wedding honeymoon idea

Why is honeymoon important?

You may be debating whether or not a honeymoon is necessary after shelling out so much money for the wedding itself, the reception, the dress, and the stag/hen parties. For what purpose is a honeymoon, exactly?

Honeymooning has been a tradition since at least the 5th century. Honeymoons were traditionally celebrated with a toast of mead, hence the name. There are a lot of great reasons for people to take vacations to tropical locations or to travel around Europe.

The honeymoon excursion that is now customary after the wedding is a relatively new tradition. Remembering that they are just at the beginning of a long journey through life together is important for newlyweds to bear in mind when arranging such a vacation. Therefore, a honeymoon is not the time for exhausting travel and sightseeing, especially if the couple only has a limited amount of time to spend together. That time together ought to be just long enough that they don't have to put up with the pranks of their pals, but not so long that they get weary with one other. There will be a lot of stress and anticipation in the lead up to the wedding, so the newlyweds should choose a peaceful area to relax and enjoy each other's company. It's crucial to get out on the proper foot as a married couple. Looking for the ultimate Wedding Reception Venue in Melbourne? Look no further, Vogue Ballroom is here. 

The honeymooning pair should not only avoid activities that will drain their energy, but they should also deal head-on with the issue of money. It would do them good to create a budget right off the bat to help them prevent any potential monetary problems. It's not a good way to start a marriage by going into debt on the honeymoon.

Using the sacrament and the marriage contract as a means also has its drawbacks. If the newlyweds keep in mind that it's important to take their time, be respectful, and consider their partner's thoughts and views during the sex adjustment process, they should have no problems. The honeymoon, and perhaps the happiness of the marriage itself, can be ruined by haste, lack of the most careful consideration, ignorance about each other's sex nature, and a lack of complete trust in each other. That's why it's crucial for engaged couples to talk to a knowledgeable Catholic doctor and priest about the benefits of chastity in the marital relationship.

When Arranging A Honeymoon,

Some couples prefer to enjoy their honeymoon in the comfort of their own home or apartment. They take this step to help newlyweds avoid the common issues of exhaustion and financial strain. This style of honeymoon has some merit. If they can ensure their privacy, the money they save on not having to travel and stay in a hotel can be put towards buying furniture for their house or apartment. It's not uncommon for newlyweds to return from their honeymoon with regrets. The wise couple will consider the pros and cons of each kind of honeymoon before starting out on the road of life together.

The newlyweds give me strange glances sometimes when I tell them that a honeymoon is one of the most significant events in their lives together. The honeymoon has many advantages, but you should also think about the following:

Is It Time For You To Kick Back And Chill Out

Your wedding will be stressful in some tiny way even if it is small and simple. The majority of the wedding reception will likely feel more like work than a celebration of the happy couple, so it's important to end the night with a quiet activity that the two of you can enjoy together.

As A Cause For Merriment

While the bride and groom will undoubtedly have a good time, planning a wedding can be quite the ordeal. In addition to commemorating your love for one another, a honeymoon is also a time to rejoice in the fact that the wedding is finally behind you.

To Modify

The transition to a new name, job title, or shared living situation, especially if neither party is used to it, can be challenging at first. Relax and enjoy each other's company for a week or so after the wedding.

As a Means of Getting Closer Together

A honeymoon's primary purpose is probably to provide a chance for the newlyweds to spend quality time together. It's true that you can accomplish the same thing in the comfort of your own house, but there's something about being in a breathtakingly gorgeous location that makes people feel closer to one another. Plus, mead, the "honey" in honeymoon, is an aphrodisiac in case you need a little extra help getting in the mood.

To Look Around

Make the most of your first adventure as a married couple. Together, you two should get out and see the world. Now you can understand the world through the perspective of the other. You'll become closer as a couple as you face the obstacles of travel head-on and figure out solutions together.

With a View to Savouring

Preparing for a wedding can create stress in some people, and a loss of appetite in others. Regardless, a honeymoon is the ideal time to indulge in your favourite foods and drink to your heart's content. Explore the local cuisine and bring back some new ideas for the kitchen when you go.

The Process of Preparing for the Future

Last but not least, a vacation provides a peaceful environment in which couples can plot their future together. Most engaged couples devote a full year or more to preparations for their wedding day, with little thought given to the future. However, if you don't have anything to look forwards to after the wedding, you can find yourself in a deep funk. In its place, you and your spouse might set a new long-term goal that speaks to your shared vision for the future.

The Tone Of Your Marriage Begins With Your Honeymoon.

The honeymoon is the first significant shared experience of the marriage. It lays the groundwork for the couple's future together and paves the way to marital bliss. Not to mention, sharing fond stories about your honeymoon is a terrific way to keep the romance alive even after the honeymoon is over.

Having A Yearly Honeymoon Is A Nice Custom To Start.

In order to reignite your passion and recreate that unique sensation you had in the beginning stages of your marriage, you should take a week-long vacation once a year. If you want to do this in style, why not visit a new resort every year? Some resort chains even have multiple locations in many continents. In Jamaica, for instance, the Sandals chain operates seven hotels; in St. Lucia, three; in the Bahamas, two; in Antigua, one; and in their most recent addition, Grenada. A couple might vacation in a romantic resort once a year for 14 years.

You Two Merit It, And You're Worth It.

The main argument is that you put in a lot of time and effort into the wedding preparations, and no one can take that away from you. Spend the extra money on a butler if that's what you want, but weigh the pros and cons carefully before making the investment. Alternatively, hire a Honeymoon Travel Specialist to arrange everything for you and make sure you get the most out of your honeymoon with the least amount of hassle.

Because You Can Come Away From A Mini-Moon Feeling Ripped Off

So, what exactly is a "mini-moon"? Mini-moons are a way for newlyweds to declare that they can't afford or don't have the time for a traditional honeymoon, so instead they take a short, romantic getaway. Teasers are all that mini-moons are. You may recall hearing your parents say that they didn't get to go on a "true" honeymoon. They took out for a nearby motel, where they spent two enchanted nights. Or, better still, they took their VW van to some remote beach and camped out for the night. Time went on, and 20 years later they regretted not taking a proper honeymoon. In a way, it's tragic.

Mini-moons are acceptable if you can't afford a genuine honeymoon, but you should still plan on taking one. If you do take a mini-moon, plan on taking a true honeymoon later. It will get you both pumped up for your excursions and give you the quality time you need to reconnect as a couple, plus it will give you more time to save up for your dream vacation.

Mini-moons, as a general rule, consist of three nights. In order to have a proper honeymoon, you need spend at least five nights away from home. A perfect date would consist of visiting a new place together. The goal is to build trust among members of the group so that they can safely explore and enjoy new environments.

The Bare Essentials

The concept of a "honeymoon" dates back to the mid-16th century, but it has been present in many different civilizations for long of human history. After getting married, there is typically a honeymoon phase during which the newlyweds spend lots of time alone together. Scholars in the fields of sociology, psychology, and anthropology have found much to study in this custom. Just what does it entail, anyway?

This is the time when the bride and groom in a society that practises arranged weddings really get to know each other. First sexual intimacy is a significant event in many cultures. In other others, it's a time off from daily obligations to acclimate to wedded life. Couples' alone time is usually a mix of these three elements, spread out across a week or a month. Vogue Ballroom has proven itself to be an iconic wedding venue and function centre in Melbourne. Book today so you don’t miss out.

Since most American couples have already had extensive sexual experience together before getting married, the honeymoon has taken on the characteristics of a vacation. After the wedding, most people take some time off to unwind. However, its true meaning may be lost if people count on it to be something outstanding or at least memorable.

Honeymoons Play A Crucial Role In The Early Success Of Marriage

With the forthcoming wedding season, many couples will be thinking about potential honeymoon destinations. The carefree time a couple spends together over the honeymoon is an essential part of the beginning of a marriage, but it can be difficult to get away for a week or longer due to work and other obligations, so it can be tempting to just have a long weekend after your wedding.

Many modern-day couples join their residences long before the wedding, and often even before the engagement. While it's a smart method to see if you're compatible before tying the knot, it may put a strain on your relationship at first. The normalcy of married life can dampen the enthusiasm and passion that newlyweds should be feeling. Getting away from the stresses of daily life allows couples to rediscover one other in an unhurried and carefree setting. Sipping a tropical drink with your better half on a beach in the sun is the best way to spend quality time together.

Nowadays, many families have multiple sets of parents, which can make it difficult for a married couple to take time off for a honeymoon without also seeing their kids. In any case, enlist the aid of loved ones in making this a reality if at all possible. When you and your partner return from your trip feeling revitalised and more in love than ever, your loved ones will be eternally grateful to you.

When a couple is planning their wedding, they often think of postponing the honeymoon until they have more resources. The honeymoon should be a time when the newlyweds can relax and devote their full attention to each other. This will help them establish a solid groundwork for their marriage in its early stages.

While you're in the midst of finalising your wedding plans and counting down the days until the big day, don't forget to give some serious consideration to your honeymoon plans. After the wedding, have some time to yourselves to reconnect with your new husband in a quiet, romantic setting. After many happy years together, your marriage will be grateful to you.

Honeymoons Are More About The Time Spent Together Than The Money Spent.

The honeymoon itself doesn't have to cost a fortune. Spending the equivalent of a month's rent or the down payment on a house seems to put a lot of pressure on the honeymoon to be all about fun, fun, fun, which can lead to crushing disappointment unless the couple has money to burn.

Cruises and exotic honeymoons are great, but they aren't essential for celebrating the marriage and accepting its meaning. To survive for a few days without electricity, it is sufficient to order food to be delivered and post a "do not disturb" notice on the door.


Honeymooning has been a tradition since at least the 5th century. Newlyweds should choose a peaceful area to relax and enjoy each other's company. They should also avoid activities that will drain their energy, especially if they only have a limited amount of time to spend together. Some couples prefer to enjoy their honeymoon in the comfort of their own home or apartment. A honeymoon's primary purpose is probably to provide a chance for the newlyweds to spend quality time together.

Relax and enjoy each other's company for a week or so after the wedding. The honeymoon is the first significant shared experience of the marriage. It lays the groundwork for the couple's future together and paves the way to marital bliss. A vacation provides a peaceful environment in which couples can plot their future together. Also, sharing fond stories about your honeymoon are a terrific way to keep the romance alive. Vogue Ballroom is your perfect wedding venue in Melbourne delivering fairytale weddings for the bride and groom.

"Mini-moons" are a way for newlyweds to declare that they can't afford or don't have the time for a traditional honeymoon, so instead they take a short romantic getaway. If you do take a mini-moon, plan on taking a true honeymoon later. After the wedding, most people take some time off to unwind. Honeymoons are an essential part of the beginning of a marriage. Getting away from the stresses of daily life allows couples to rediscover one other in an unhurried setting.

Sipping a tropical drink with your better half on a beach is the best way to spend quality time together. The honeymoon should be a time when the newlyweds can devote their full attention to each other. To survive for a few days without electricity, it is sufficient to order food and post a "do not disturb" notice on the door. The honeymoon itself doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Content Summary

  1. You may be debating whether or not a honeymoon is necessary after shelling out so much money for the wedding itself, the reception, the dress, and the stag/hen parties.
  2. For what purpose is a honeymoon, exactly?Honeymooning has been a tradition since at least the 5th century.
  3. The honeymoon excursion that is now customary after the wedding is a relatively new tradition.
  4. Remembering that they are just at the beginning of a long journey through life together is important for newlyweds to bear in mind when arranging such a vacation.
  5. Therefore, a honeymoon is not the time for exhausting travel and sightseeing, especially if the couple only has a limited amount of time to spend together.
  6. There will be a lot of stress and anticipation in the lead up to the wedding, so the newlyweds should choose a peaceful area to relax and enjoy each other's company.
  7. It's crucial to get out on the proper foot as a married couple.
  8. The honeymooning pair should not only avoid activities that will drain their energy, but they should also deal head-on with the issue of money.
  9. It would do them good to create a budget right off the bat to help them prevent any potential monetary problems.
  10. It's not a good way to start a marriage by going into debt on the honeymoon.
  11. If the newlyweds keep in mind that it's important to take their time, be respectful, and consider their partner's thoughts and views during the sex adjustment process, they should have no problems.
  12. The honeymoon, and perhaps the happiness of the marriage itself, can be ruined by haste, lack of the most careful consideration, ignorance about each other's sex nature, and a lack of complete trust in each other.
  13. That's why it's crucial for engaged couples to talk to a knowledgeable Catholic doctor and priest about the benefits of chastity in the marital relationship.
  14. Some couples prefer to enjoy their honeymoon in the comfort of their own home or apartment.
  15. This style of honeymoon has some merit.
  16. It's not uncommon for newlyweds to return from their honeymoon with regrets.
  17. The wise couple will consider the pros and cons of each kind of honeymoon before starting out on the road of life together.
  18. The newlyweds give me strange glances sometimes when I tell them that a honeymoon is one of the most significant events in their lives together.
  19. The majority of the wedding reception will likely feel more like work than a celebration of the happy couple, so it's important to end the night with a quiet activity that the two of you can enjoy together.
  20. As A Cause For MerrimentWhile the bride and groom will undoubtedly have a good time, planning a wedding can be quite the ordeal.
  21. In addition to commemorating your love for one another, a honeymoon is also a time to rejoice in the fact that the wedding is finally behind you.
  22. Relax and enjoy each other's company for a week or so after the wedding.
  23. As a Means of Getting Closer TogetherA honeymoon's primary purpose is probably to provide a chance for the newlyweds to spend quality time together.
  24. It's true that you can accomplish the same thing in the comfort of your own house, but there's something about being in a breathtakingly gorgeous location that makes people feel closer to one another.
  25. Plus, mead, the "honey" in honeymoon, is an aphrodisiac in case you need a little extra help getting in the mood.
  26. Make the most of your first adventure as a married couple.
  27. Together, you two should get out and see the world.
  28. Now you can understand the world through the perspective of the other.
  29. With a View to SavouringPreparing for a wedding can create stress in some people, and a loss of appetite in others.
  30. Regardless, a honeymoon is the ideal time to indulge in your favourite foods and drink to your heart's content.
  31. The Process of Preparing for the FutureLast but not least, a vacation provides a peaceful environment in which couples can plot their future together.
  32. However, if you don't have anything to look forwards to after the wedding, you can find yourself in a deep funk.
  33. In its place, you and your spouse might set a new long-term goal that speaks to your shared vision for the future.
  34. The Tone Of Your Marriage Begins With Your Honeymoon.
  35. The honeymoon is the first significant shared experience of the marriage.
  36. It lays the groundwork for the couple's future together and paves the way to marital bliss.
  37. Not to mention, sharing fond stories about your honeymoon is a terrific way to keep the romance alive even after the honeymoon is over.
  38. In order to reignite your passion and recreate that unique sensation you had in the beginning stages of your marriage, you should take a week-long vacation once a year.
  39. If you want to do this in style, why not visit a new resort every year?
  40. A couple might vacation in a romantic resort once a year for 14 years.
  41. The main argument is that you put in a lot of time and effort into the wedding preparations, and no one can take that away from you.
  42. Spend the extra money on a butler if that's what you want, but weigh the pros and cons carefully before making the investment.
  43. Alternatively, hire a Honeymoon Travel Specialist to arrange everything for you and make sure you get the most out of your honeymoon with the least amount of hassle.
  44. Because You Can Come Away From A Mini-Moon Feeling Ripped OffSo, what exactly is a "mini-moon"?
  45. Mini-moons are a way for newlyweds to declare that they can't afford or don't have the time for a traditional honeymoon, so instead they take a short, romantic getaway.
  46. Teasers are all that mini-moons are.
  47. You may recall hearing your parents say that they didn't get to go on a "true" honeymoon.
  48. Mini-moons are acceptable if you can't afford a genuine honeymoon, but you should still plan on taking one.
  49. If you do take a mini-moon, plan on taking a true honeymoon later.
  50. It will get you both pumped up for your excursions and give you the quality time you need to reconnect as a couple, plus it will give you more time to save up for your dream vacation.
  51. Mini-moons, as a general rule, consist of three nights.
  52. In order to have a proper honeymoon, you need spend at least five nights away from home.
  53. The Bare EssentialsThe concept of a "honeymoon" dates back to the mid-16th century, but it has been present in many different civilizations for long of human history.
  54. This is the time when the bride and groom in a society that practises arranged weddings really get to know each other.
  55. First sexual intimacy is a significant event in many cultures.
  56. In other others, it's a time off from daily obligations to acclimate to wedded life.
  57. Couples' alone time is usually a mix of these three elements, spread out across a week or a month.
  58. Since most American couples have already had extensive sexual experience together before getting married, the honeymoon has taken on the characteristics of a vacation.
  59. After the wedding, most people take some time off to unwind.
  60. The carefree time a couple spends together over the honeymoon is an essential part of the beginning of a marriage, but it can be difficult to get away for a week or longer due to work and other obligations, so it can be tempting to just have a long weekend after your wedding.
  61. Many modern-day couples join their residences long before the wedding, and often even before the engagement.
  62. While it's a smart method to see if you're compatible before tying the knot, it may put a strain on your relationship at first.
  63. Getting away from the stresses of daily life allows couples to rediscover one other in an unhurried and carefree setting.
  64. Sipping a tropical drink with your better half on a beach in the sun is the best way to spend quality time together.
  65. Nowadays, many families have multiple sets of parents, which can make it difficult for a married couple to take time off for a honeymoon without also seeing their kids.
  66. In any case, enlist the aid of loved ones in making this a reality if at all possible.
  67. When you and your partner return from your trip feeling revitalised and more in love than ever, your loved ones will be eternally grateful to you.
  68. When a couple is planning their wedding, they often think of postponing the honeymoon until they have more resources.
  69. The honeymoon should be a time when the newlyweds can relax and devote their full attention to each other.
  70. This will help them establish a solid groundwork for their marriage in its early stages.
  71. While you're in the midst of finalising your wedding plans and counting down the days until the big day, don't forget to give some serious consideration to your honeymoon plans.
  72. After the wedding, have some time to yourselves to reconnect with your new husband in a quiet, romantic setting.
  73. After many happy years together, your marriage will be grateful to you.
  74. The honeymoon itself doesn't have to cost a fortune.
  75. Spending the equivalent of a month's rent or the down payment on a house seems to put a lot of pressure on the honeymoon to be all about fun, fun, fun, which can lead to crushing disappointment unless the couple has money to burn.
  76. Cruises and exotic honeymoons are great, but they aren't essential for celebrating the marriage and accepting its meaning.
  77. To survive for a few days without electricity, it is sufficient to order food to be delivered and post a "do not disturb" notice on the door.

Frequently Asked Questions About Honeymoon

The wedding night, also most popularly known as 'suhaag raat', is when newly-weds are expected to consummate their marriage and for many couples, who had never had a physical relationship before, this night might be the first time they would be having sex with the partner.

On your first wedding night, you'll be in a new room, a brand new setting and well, new in-laws too, who are probably sleeping next door. You might not feel too comfortable under these circumstances and it's important that you discuss this situation with your partner beforehand.

The average couple spends $4,466 on their honeymoon and luxury honeymooners spend an average of $9,954. Hawaii is a luxury honeymoon destination and one of the most popular places couples opt for. Costs may be high, but they are in line with other luxury honeymoon spots.

Honeymoon packages are worth it because they can help newlyweds save extra money, stay within budget, and offer multiple opportunities for trying new activities. However, honeymoon packages might not be worth it if a spouse is a homebody who doesn't enjoy visiting travel attractions.

The word derives from the Old English hony moone. Hony refers to the new marriage's sweetness, as well as a reference to the European custom of giving newlyweds enough mead, “an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting honey and water,” to last a month. That would keep many a couple happy.

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