home. Certain metals can corrode in the presence of ocean saltwater, which can also discolour or deteriorate the metal over time. It is recommended that you take off your wedding band prior to swimming, even if you are simply going on swimming in a pool and not snorkelling. Swimming pools include chemicals like chlorine that can corrode and discolour metals, including your ring.

There's no better place for your ring to go missing than during a water-related activity, so it's best to leave it at home when you hit the waves. Since submerging your finger in water causes your finger size to diminish, even if your ring fits perfectly ordinarily, it may become loose and fall off accidently. You don't want to lose your ring because doing so would be disastrous for your journey and the ring itself.

Inconvenience of remembering when to put on and take off your ring is outweighed by the benefits. The best thing you can do to keep your ring looking as good as new for as long as possible is to take it off before doing activities like these that could damage it. Oh, and don't forget to quickly polish your ring every so often to keep it looking like new and preserving its one-of-a-kind lustre.

While Cooking in the Kitchen

If you consider Toaster Strudels to be fine dining, you probably won't need to take your ring off in the kitchen. Nonetheless, if you ever feel the urge to channel your inner Ina Garten, you'll want to remove it. Put the food away from where you'll be working on your culinary masterpieces, such as when you're kneading, mixing, or chopping. When you're wearing a band, it's easy for food to get stuck there and restrict your movement. Invest on a chain and wear your ring as a necklace if you work in the kitchen (or in any other profession where doing so could be hazardous). Protecting your ring in this way is a good idea.

During Your Exercise Routine

Your shiny new jewellery won't make a difference during a quick treadmill run, so you shouldn't bother wearing it if you want to indulge in more severe exercise. If your ring gets stuck on machinery or bangs up against a hard surface, it could be ruined.

Wedding Ring Tips

As You Snooze

A jewellery box or ring dish serves a useful function. The reality is that while most of us wish we could sleep as well as angel infants, that is rarely the case. Sleeping on your ring can cause the prongs that hold your diamond loose or cause other small problems as they wear down over time. So, take off your ring and put it in a secure location, such as on the nightstand next to your bed, before you turn in for the night.

In the Course of Your Travels

You should probably leave your ring at home if you plan on doing any activities that could be categorised as "extreme" on your trip. Jewelry is often lost when engaging in high-energy pursuits like ziplining, bungee jumping, or surfing.

When Working on the Grass or Fixing up the House

Have you decided that you need to spend the day weed whacking since you lawn is in bad shape? Maybe you think your living room has bad feng shui and that you need to change the furniture significantly to improve things. It's not ideal to risk damaging your jewellery by dropping it or scratching it while doing housework.

It is commonly known that precious metals and heavy machinery do not get along. Avoid splitting, scratching, or cracking your wedding ring by not wearing it while doing manual labour. Also, if you are a sweaty worker like the rest of us, you might want to take off your ring while you focus on your project. You risk losing your ring or having it lose its lustre if you perspire heavily while wearing it. Having a broken ring is bad, but not having one at all is even worse.

One of the biggest concerns related to rings and construction projects is unrelated to any threats your ring might face. The worst thing that could happen to your finger! Some of the worst ring accidents in history have involved rings and other large pieces of equipment. To avoid harm to your wedding band and to yourself, it's advisable to avoid wearing it during construction projects, even though doing so would show your commitment to your partner and your modernity.

While You’re in the Shower

You may be sure that your ring will lose some of its lustre if you bring it into the bathroom with you when you wash or bathe. Scrubbing and soaking can damage your band, and some exfoliants, particularly those with a rougher texture, can scratch it. The best way to ensure that your jewellery stays in excellent condition while you perform your daily beauty routine is to keep it in a separate box from the rest of your jewellery.

When Using a Moisturiser

Don’t slip that ring back on as soon as you hop out of the shower! Although your skin could benefit from body butter, your ring does not. If you want to avoid getting gross gunk behind your band, you should wait to remove it until after you've finished applying all of your lotions and potions.

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Whenever You Bring It in for Service

Even the most immaculate ring requires routine maintenance. It's important to get your jewellery fixed as quickly as possible if you see any signs of damage or wear, such as a loose prong or a broken ring. You certainly wouldn't want that to cause you to lose your bling. A helpful idea is to return to the store from whence you purchased your ring, as they may offer this service at no cost or at a reduced charge.

Your shiny new jewellery is the last thing you want to take off now that you have it. Ever. This is not some worthless item, but rather a token of your significant other's love, affection, and commitment to you. You should probably think twice before you mentally superglue it to your finger. You don't want to risk losing or damaging your engagement ring because it is certainly the most beautiful jewellery you own.


Getting married and exchanging wedding bands is a public declaration of your commitment to one another. Is there really any reason to wear a wedding band besides symbolism? Even if you normally like to carry your ring with you, there are situations in which leaving it at home is preferable. Taking off your wedding ring may not be necessary and may have disastrous results. There are times when it's absolutely necessary to throw away the ring.

For instance, there is no need to remove your band before entering a bar. When preparing for surgery, it is best to do so without it. It's recommended that rings be removed before washing dishes but left on while gardening. When doing interior design work, there is no need to remove jewellery. To remove the ring, you can regrout the tiles in your bathroom, among other options.

Respect in a marriage thrives when it is regularly communicated. An engagement ring is a classic symbol of everlasting love and commitment. If they've asked you to wear one or made it clear how much they value it, it will have added significance. The hassle of keeping track of when you need to wear and remove your ring is more than justified by the advantages you gain. Ocean saltwater has the potential to corrode certain metals, which can eventually cause the metal to change colour or become corroded.

To prevent your ring from getting dirty or scratched, it's best to remove it before cleaning or doing any kind of work that could cause it harm. A common problem for cooks is having food get caught on their jewellery. Your ring could be damaged if it gets caught in equipment or knocks into a hard surface. High-energy activities like ziplining and bungee jumping pose a particular risk of jewellery loss. Rings and other heavy machinery have been the cause of some of the deadliest accidents in recorded history.

Wedding rings are easily damaged by scratching, splitting, and cracking, so it's best to remove them before doing physical work. If you perspire a lot while wearing a ring, you run the risk of losing it or having its shine diminish. The cleanest ring will eventually need cleaning and polishing. It is crucial that you have your jewellery repaired without delay. Rings should be taken back to the store from which they were purchased at the first sign of damage or wear, such as a loose prong or a broken ring.

Content Summary

  • Although you may not be the type of man (or woman) to remove your wedding ring in order to flirt when going out, you may not understand the significance of keeping it on at all times.
  • Each of you knows that your dedication to your marriage is unwavering.
  • It's a common misconception that donning a wedding band can magically strengthen a weak union.
  • The same is true for a married couple.
  • There are, however, circumstances where it's imperative that you ditch the ring.
  • If you're able to get to know in advance that you'll need surgery, you should remove your wedding band and store it somewhere safe.
  • It's best practise to remove jewellery before doing dishes, but rings can stay on while gardening.
  • Keep the ring on your finger until you feel the need to clean it.
  • As opposed to gardening, interior decorating doesn't require the removal of jewellery.
  • Putting on the Ring Shows Your Commitment to Your Partner
  • An engagement ring is a simple way to show your love and appreciation for your spouse, and it's extra meaningful if they've asked you to wear one or made it apparent how much they value it.
  • Subtle communication refers to the practise of subtly signalling one's marital status by wearing a ring.
  • One of the most important things you can teach your children is the proper way to conduct a marriage.
  • Be a visible and private example of a loving and committed marriage to your children.
  • You probably won't be able to get your ring back if you lose it in a lake or the ocean.
  • It is recommended that you take off your wedding band prior to swimming, even if you are simply going on swimming in a pool and not snorkelling.
  • There's no better place for your ring to go missing than during a water-related activity, so it's best to leave it at home when you hit the waves.
  • If you consider Toaster Strudels to be fine dining, you probably won't need to take your ring off in the kitchen.
  • Invest on a chain and wear your ring as a necklace if you work in the kitchen (or in any other profession where doing so could be hazardous).
  • Protecting your ring in this way is a good idea.
  • So, take off your ring and put it in a secure location, such as on the nightstand next to your bed, before you turn in for the night.
  • You should probably leave your ring at home if you plan on doing any activities that could be categorised as "extreme" on your trip.
  • Avoid splitting, scratching, or cracking your wedding ring by not wearing it while doing manual labour.
  • To avoid harm to your wedding band and to yourself, it's advisable to avoid wearing it during construction projects, even though doing so would show your commitment to your partner and your modernity.
  • The best way to ensure that your jewellery stays in excellent condition while you perform your daily beauty routine is to keep it in a separate box from the rest of your jewellery.
  • It's important to get your jewellery fixed as quickly as possible if you see any signs of damage or wear, such as a loose prong or a broken ring.
  • You don't want to risk losing or damaging your engagement ring because it is certainly the most beautiful jewellery you own.

FAQs About Wedding Rings

The 2020 jewelry and engagement study in the knot shows that the average price of a ring is A$9,100. This is a country average as price varies by region. It is quite discovered that most couples spend between A$1600 to A$4600 on an engagement ring. With some spending even below A$1600.

An engagement ring is most often given upon the occasion of a proposal or soon after a couple has decided to become engaged. A wedding ring (or wedding band) is usually exchanged at the wedding ceremony as the official symbol of the union of marriage.

The engagement ring can also be the wedding ring (if you want it to be), as some people don't buy a separate wedding ring. It depends on your personal preference and if you want to use your engagement ring as a wedding band. That means you can wear an engagement ring with no wedding band, even after the ceremony.

When it comes to men's wedding bands, traditionally the bride does the shopping and purchasing. However, tradition is becoming a thing of the past and different couples have different preferences. What might work for one couple, might not do well for another.

Renewing one's wedding vows or celebrating an anniversary with the gift of a ring worn on the right hand is traditionally represented by such a gesture. Those taking a chastity oath or with devoted lovers may also use them as promise rings.

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