How much to spend on an engagement ring

How much to spend on an engagement ring?

Diamond rings have been given as engagement jewellery for generations. A Diamond Is Forever has made them globally renowned as emblems of promise, loyalty, and eternal love. How about the question of where exactly on the body the engagement and wedding rings should go?

Are you prepared to begin your search for an engagement ring? When it comes time to take your love for one another to the next level, you'll want to do it right with a meaningful proposal and a beautiful ring. After all, you've been looking forwards to this moment together for quite some time, and it's bound to leave a lasting impression. Getting engaged may not seem like a big deal at first. Get yourself to a jewellery store, and don't forget your cash! But when you peruse the many tiers of rings in varying styles, sizes, and pricing points, you'll quickly realise that a little bit of homework goes a long way in making the right decision. We'll bust some myths about how much you should spend on an engagement ring, walk you through the average price of an engagement ring in 2021, and show you how to get the perfect ring without breaking the bank.

What is The Average Cost of An Engagement Ring?

Never spend more than you can comfortably afford on an engagement ring. Spending two months' salary on an engagement ring is a myth created by the diamond industry giant DeBeers to increase consumer demand for their product.

Spending that much money if you don't have it is foolish, if not hazardous (and even a little reckless if you can afford it).

Don't let other people dictate your spending habits. Your fiancée and you have the last say on how much money to spend on her engagement ring.

You're getting married, therefore you should probably consolidate your funds even if you haven't done so before. You probably shouldn't tell your girlfriend that you're about to make a major buy, but you should probably gauge how much she thinks you should spend. There's no time like the present to address the issue of an unexpectedly big or low sum.

Myths Regarding the Price of an Engagement Ring

Spending the Equivalent of Three Months' Wage

The most widespread (and antiquated) engagement ring myth is that one should spend around three months of one's salary on a ring. She works with clients of varying financial means because there is no hard and fast rule about how much money you should spend on an engagement ring.

Looking for a Cheaper Diamond Online

Buying diamonds online is riskier, because there are more low-quality stones available to choose from. Rather, getting information from the source itself. When in doubt, "it's best to consult the pros for your needs,"  "Given that cutting and shaping diamonds is a scientific endeavour, there are many subtleties to master for each. If you need help choosing a diamond for your engagement ring's centrepiece, you should definitely see a professional." These professionals will assist you in maximising your money while still obtaining a diamond of exceptional quality by using the "Four C's."

You can employ any of numerous remote services in the event that you are unable to locate a suitable diamond expert in your immediate area.

Most Common Designs for Engagement Rings

Diamonds remain the most popular gem by a wide margin, notwithstanding the historical significance of emeralds and sapphires. Despite other options, 86% of engaged couples still choose diamonds as their engagement ring's centrepiece.

Even yet, couples often opt for nontraditional stones. For example, moissanite's fame is only growing. In 2020, moissanite was chosen by 26% of individuals who wanted to replace a precious stone in an alternative ring (up 7% from 2019). Approximately two-thirds of all engagement rings feature a centre stone that is somewhere between half a carat and one and a half carats. A similar proportion of rings (43%) were round cut as in prior years. Five-eighths of the rings had a diamond in the centre with smaller diamonds on either side, while one-quarter had a single diamond set in an individual setting.

Engagement rings, however, are about more than just the stones. Even for committed pairs, the right metal is important. In terms of the metal setting, white gold is by far the most popular option, selected by 48% of respondents. After white gold, 16% of people chose yellow gold, and 13% of people chose rose gold.

Costs of Proposal Rings

The cost of an engagement ring is not something to be laughed off, but where do you even begin to set a budget for such an important purchase? This question has a complex and very individualistic response. Jeweler  recommends starting with a reasonable budget. "The next step is to make a list of requirements (such as size or quality) that will guide your search for the ideal ring. It's important to make a plan for this purchase, as it will be something you see on a daily basis for the rest of your life."

Creating a price limit before shopping for an engagement ring is a simple approach to keep costs in check. According to our research, 82% of people who buy for rings do so with a specific amount in mind. About one-fifth of engaged couples (15%) said they discussed the wedding budget with their future spouse. From what we could tell, only 10% of married couples actually worked together to create a budget.

About two-thirds of ring consumers were able to stay below their set spending limit, but one-fifth went over.

Nearly all proposers (91%) purchased the ring themselves, according to the Knot 2020 Jewelry and Engagement Study. Very few (2%) stated their parents helped pay for the ring, while 3% indicated their partner did. The same percentage of engaged couples divided the cost of the ring or used their joint account to purchase it.

The cost of insurance should be included in alongside the purchase price of the engagement diamond. According to our research, over two-thirds of ring purchasers also bought insurance. As an expensive and sentimental possession, we always advise couples to insure their engagement rings.

Just How Much Should You Spend on an Engagement Ring?

Here's the golden rule your dad or pops probably reminded you about: It's recommended that you save up two or three months' worth of income for an engagement ring. You should feel forced to spend $20,000 to $30,000 on an engagement ring if you earn $10,000 per month; if your significant other finds out you spent less, you will be punished severely.

That's the catch, thoug

That is to say, the men who first implemented and popularised the two-months' wage rule did so because they had less financial obligations and a distinct set of objectives.

And did you find out who began it all? Marketing firm for the 1930s diamond industry leader. During the Great Depression, British diamond manufacturer De Beers used an advertising campaign promoting a "one-month rule" to help jumpstart business. High levels of success may be seen in the fact that the percentage of diamonds in engagement rings increased from 10% in the 1920s to 80% by the end of the century, and the once-a-month rule expanded to 2-3 months. Professor of marketing and strategy at Middlesex University T.C. Melewar told the BBC that it was "one of the most successful items of marketing ever attempted."

What's The Going Rate For Engagement Rings These Days?

Wedding Officiant

The number of nontraditional relationships continues to rise. Because of the uniqueness of your relationship and the life you've built together, the ring you choose should represent that, and not a predetermined standard. (For tips on finding an affordable engagement ring, see here.)

Maybe you and your partner have other plans for your future together, such as buying a house, paying off debt, starting a family, or travelling the world. Perhaps you and your partner are among the increasing number of young families who, after reading about the benefits of shared experiences rather than material possessions, are deciding to invest more of your resources in activities like vacationing together or taking up a new hobby.

In addition, many modern engaged couples shop for an engagement ring together, with some even agreeing to split the bill. For Cosmopolitan's Rachel Torgerson, "being there all the step of the way helped me understand the immensity of what goes it into proposal." "It takes a lot of planning to buy an engagement ring, what with having to save up for it, shop around, weigh the importance of size versus quality, and then write the check. To a certain extent, I shared in your ups and downs, uncertainties and reassurances. Incredible as it may sound, we saw it through carefully and methodically."

In addition to Clarity's beautiful selection of hand-crafted, ethically produced diamond rings, the company also offers free shipping and returns, a replica home preview, and a lifetime warranty.

Glamor on a Dime

Even on a limited budget, you can get the most out of your ring. Start by doing all of your purchasing online. Diamonds sold at a physical jewellery store may have their price increased by as much as 50 percent in order to compensate for the business's operating costs. Clarity is an online jewellery store that was established in part to take advantage of its founders' established relationships with diamond suppliers and then to offer those discounts to its customers.

Second, read our recommendations for getting the most value out of your diamond dollar. A fashionable sapphire, as seen on recent engagement rings worn by Lady Gaga and Meghan Markle, is one choice; a three-stone band is another; and exploring either or both of these alternatives in a halo engagement ring style can make any diamond appear larger.

Let the gemologists at Clarity assist you in selecting an engagement ring that will last a lifetime. Contact us now and we'll put you in touch with someone who is incredibly skilled at finding the ideal ring for you and your partner within your budget and set of priorities.

How Much Money Should You Invest on an Engagement Ring?

Earnings Equal to Three Months' Wage

Spending three months' worth of income on an engagement ring is the recommendation of an expert-fueled report on However, this is more of a ballpark figure; if the ring buyer is "heavily in debt" or "worried about job stability," he or she may choose to reduce the purchase.

Earnings for One Month

You may have heard the more widespread rule of thumb that a person should spend around a month's pay on the ring—and you have diamond company De Beers to thank for that little wisdom nugget. During the Great Depression in the United States, De Beers ran an advertisement campaign recommending that consumers spend one month's salary on the ring as a way to cut costs, and the recommendation caught on.

Partial Agreement

If three months sounds like a stretch for your S.O. but one month seems a little skimpy, there are certain current modes of thought that recommend you compromise and spend two months' pay on the rock. If you want to spend a lot of money but not ruin your finances in the process, this may be the way to go.

Put Down the Ring Industry Standard Price

The average cost of an engagement ring  was $4000, according to a research by Jewelers of America . You can always provide this data to your future spouse and advise that they follow the national median. It's a reasonable sum, but remember that it has nothing to do with his or her actual wealth.

Ignore the Regulations

We believe that the amount spent on an engagement ring should be entirely up to the individual buying it, as do many cash-strapped Americans. Though suggestions are always appreciated, in the end it is not up to you if you aren't the one footing the bill.  "A lot of women would not want their fiancé to spend that much money on a ring." Let your conscience be your guide.

What's Wrong With Putting Away Two Months' Salary?

Spending two months' salary on an engagement ring has long been considered a lot of money. But I'd say that this outdated standard isn't very practical these days, especially for people who want to get married in their twenties or thirties.

There is no need to act like it's the '50s here.

More and more people in our generation are graduating with substantial student loan debt and the prospect of starting their careers with meagre incomes. The rising cost of living means we either have to return home to our parents or find somewhere to live with six strangers.

Women outnumber males in the workforce and in median income. Most of us can't afford to move from being students to being married homeowners with children in under five years, even with two incomes.

Age at first marriage is on the rise. In other words, many of us will delay starting families until later in life. Those of us who want to get married right away shouldn't be made to wait because we can't afford the "conventional" idea of what a wedding should cost, from the diamond to the altar.

Keep in Mind That "Thoughtful" Does Not Always Equal "Expensive"

Your love isn't proportional to the size of the ring you buy. You can't buy thoughtfulness, and an expensive ring won't make up for it. Either a 0.9 carat round diamond set in vintage white gold or a 2.01 carat round diamond set in a white gold halo would make a lovely engagement ring. Numerous resources exist to help you purchase the ring of your dreams at a price that won't break the bank.

No matter how many carats your ring has or how much money you spend, the effort you put into designing it will be appreciated. Investing in time and thought to get the perfect, unique ring will pay you in ways you can't even imagine.

Maintaining cleanliness is also essential. Although the focus of this essay is on the total cost of the ring, the clarity of the diamond chosen for it is as crucial. A consumer's priority, in our opinion, should be to get the most inexpensive "eye-clean" diamond possible (within reason, of course). For diamonds that may have imperfections when viewed via a microscope or loupe, but are invisible to the human eye, the term "eye-clean" is used.

By analysing films of diamonds, our recently developed and patented artificial intelligence model called Ringo can assess whether or not the stones are flawless. Ringo will also filter for additional criteria, such as whether or not the diamond is well-cut, whether or not it has fluorescence concerns, and whether or not it will work with the style setting you select.


At first glance, getting engaged may not appear to be all that significant. You may think you know what you're looking for in a ring until you start browsing the many tiers of rings in varying styles, sizes, and price points, at which point you'll realise that a little bit of research goes a long way towards making the right decision. Never go into debt over an engagement ring purchase. Despite the fact that emeralds and sapphires have played important roles in history, diamonds continue to be the most sought-after gemstone. Nearly 90% of all diamonds sold are set in engagement rings.

Finding the right metal is crucial, even for committed couples. According to research from Knot 2020's Jewelry and Engagement Study, nearly all suitors (91%). Only 15% of engaged couples reported having a conversation about wedding costs with their partner. Insuring the engagement ring is an additional expense that should be factored into the overall budget. Over the course of the twentieth century, the use of diamonds in engagement rings went from ten percent in the 1920s to eighty percent at century's end.

These days, many engaged couples go ring shopping together, and some even agree to divide the cost. Diamond rings from Clarity are made by hand and are produced in an ethical manner; they also come with free shipping and returns. You can make your ring stretch even if you're on a tight budget. One option is to go with a trendy sapphire, like the ones Lady Gaga and Meghan Markle have worn in their engagement rings recently. Alternatively, you could compromise by putting two months' worth of money on the rock.

According to a study conducted by Jewelers of America, the median price of an engagement ring was $4,000. Don't do anything against your better judgement. Even with two incomes, most of us can't afford to go from being single students to married homeowners in under five years. The most important thing for future brides to do is to find the least expensive "eye-clean" diamond they can (within reason, of course). The time and thought you put into creating the ring's design will be much more valued than the monetary cost.

Content Summary

  • We'll bust some myths about how much you should spend on an engagement ring, walk you through the average price of an engagement ring in 2021, and show you how to get the perfect ring without breaking the bank.
  • If you need help choosing a diamond for your engagement ring's centrepiece, you should definitely see a professional."
  • "Creating a price limit before shopping for an engagement ring is a simple approach to keep costs in check.
  • The cost of insurance should be included in alongside the purchase price of the engagement diamond.
  • Marketing firm for the 1930s diamond industry leader.
  • During the Great Depression, British diamond manufacturer De Beers used an advertising campaign promoting a "one-month rule" to help jumpstart business.
  • High levels of success may be seen in the fact that the percentage of diamonds in engagement rings increased from 10% in the 1920s to 80% by the end of the century, and the once-a-month rule expanded to 2-3 months.
  • Professor of marketing and strategy at Middlesex University T.C. Melewar told the BBC that it was "one of the most successful items of marketing ever attempted.
  • Even on a limited budget, you can get the most out of your ring.
  • Start by doing all of your purchasing online.
  • The average cost of an engagement ring  was $4000, according to a research by Jewelers of America .
  • Your love isn't proportional to the size of the ring you buy.
  • Although the focus of this essay is on the total cost of the ring, the clarity of the diamond chosen for it is as crucial.
  • By analysing films of diamonds, our recently developed and patented artificial intelligence model called Ringo can assess whether or not the stones are flawless.

FAQ's About Engagement Ring

The four metals most commonly used for engagement ring settings are yellow gold, white gold, rose gold and platinum. Just like when it comes to design, there's no best metal for every ring — instead, it's best to choose the metal for your setting based on taste, longevity and cost.

We've established that there are no rules about how much you should spend on an engagement ring or your wedding, but people still like to know how they compare. According to a 2020 Australian wedding industry report, the average couple in Australia is spending $5,367 on their engagement ring.
General Rule: You should spend at least 2 months salary on the engagement ring. If, for example, you are making $60,000 per year, you should spend $10,000 on the engagement ring.

Yes. The engagement ring is worn every day. That being said, the engagement ring should not be worn at certain moments throughout the day.

General Rule: You should spend at least 2 months salary on the engagement ring. If, for example, you are making $60,000 per year, you should spend $10,000 on the engagement ring.
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