Should You Wear a Wedding Ring All the Time?

Wedding ring rituals have been practised by nearly all societies for many generations. Looking back through time, you'll see that the tradition of exchanging wedding rings hasn't changed much. On the contrary, it has been successful for a considerable amount of time. Find your perfect wedding ring at Temple & Grace, where every piece is meticulously crafted to capture hearts and create cherished memories..

Things You Should Never Do With Your Wedding Ring On

Water activities

Water sports of all kinds; sailing, rafting, kayaking, etc. Cold water, which is common in water sports, can cause your hands to shrink and contract. Vasoconstriction describes the process. When you're cold, your body's blood supply is diverted to your core to keep you warm, causing your fingers and other extremities to contract. Your ring will slide right off your finger if you mix water and movement.


Two primary explanations stand out. One, soil and dirt can easily get into cracks, which can ruin your ring. Second, it's possible to misplace your ring without even realising it. It's a lose-lose situation if you lose your wedding ring while gardening because, as far as we know, it doesn't have the same beneficial effect on soil as regular compost does.

Doing the dishes

Everyone has heard the terrifying tales of precious jewellery being lost or destroyed after being accidentally dropped into a garbage disposal. That settles it.

Cleaning with chemicals

If your ring has a diamond or other precious stone, avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaning products because they may dull or scratch the stone. Diamonds and coloured gemstones are particularly vulnerable to damage from the chemicals in these products. Gloves may be sufficient for protecting your hands and ring if the band is flat, but they feel strange when worn with rings that feature a diamond or other jewels that protrude from the ring's surface.


Traditional wedding rings have been responsible for the loss of fingers in a wide variety of sports, from basketball to martial arts. Ring avulsion is the leading cause of finger amputation, affecting 150,000 people annually. When participating in sports, it's best to avoid injury by not wearing jewellery. A silicone ring is another option because it will not tear off your finger if it gets caught on something.

Working out

You shouldn't have to worry about losing your ring or hurting yourself while lifting weights (ring avulsion). You also wouldn't want to risk damaging your stone or band by accidentally dropping a 25-pound dumbbell on it. On the other hand, if you're worried about being hit on, removing your ring might be a good idea. Silicone wedding bands could be the best option here.

While using lotions or creams

Wedding rings should be kept away from lotions and creams because they can accumulate residue, dull the metal, or even damage the ring.

Baking or working with sticky foods

You get the picture if you're thinking about dough or syrups. Wedding bands and sticky foods are not a good combination. The residue can get stuck in cracks and even damage valuable stones, just like in gardening.

Operate machinery

If your job involves frequent use of your hands or the operation of machinery—for example, in the construction, woodworking, electrical, or plumbing industries—you should probably take off your wedding ring or switch to something non-conductive.


This is not a joke, believe me. Numerous cases of wedding rings causing injuries during sleep can be attributed to this practise. Women are more likely to experience this problem than men because of the size and shape of their rings. It's not a good idea to go to sleep wearing your ring because it can get caught on your pillow, your sheets, or your hair, resulting in scratches, some of which may be painful or noticeable.

Tips on How to Wear Your Engagement and Wedding Ring

Rings on the Left Hand

The most common way to wear a wedding ring is on the left hand because ancient Egyptians thought a vein ran directly from the ring finger to the heart. Your wedding ring will be the closest it can be to your heart if you wear it inward. There are many cultures that practise left-handed ring wearing, but the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, and many Asian countries are among the most prominent.

Rings on the Right Hand

Where you live and the customs you're used to may influence how you show off your wedding band. Couples in Russia, Poland, and Denmark, among other countries of Northern and Eastern Europe, often wear their wedding bands on the right hand, despite the widespread practise of doing so in the West. The same can be said for India, Greece, Spain, and Portugal. In addition, some countries, such as Brazil, have a tradition where the bride and groom wear their wedding rings on different hands until the ceremony is over, at which point they switch.

Wedding Ring First, Engagement Ring on Top

The wedding band and the engagement ring are often worn together on the same finger. A wedding ring is worn before an engagement ring in this situation. When it comes to the big day, how do you wear your engagement ring and wedding band? If you decide to go this route, take off your ring before the ceremony so you don't have to worry about losing it or accidentally dropping it. Tip: Keep it on your right hand or in a very secure location. After the ceremony, you can either re-wear your sparkler at the reception or take some time to appreciate your new band.

Engagement Ring First, Wedding Ring on Top

One alternative is to wear them backwards, which is also common. Logic suggests wearing rings in the order they were given to you. You may find meaning in the symbolic connection between your engagement ring and your wedding band. Putting on your wedding ring as a daily reminder of your commitment to one another serves as a symbolic bookend to your engagement story.

Engagement Ring One On Finger, Wedding Ring on the Other

If your wedding band doesn't go with your engagement ring, this is a great way to wear it. Some people like to switch the engagement ring and wedding band around on their fingers. This non-standard option is great for people who don't want to wear a set of rings on one finger or who don't have a matching set. It's also an excellent choice for people who don't like to wear multiple rings at once. Apart from individual preference, couples in countries like Germany and the Netherlands tend to wear engagement rings on the right hand and wedding bands on the left.

Alternate Rings

There are no hard and fast regulations regarding the proper placement of wedding bands. There's no rule that says you have to rock both at once. Some people only wear their engagement rings on special occasions, preferring to wear their wedding bands every day. Some people, however, prefer to live in their glistening engagement rings and never take them off. You get to decide.

Reasons Why it's Important to Wear Your Wedding Ring?


A wedding ring is a public declaration of your love and devotion to your spouse. Dating back to the Middle Ages, when the groom would present the bride and her family with an expensive ring to demonstrate his commitment to the marriage and that he would never step back from this relationship, wedding rings have served as tokens of commitment ever since.

Having the ring on your finger at all times is a public declaration of your commitment to your partner and demonstrates your openness about your relationship. In addition to symbolising your commitment to one another for the rest of your lives, the constant visual reminder of the ring on your finger can serve as a reminder to your partner of how much they mean to you.


Attachment, love, and care can also be communicated through the wearing of a wedding ring. In spite of the fact that not all cultures consider marriage to be based on romantic love, the fact that you continue to wear your wedding ring after the vows have been exchanged is a clear indication that your spouse is someone to whom you feel deeply committed.

In addition, when you're feeling particularly homesick for your partner, the ring can almost serve as a physical manifestation of the happy memories you've shared with them in the past. In addition to symbolising your marriage to one another, the ring also holds precious memories of the times you've spent together.


The act of wearing a wedding ring can serve as a visual reminder to consider your partner in all of your actions. When you put a wedding ring on your finger, you take on the additional duty of always considering your partner with due respect. You're no longer an island, and your choices now affect not only your partner but also the people you care about. That's why it's important to pause before making a move and ask yourself, "Am I being respectful to my partner by taking this decision?"

The importance of respect in marriage, and in all relationships, cannot be overstated. You can guarantee the longevity of your relationship or marriage by always keeping your partner in mind.


Wearing a wedding ring all the time can help you avoid or deflect unwanted scrutiny. Many married couples harbour suspicions that their partner has been unfaithful, despite the fact that they may not openly discuss this issue. Wearing a wedding ring sends a message to everyone you come into contact with on a daily basis that you are a committed couple, which can help ward off any potential negative outcomes.

It has also been suggested that a lack of emotional connection with one's partner or a sense of being unappreciated or unloved are major contributors to infidelity. Every married couple goes through ups and downs, so these emotions are to be expected. Still, you can do your part by showing your partner you value them and are dedicated to the relationship by wearing your wedding ring every day.


Fifth, showing your children that you value your marriage by always wearing your ring sends a positive message and gives them the impression that their own parents are happy and committed. Your children will learn the value of a marriage and a committed partnership as they grow older, and they will gain an appreciation for the symbolism of a wedding band when they see you proudly wearing yours every day.

It's been said that if you and your partner set a good example for your future children, they'll be more likely to view marriage positively themselves.

In What Order Should I Place Rings on My Ring Finger?

Inquiries into stacking may arise if you plan to wear your engagement and wedding rings on the same finger. Wedding bands are traditionally worn furthest away from the knuckle and closest to the heart by married couples. This position is below the engagement ring.

The traditional way to show respect on the day of the wedding is to switch engagement rings to the right hand before taking the first step down the aisle. The ring can be slid up your left finger by your future spouse.

The icing on the cake can come at any point during or after the ceremony with the presentation of the engagement ring. Some modern brides prefer the convenience of having their wedding and engagement rings soldered together. We think it's fantastic how this creates a new way of thinking about marriage.

Can I Wear My Wedding Ring and Engagement Ring on Different Hands?

Absolutely! In most cases, the decision will come down to cultural norms or individual tastes. When married, some women prefer to wear their wedding band on the left hand ring finger, while their engagement ring stays on the right. It is up to you to decide whether to carry on an age-old custom or start your own.

Can I Wear Rings on My Ring Finger If I'm Not Engaged or Married?

In accordance with urban legend, it's not wise to adorn your left hand ring finger with a flimsy band that you're not ready to fully commit to. Don't believe in magic and ghosts? Wear the ring if it fits! On the other hand, if you're currently single and hoping to meet someone, it might not be a good idea to advertise the fact that you're already taken by donning a ring on that finger.

Is It Okay to Wear Rings All the Time?

Though it's tempting to wear your rings constantly, doing so puts them at risk of being scratched, losing their stones, or having their settings marred. You should take off your rings before going to the gym, doing any sort of physical activity, going to bed, and cleaning (especially if you're using chemicals). Taking off your rings before bed will prevent scratches in the morning (on you or your partner) and will also protect them from swelling and damage.

Twice a year, have a jeweller check and clean your engagement ring. In doing so, you can rest assured that the ring's lustre and sparkle will endure and that it will be free of any wear and tear.

How Do I Measure the Size of My Ring Finger?

Measuring a finger for a ring involves a surprisingly complex set of variables. Think about your daily routine and the ring's intended purpose in addition to the size and shape of your finger. It's important to remember this if you frequently engage in activities like flying or working out that can lead to finger swelling. Because of seasonal temperature changes, the human hand and finger swell in the summer and contract in the winter. Size can also be affected by the band's width; typically, wider bands are more comfortable for looser fits.

To get the most accurate measurements, take them when you're at rest in the middle of the day (fingers can swell overnight), rather than right after a workout or a heavy meal. If there are ever any minute variations in finger size, ring guards or beads can be used to help compensate. Get your finger measured by a professional if you have any doubts about your ring size.

To sum up, a wedding ring symbolizes and protects the love and devotion you feel for your spouse while also warding off evil spirits and other unwanted influences. What matters most in a marriage is the love shared by the two people getting married, not the monetary value of the ring exchanged.


Traditions involving the exchange of wedding rings date back centuries, but there are some actions you should never take while wearing your ring. Some examples of these are cleaning with chemicals, sports, and working out. Vasoconstriction, which occurs when working with water, can cause your hands to shrink and contract, and gardening can cause dirt and soil to get into cracks. Avoid finger amputation by not wearing jewellery when participating in sports. Gloves may be sufficient for protecting hands and ring if the band is flat, but they look and feel strange when worn with rings that feature a diamond or other jewels that protrude from the surface.

In order to prevent residue buildup, metal dulling, and possible damage, wedding rings should be removed before weight lifting or applying any kind of lotion or cream. Sticky food residue can get stuck in crevices and even damage precious stones, so it's best to keep them away from the kitchen. Your wedding ring should be removed or replaced with something non-conductive if your job requires you to use your hands or operate machinery frequently. It's also not a good idea to sleep with your ring on because it could scratch your skin if it gets caught on your pillow, sheets, or hair. How you flaunt your wedding band may depend on where you live and the traditions you're used to.

To add, showing your kids that you're happy and committed in your marriage sends a great message. Changing engagement rings to the right hand is a traditional sign of respect on the wedding day, done before the first step down the aisle. Some contemporary brides prefer the ease of having their wedding and engagement rings soldered together, and the presentation of the engagement ring can occur at any point during or after the ceremony. Some brides choose to keep their engagement ring on the right hand ring finger even after they exchange wedding bands. Each person must decide for themselves whether to continue a time-honored tradition or to forge a new one.

Keep in mind that you should remove your rings before engaging in any sort of strenuous activity, including going to the gym, playing sports, cleaning, or sleeping. Check and clean your engagement ring twice a year to keep it looking beautiful and free of wear and tear. Changes in ambient temperature throughout the year and the width of the band itself are just two of the many factors to consider when taking a finger measurement for a ring. Rather than taking your measurements immediately after a strenuous workout or a big meal, it's best to do so when you're at rest in the middle of the day. Ring guards or beads can be used to accommodate for slight differences in finger size. In addition to protecting your love and commitment to your spouse, a wedding ring can also serve as a powerful amulet against evil spirits and other negative energies.

Content Summary

  • Wedding ring rituals have been practised by nearly all societies for many generations.
  • Looking back through time, you'll see that the tradition of exchanging wedding rings hasn't changed much.
  • Cold water, which is common in water sports, can cause your hands to shrink and contract.
  • Traditional wedding rings have been responsible for the loss of fingers in a wide variety of sports, from basketball to martial arts.
  • When participating in sports, it's best to avoid injury by not wearing jewellery.
  • A silicone ring is another option because it will not tear off your finger if it gets caught on something.
  • Numerous cases of wedding rings causing injuries during sleep can be attributed to this practise.
  • The most common way to wear a wedding ring is on the left hand because ancient Egyptians thought a vein ran directly from the ring finger to the heart.
  • Where you live and the customs you're used to may influence how you show off your wedding band.
  • When it comes to the big day, how do you wear your engagement ring and wedding band?
  • Tip: Keep it in your right hand or in a very secure location.
  • You may find meaning in the symbolic connection between your engagement ring and your wedding band.
  • If your wedding band doesn't go with your engagement ring, this is a great way to wear it.
  • Some people like to switch the engagement ring and wedding band around on their fingers.
  • There are no hard and fast regulations regarding the proper placement of wedding bands.
  • Some people only wear their engagement rings on special occasions, preferring to wear their wedding bands every day.
  • A wedding ring is a public declaration of your love and devotion to your spouse.
  • Having the ring on your finger at all times is a public declaration of your commitment to your partner and demonstrates your openness about your relationship.
  • In addition to symbolising your commitment to one another for the rest of your lives, the constant visual reminder of the ring on your finger can serve as a reminder to your partner of how much they mean to you.
  • Attachment, love, and care can also be communicated through the wearing of a wedding ring.
  • The act of wearing a wedding ring can serve as a visual reminder to consider your partner in all of your actions.
  • When you put a wedding ring on your finger, you take on the additional duty of always considering your partner with due respect.
  • You can guarantee the longevity of your relationship or marriage by always keeping your partner in mind.
  • Wearing a wedding ring all the time can help you avoid or deflect unwanted scrutiny.
  • Still, you can do your part by showing your partner you value them and are dedicated to the relationship by wearing your wedding ring every day.
  • It's been said that if you and your partner set a good example for your future children, they'll be more likely to view marriage positively themselves.
  • Inquiries into stacking may arise if you plan to wear your engagement and wedding rings on the same finger.
  • The traditional way to show respect on the day of the wedding is to switch engagement rings to the right hand before taking the first step down the aisle.
  • The icing on the cake can come at any point during or after the ceremony with the presentation of the engagement ring.
  • When married, some women prefer to wear their wedding band on the left hand ring finger, while their engagement ring stays on the right.
  • It is up to you to decide whether to carry on an age-old custom or start your own.
  • In accordance with urban legend, it's not wise to adorn your left hand ring finger with a flimsy band that you're not ready to fully commit to.

Frequently Asked Questions

The fourth finger of the left hand is the traditional location for the wedding ring in many cultures. The "ring finger" is the fourth finger from the end of the hand, and it is thought to have a special relationship with the heart.


The decision to always sport a wedding band is entirely up to the couple. While some choose to flaunt their marital status at all times, others only do so on special occasions or when wearing their wedding ring.


An engagement ring or promise ring can be worn alongside a wedding band, and vice versa. But pick rings that go well together in terms of design and style.


In case your wedding band is too large or too small, you can have it resized. Visit a reputable jeweller to have the ring resized to avoid damaging the piece.


If you believe it brings bad luck to remove a wedding ring, that's your business. Taking off one's wedding ring is interpreted differently by different people; for some, it's a sign of infidelity, while for others, it's just a piece of jewellery. Whether or not to remove a wedding band depends on the person and their values.

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